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~S~... i wanna say ive enjoyed flying with you all from time to time . looking to put a few more hours in this game, anyone wanna train me?? I tryed to go thru the "recruiting" tab but it didnt seem to work for me .. personal info....

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Bear sir, you are always more than welcome to join in with any and all training sessions M8. As Jensen says, you are considered a Dog already !!! LOL ;)

~S~ Painless


Hi Bear,

So you finally made it to our website. :) Welcome m8.

Don't let him kid you folks with all the talk about needing training. This fine fellow can shoot the arse of anyone over at Joint Ops where I think he won the Top Gun competition.

As JP says, consider yourself a fully fledged member of the DD's and the kennel. Now that you have registered I will give you access to the private members lounges.

You have also been on our email spam list for several months now.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome Bear :)

Thanks for the increased work load, 'recruiting thingy wouldn't work', sheesh.....:icon_lol:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ah, it is a sign I tell you, from the Great Book of the Priory, Chapter 5, Paragrapgh 3, Verse 2

"...And on the day of enlightenment, from the sky, the Great Bear shall appear above The house of the Rightious, and thus, hence from that day forward wonderous things shall begat all those that habit there."

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Frior LMAO !! :) :) :) :)

@ Bear , you won Top Gun !! ~S~ and RESPEEEEEEEEEEEECT sir !!

For those of you that don't know , JO Top Gun is two 6-8 hour days of gruelling competition including all aspects of flying, difficult landings, looping , racing , amongst other things.

~S~ Painless


Ah, it is a sign I tell you, from the Great Book of the Priory, Chapter 5, Paragrapgh 3, Verse 2

"...And on the day of enlightenment, from the sky, the Great Bear shall appear above The house of the Rightious, and thus, hence from that day forward wonderous things shall begat all those that habit there."

Ah, but dear brother Frior-One (isn't that a redundancy?), didn't Saint Ball Ox (c. 430 A.D.) translate that very same passage to actually read "hence from that day forward wonderous things shall be shat upon all those that habit there." (author's italics)

This did indeed begin the Great Bear schism, did it not?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

it depends on which translation you are using. I prefer to use the one done by the eminent accademic Benjemim D'over in the late 17th Century. I feel that it stays faithful to the original text. It is true that other scholers would disagree with this opinion and say that the earlier work done by the Inuits was of more value. That they had more of an understanding of what the original author, whos name has now long since been lost in with the passage of time, was trying to convey when he, or dare I say She, wrote the text. That also raises another issue which I feel that would need many more pages to discuss, unless of course you belive the writings of Cornboil III in 96AD, but I dont have to tell you about them! 


Quite right, old bean, quite right. But, seeing as we seem to be digressing from the topic of this thread, might I suggest that we continue this discussion in the abbey over a glass of the Priory's Special Reserve port? Say 7 pm'ish?

I'll have the cigars ready in the humidor. A treat this time: a sweet Equadorian corona.


  • 1. DDz Quorum


A finer comedy double act it would be hard to find gentlemen !! TY for the smiles !! ~S~ !! :)



Comedy? Comedy? (rising inflection on the second "comedy") I was being entirely serious. I may have to pull out my church card on you lot, as I am an actual bishop (well, elder, but the Greek word can be translated both ways) so watch it!

Brother Frior, I believe we have been slandered. What's the usual penance for such as young Mick over there in the corner of the pub, under that overturned table, sucking the alcohol out of used bar rags?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hells bells Pete, I prostrate myself at your feet , do unto me what you will for I am an unworthy sinner who understands not the intellectual banta between fine scholars such as you and brother Colin.

May my punishment be long and painful with a hint of baby oil !! lol

Infact I'm going to start the ball rolling by giving myself a mug of hot chocolate which is only HALF FULL this very evening sir. :o

~S~ Painless

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Painless, you are to be congratulated as being one of lifes optimists. Some may have said a mug of hot chocolate half EMPTY!

The Priory does not believe in handing out punishments, some of the Brothers are more likly to be on the receiving end


Painless, you are to be congratulated as being one of lifes optimists. Some may have said a mug of hot chocolate half EMPTY!

The Priory does not believe in handing out punishments, some of the Brothers are more likly to be on the receiving end

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

The Priory does not believe in handing out punishments, some of the Brothers are more likly to be on the receiving end


LOL.. show some restraint Rog... well at least use the ones that come with the thigh leather boots and whip!! :D :D

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