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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×

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Hello all,

i am AOB, that is pronounced AY, OH, BEE. I do not seriously wish to change my moniker as this one has been around since my Fighter Ace (which I certainly was not) days. I thought it was a good choice as it sounded vaguely Japanese and we used to do a lot of flying with and against that lot.

The answers must be in here somewhere, but after an hour or two I cannot find them (probably my fault) but:-

What servers does DD have or use for Great Battles?

What are the Teamspeak channel details for DD?

Where are the DD skin packs located?

Is there a DD starter info pack that I should read?

I have CLoD and most of the Great Battles plus a few of the collection aircraft. (Aren't sales great). 

I am probably going to spend a day or two getting my control keys sorted but I look forward to catching up with  you up there.




  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Dave!  🤪


We can't put too many details in a thread over here like this - its a bit too public. And it's all probably hidden for you on the forums, hence you could not find any relevant info. We do not want just anybody from the internets visit our TS and servers you know ...  (Hey, it works, here's the proof!)

We run a dogfight server with some 4 rotating missions/maps, every 90 minutes. (24/7)

We run a dogfight server with one mission/map, restarting each and every 3 hours. (24/7, except when we are running coops or other special events)

Both are these are only available with 'Mods enabled', and password protected.

For skins we have some in the download section on the forums, we also have a utility called CheckSkins, which once installed on your pc will dowload some 50GB of skin files to your GBS, and it will also upload any skins you have and that we are missing. Access to that utility is also limited to DangerDogz. Once you've connected to our TS server, you will be automatically granted access to it though. (To download it, you need to be a DangerDogz member first).

I bet someone will do something clever, like send you some passwords via PM.

I am too lazy for that at the moment.

We also have two CLOD servers running, though you did not ask for that info. Oh, and also two DCS servers.

Have Fun!



  • 2. Administrators

PM sent AOB, any questions please let us know and someone will help you out.

Starter info pack you say...we used to have something like that during our '46 days but I never got around to updating it when we moved to GBS. I might revisit that one of these days but our usual somewhat chaotic approach to getting new fliers involved seems to work reasonably well.


Hi and welcome, squad nights for Box are on Tuesday and Sunday nights . We are online around 2000 hrs UK time. Format is dogfight server for 30 mins to warm up then into co ops. We also host events, currently flying a p-38 campaign 

We use teamspeak for communication

We fly coops using all versions of the SIM and bodenplatte is almost necessary to take part.

In addition there are squad members from united states and Canada and they host .

We do not usually fly full real but allow incons etc. However you should be comfortable with engine start and management and twin prop plane control

The is no ranking per se in the squad tho some senior members have a committee to help run the squad

The most important is that we are a FUN friendly group that have been flying together for many years and welcome all but the most absolute idiots. 

There is plenty of experience, support and advice in the squad and I'm sure you would enjoy being around



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