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My name is John and I live near Wolverhampton in the West Midlands, UK. I have been enjoying computer gaming for a few years now, mainly racing, more recently ETS2 but a complete newcomer to flight simulation. Today, I've almost recovered from a fascinating night in the company of Snacko, Jabo and FT. This session started about 7pm and ended just after 4am this morning!


WOW... what an introduction to IL2 CLoD, IL2 1946 and Dangerdogz


Actually, I should be writing this from within the confines an oxygen tent in the intensive care unit at our local hospital - to say I feel battered would be an understatement - I feel like I've been in the ring with Mike Tyson :)


Only jokin' guys... loved it!


To be honest and at the risk of flattering you all, I feel privileged to have got off to such a good start and want to say a big thank you for giving me such a warm welcome and for being so patient whilst getting me to the start of the runway. Too bad that by the time we got there it was closed as the grass needed cutting!


Jabo, thanks for taking the time to tell me about 1946 (it's now on order) and HSFX, FT, thanks for your advice - I'll be in touch as soon as '46 arrives, Snacko... you know how much I appreciate what you've done for me... just one request...please don't come up with any more idea's for a while - I have no more USB ports and I'm almost broke!


Anyway, fellows, the good news is that I'm ready for another instalment tonight and looking forward to putting all that advice into practice.




  • 2. Administrators

Welcome to the pound slicker, pull up a kennel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Welcome to the mad house Slicker!

If listening in to our comms last night hasn't scared you off, you've definitely found yourself a home here  :P


Looking forward to sharing some sky with you soon!  :salute:


Oh and whatever Painless says to you, just don't do it... it's not natural.   :shaunhb:


Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome, the Amazonian man has just dropped 46 through my letter box... :)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Aaaah... fresh blood! Welcome new victim-I mean member. I look forward to finding you in the gunsight-I mean server soon.

Do be advised that our ecclesiastical flight commander, DD_Friar, will no doubt be along shortly to proffer his own unique brand of spiritual *ahem* guidance *ahem*. Smile politely and nod and if he should make some form of solicitation vis-a-vis 'Sister Jonathan' then I would politely decline. Unless of course you're into that sort of thing, in which case you'll get along nicely with Mr. Painless.


Hello John,

Welcome to the Dogz.  Nice to hear you last night.


Don't worry about Sister Jonathan; she's having "grow-back" issues at the moment and is in the infirmary :sleepy3:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome to the Pound John!


Wolvo eh?

They attempted to educate me in Bridgnorth just down the road, when I wasn't skiving and taking the bus to Wolverhampton that is ;)


You landed really well mate, you simply cannot get a better introduction to flight sims than with this tawdry lot :D


Hello and welcome to the Dogz. Hope you will enjoy flying with us. I am the scapegoat around here. When someone done anything bad or wrong, they always blame it on me.  But I can take it like a gir... man.  Currently my computer is out of buisness, PSU has broke, but I broke it by purpose so everyone can fly without getting pi**ed off at me all the time.  I am born and living in the Norse counties and this may be the reason why the UK guys don´t like me very much. Or the Scott´s, or the... Never mind. Or maybe it is because I use to yell 20 seconds once in a while just to have the pleasure to shoot down Funflak.  But I like sheep!


I won't reply to each of you separately just to save this thread getting too long but thanks to everyone for replying - I have experience of many forums but the welcome from this is really overwhelming. It sounds like there are some 'interesting' characters amongst the clan... I'll try to be prepared for the 'dodgy' one's! See yawl sooon! :)


So, I was thinking it would be a good idea to use this page to record my progress. 


Last night, Capitano El Snacko gave me a great insight into IL-2 '46. He refined my graphics settings and tweaked my controllers before talking me through the start-up procedure prior to demonstrating take-off, flying a pattern, comms procedure and landing. It was great watching him in action from the ground before taking to the controls of my KI43-1C 1941. My first flight went very well, Snacko giving verbal instructions whilst crouched somewhere behind a wooden shed on the edge of the airfield!


This guy takes no prisoners... in no time at all he was demonstrating how to fly in formation before rounding the session off with a quick cockpit tour of a large bomber plane to wet my appetite further. He disappeared for a few minutes and whilst he was gone I fiddled around with a few of the cockpit switches.. suddenly there was a freakin' loud bang and my plane caught fire - I nearly she-height myself... I thought - oh no, he'll go mental when he comes back and see's my plane covered in flames... then I saw this strange green bug-like UFO thingy hovering about a hundred meters in front of me and I realised it had blown my plane up... it stuck around for only a few seconds before zooooming off at high speed... Then I heard this guy laughing his socks off and the penny dropped - very sneaky-snacko...


Here's a warning, albeit, from a newbie, Capitano El Snacko is not what he appears... he's not from this world - he's from another planet! 


That's it for now... look out for the next instalment :)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hello Slicker55 sir,

Very pleased to see these mutts welcome you and help you out as much as possible.

The advise you have been given about the dodgy characters in the squad is, to the best of my knowledge, entirely accurate ; )


  • Like 1

Hi Painless,


Thanks for stopping by to say Hi & looking forward to speaking to you on TS sometime.


You'll be pleased to hear that your (good) reputation goes before you!




PS... I lie like a cheap Japanese watch!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Will you be ready to fly IL2 tonight John? If not you are welcome to sit in on TS ( if there is nothing on the telly )

BTW , I love Motorsport, did a little of it online and in the real world. Are you a fan of F1 ?


  • Like 1

HI Mick,

A little late in replying but as you now know I did join in last night after another training session with Sneako... sorry, I meant Snacko!


Then, I joined the fun... got off the ground and wandered around like a lost sheep trying to figure out which direction the rest of my 'buddies' had gone...  :)


I was really pleased that I had managed to keep my plane up in the air but just starting to feel hopelessly lost... suddenly, my good 'ol mate ... El Capitan Snacko came to the rescue...


A picture saves a thousand words....


don't trust sneako


El Capitan is not my mate any more.... he's a very sneaky snacko!

  • Like 1

That was just part of your training.  Trial by fire.. 


Now you will never fall for that again..   :thumbsu:

  • Like 2

I may be the last, but hopefully not the least to welcome you to the best squad in all the Ethernet!!!  Now get in front of me and I will show you how to be shot down.....



  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Progress Update:


Attended my first Storm of War event last night (02/01/15)... everything went better than anticipated.. took off (after a fashion), managed to stay aloft but didn't get an opportunity to engage.. ran out of fuel on the way back.. landed safely (well, glided in, to unknown airfield, as engine had cut out), re-spawned minutes before 'mission end', returned to base but didn't land so well this time (out there early this morning still picking the pieces up), overall, enjoyed the experience.. felt very supported by DD_Fenrir, Eshark, Snacko and other members of the formation.


I recognise that I have much to learn but I am striving to eventually become an asset to the squadron.


Today, I have prepared a list of things for me to do in order to improve and prepare for the next event :

  1. practice formation flying
  2. practice navigation
  3. practice familiarisation with terrain, landmarks and situational awareness.
  4. practice interpretation of cockpit instruments
  5. practice take-off and landing (in varying weather conditions)
  6. practice airport traffic pattern (ATP) and radio procedure
  7. understand the brief
  8. know my callsign
  9. know callsigns/names of everyone in my Element (identify Element Leader)
  10. squadron callsigns/pilots - list (display on touchscreen)
  11. map obscured view (set up 'quick view' and ‘zoom’ to HOTAS)

I am eager to learn and welcome anyone who wishes to help me out with items 1 - 6

  • 2. Administrators

Good lord - just that?


Just a couple of things that spring to mind that are useful;


1. Trim - being able to trim your aircraft helps to reduce the forces on the stick so you don't have to work so hard to fly correctly and a properly trimmed aircraft will be faster and more responsive than a badly trimmed one - it also makes formation flying much easier


2. Engine management - understand especially the relationship between prop pitch and rpm. Know where your gauges are and how to read them


3. Navigation is really a matter of practice, practice, practice. Bear in mind that Fenrir and BluBear live in Kent and so have a significant advantage in terms of Nav, but spend a few hours in CloD and you'll soon get the hang of it. There's a nice map in the Vault to download if you like - http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/766-clod-channel-map/ - It really boils down to practice in the end though.


4. Situational awareness - can't stress how important this is - knowing where your group is in relation to yourself is paramount. Get separated and you're pretty much a sitting duck. Practice by following someone first. Once you've got to grips with that (and it will take time) then start thinking about formation flying (this will take much longer)


Good luck!

  • Like 1

All excellent points there Jabo, totally agree mate. <br />It's great to have such an enthusiastic new Dog in the squad, you'll do just fine slicker! <br />Keep up the good work mate.

  • Like 1

Thanks Jabo for taking the time to be so detailed in your reply. I really appreciate all the help that I'm getting and hope to be in a position to help other newcomers at some time in the future....



Thanks for the encouragement...   :)


Yes, his formation flying is really just trying to follow someone (me) at this point.  We've gone over Jabo's items 1 & 2 pretty well.  And he can takeoff and land ok.  So, if he can just stay with the flight he won't be a duck, and can practice navigating with the help of others..  All in all he's doing well.  


Tomorrow we will review the difference between the top of the airplane and the bottom with those wheelie thingys.  And in due course..   :P

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