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Sunday screenies (or how my ass was handeth to me, repeatedthly by 352d.)

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Sorry it took so damn long to post this, but 'improvements' to PSE made doing this consume 4 times as much time........plus i been kinda busy. I hope the site doesnt gag on me like it does so often, but if it does, I'll finish later. If anyone is misidentified, or if any of the 352cd guys can id some of their own, feel free to correct me.

Anyhoot, the SEOW attempt last sun wasnt a total loss.....well, tactically it may have been, but............

Anyway, There we were, the 15 or so noble pilots of the K-9 wing, vs about a dozen evil minions of the 352cd purveyors of evil (grrrr). Now, one would assume that given the numerical advantage (or at least the illusion of one), that the dogz (and a smidgeon of hounds du hell) would have made relatively quick work of these interlopers.............but nooooooooooooooooo. Speaking for myself, I got my ass handed to me repeatedly. I think (ahem) that those guys were rather.........um,well organized.

My role in this epic adventure began as enemy He-111s made torp runs on our capitol ships. One of these guys is really intrepid, not even letting the threat of a super fighter like the Brewster F-ing Buffalo intimidate him.


But as was too common that day, he is blown apart by an unseen attacker....these guys just don't play fair.........WAAAHH.


The 352cd Do pilot was undoubtedly relieved, as he turns his wounded bird toward his base. He's probably thinking "next time I'll keep my F#cking energy up".


Some of our guys were giving as good as we were getting. Jensenpark, Shadow, and Von Tonar seemed to be doing rather well at times. The attrition rate on both sides was pretty heavy, but the war didnt last long enough for our superior numbers to have an effect. Here Jensenpark is down to his 303s but continues to riddle a Ki-84 (which our enemy seemed to prefer.....not as delicate as a Zeke). We kept running outta ammo it seemed.


Too many times a Frank would take alot of fire and keep on going, as in this case. These guys reminded me of Cylons on Battlestar Galactica....come to think of it, this whole deal is strangely similiar; everytime we get killed, we get downloaded to a new plane. I got downloaded ALOT.


In case you were wondering where the wing leadership was, he was attacking enemy position, which were coincidentally on some realestate suitable for digging big-ass holes with indentured servants.

Unfortunately, the ever present Ki-84s (with really big guns) were in no mood to exchange land for Canadian beer.


Having lost his tail feathers, BG feels that his narrow escape from destruction justifies some imbibing; he doesn't let danger discouage his indulgence in adult beverages (and apparently, the rest of his sqdrn doesnt either :drunken_smilie:). Note that he has lost part of his arse to 30mm fire.


But danger is his business (well, that and importing slave labor and scarfing up all the poor folks landholdings).....and he's about to get plenty of danger from a really riled up attacker.


Damn those lousy 30mm guns! Of course, it woulda helped if he hadnt mounted up in a flying cigarette lighter. But then again, with those 30mm milk bottles flying at ya....

This was a common theme.........into the valley of death rode the.....um.....15 or so.


Again, our antagonists worked well in elements. Plus, they just didnt like anyone from Canada. Guess they didnt like some of us digging holes in thier land....with bombs. But since we didnt get the chance to do such that much......


I kinda think we oughta consider assigning somebody to CAP over our base next time. I got blasted at least 4 times while i was taking off. Once i got it on my takeoff run and was hauling A across the ground, and right into the trees off the end of the runway. I also made the best forced landing ever at the end with a damaged engine running at full throttle. I positioned myself on approach and killed the engine, dead stick. Pity nobody hardly saw it. But at any rate, we gotta get our crap together and organize a bit more beforehand.....I think. Of course, I do realize that no battle plan survives the opening moments of contact, but, like Kyle and Stan in Southpark, I learned something today. God if you only knew how long it took to do this thing here......Im done now.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Excellent read again Enforcer, well worth the time you put into it!



Again, with an excellent debriefing !!!

And I agree that the 352nd are a formidible opponent, :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

:icon_salut: :icon_salut: ~S~ :icon_salut: :icon_salut:


Well all i know is that I had an adrenalin (did i spell that right?) pumping experience in just that thrown up dogfight map. First time I got to fly wiht the K9s as a unit against an unknown enemy. Man, it was so blasted real from so many aspects. I was laughing as I got blown outta the air.....sometimes.....for a little while. I shoulda taped more of it, but got too carried away.

Toward the end, I finally got an edge on a Ki-84, and was scoring a few 20mm hits. I wound up verticle and was about to deliver the coup de grace, when the thing ended. I just wanna know how they all timed disapearing at once....that was quite a move. And it was lucky for the guy I was about to hose. I yelled pretty loud expletives, then started laughing, then realized that my corsair was smoking yet again and the throttle was stuck.

War is all hell.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Carl M8, excellent post! TY for that, bloody ripping yarn ! :)

Made me feel a little inadequate though, should have been able to cover your ass better !! LOL


"least two, and usually three, of these f#ckers, er, I mean gents"

Kind of like playing poker... it's a good thing when someone calls you names (though, personally, I perfer Bastard ;) ).

Deac is correct though, from our side it seems as though we were having our arses handed to us.


Heh heh, Yeah, JP gives me alot of hell to when Im flying against him.....as does Von Tonar, Rattler, and that damn Painless, when Im not flying his wing. And beware of that whackjob psycho..........his callsign is appropriate...big time; He's really sneaky to.

And Painless, I was supposed to be covering you, since you were lead. I was actually amazed how long I was able to stick with you like glue (another line I stole from "Battle of Britain"). That all ended when I wound up with 3 Ki-84s on my butt and I stalled out evading them. When I recovered from the spin 6 inches over the water (which also delayed my demise), I could only run for my life. Corsairs are a good mount for that. THis thing was so real, I nearly barfed from being airsick

  • 3 months later...
Guest _RAAF_HumV

Sorry I couldnt join in the SEOW :-\ to early for me

I like to think of my self as a part of the 352nd and love flying with the Bastards. And that training night was one of the crazyest and extream il-2 moments ive ever had.

Thanks fellow pilots


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