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Following on from a conversation with FT tonight, we decided that this post should be a sticky instead of hidden in a miscellaneous thread, so here it is......



Use our server, its what its there for. It runs 24/7 and is imaginatively called dangerdogz, p/w xxxxxxxxx


The reason its there is so people can practise anytime they want, without the worry of human breathers ruining there practise time. Its set up so there is enemy bombing raids focussed on the Hawkinge, Lympe and Dover areas, Hawkinge, Manston and Lympe are all available to use. Most bomber raids come in at around 12-15000 ft. Manston is the safest place to start if you don't want an enemy bomb to disrupt your practise!


You will cold start, just as on ATAG. 


Wed night on ATAG will not be the best time to be asking a hundred questions of how do i do this, this thread however is the perfect place, and our server is the perfect place to practise these things.


Things you will need to know.


1) how to start your engine (ie turn the fuel on, move the throttle forward an inch or so) and how not to overheat your engine and blow the engine after 30 seconds (THIS WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON'T OPEN THE RADIATOR AND REDUCE YOUR PROP PITCH).


First thing i do upon getting in a new plane is open the radiator to 100%, before anything else, should be the first thing you do.


Only time i use 100% pitch is for take off and landing, even in combat rarely if ever go above 80%, cruise normally around 60%. 


2) how to set your compass, Do this whilst your engine is warming up.




This thread, and post number 13 by Robo explains the compass much more in depth,




3) how to set your gunsight and turn it on. There are two wheels on the gunsight, one is to set it to your convergence (note, this is in yards, your convergence in the ini files is in metres so you need to convert), and one is to set it for the wingspan of what you are hunting. I use the clickable cockpit mouse cursor to do this whilst the engine is warming up. There is a button located behind the gunsight on the left hand side to turn it on and off, although i map a key for this myself.


 this thread is also useful for puting a little pic in your cockpit, giving enemy wingspans,





Some more useful stuff,


a) If you want much more effective weapon loadouts that the stock ones, here you can have mine! (convergence set at 200m so you need to use 220 yards when setting your gunsight up)




Note there is no tracer in these loadouts, as this gives away you are firing, there is however plenty of DeWilde, which gives a flash on impact which is better than tracer imo.



b )  Also if you haven't tinkered with all your info windows, again you can have how i have set mine up to give you a headstart,


copy this text into your confUser.ini file found here,


C:\Users\kevin\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover - MOD


At the end of the file, look for the [ChatWindow] section,

This may require them to be moved around a bit if you're not running 1920 x 1200 like i am though.
0:-1=-posSize '0.016 0.861 0.152 0.139' -titleStr "Info Window" -alpha 0 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -history 100
0:262144=-lay 0 -fnt 0 -clr 0
1:-1=-posSize '0.819 0.595 0.181 0.145' -titleStr "Secondary Controls" -alpha 130 -ualpha 0 -history 10 -timeout 15
1:5=-font 0
1:4=-font 0
1:7=-font 0
2:-1=-posSize '0.000 0.005 0.200 0.200' -titleStr "Info Window" -alpha 50 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -history 90 -timeout 25
2:2=-font 0
3:-1=-posSize '0.781 0.007 0.215 0.188' -titleStr "Info. Window 1" -alpha 20 -ualpha 0 -vscroll -wrap -includeTime -history 5 -timeout 10
3:4=-font 0
3:3=-font 0
3:1=-font 0
3:6=-font 0
4:-1=-posSize '0.264 0.002 0.450 0.991' -titleStr NetStats -title -border -alpha 50 -ualpha 0 -custom
4:-2=-font 0 -color 120 -columnWidth '0.113 0.197 0.354 0.161 0.104 0.070' -columnSort 2
Anymore questions, ask away!
+++ EDIT +++ Removed server password - this is a public area

Point 3. above, isn't your convergence set when you are arming your plane or is it a case of that is where your guns are set and now you have to set your sight to the same convergence distance?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

The latter GK. You'll set you guns convergence in the loadout screens, but when you spawn the gunsight is always set to max range, so for me for example, I always have to dial it down to 250 yards (as this is my guns convergence setting) and then adjust the wingspan bars to suit whatever I'm going up against (I generally choose 40ft as this works for 109s wingtip to wing tip, and all bombers if you use a point just outboard of each nacelle instead).


Talking about Brit planes, I find that the wheel brakes are marginal in effectiveness at best.  Is this right or is it my settings?  I have wheel brakes for Brit planes set to my spacebar key.  I am under the impression that pressing = full brakes.

  • 1. DDz Quorum



The individual left/right brakes (which can be mapped to an axis btw) only apply to those aircraft with toebrakes, and currently that's just the Lufties (IIRC).


The British system was a single lever on the control column that activated a pneumatic system and use air pressure to apply brakes. This was then combined with rudder input to determine bias of braking - i.e. rudder central equal brake force to both drums, rudder left more braking force to left drum.


I believe it can be mapped to an axis but as I don't have a spare I use a keyboard input - trouble with that seems to be it's on or off!  0 or 100%. Given this I believe that to prevent regular nose overs in game the brakes may have been made a bit weaker.


In a real Spit they were notorious for being a bit nose heavy on the gorund; anything but judicious use of brakes resulted in nose over. That said the brakes apparently weren't exactly fantastic but if they had been then the Spitfire as a breed would have spent most of it's time on it's nose or getting propellers (and shock loaded engines) replaced!


The general opinion is that the Spitfire brakes were sufficient if nothing more seems to be the general consensus. Hurricane I cannot comment on as I have no sources.


So given the above, it's probably about right IMHO.


Spit brakes are actually quite effective. The problem is the engine is so powerful the brakes have trouble coping with both the mass of the plane and the engine power. Land with fine pitch and once you're sure you aren't going to abort the landing crank your pitch back and it stops quite well.


As for binding a key....I have my toe brakes mapped to the rudders for German planes. I also have a toe brake mapped to a keystroke via Joytokey so the same toe brake works in both types. For some reason an axis bound keystroke only applies 65% brakes?:huh:


So I see my prop pitch control setup for the 109 actuates the prop pitch in British fighters in a reverse manner.  Is this normal?  Do I have to reverse the control settings every time I change plane?


So I see my prop pitch control setup for the 109 actuates the prop pitch in British fighters in a reverse manner.  Is this normal?  Do I have to reverse the control settings every time I change plane?


Er....its been so long since I set this stuff up that I might be talking out of my backside but yeah, I think thats normal.

 I set the British stuff up first so my prop-pitch lever works correctly with the Spitty and Hurricane but accepted the fact that the '109 pitch would then act in reverse.  This isn't so much a problem for me as I fly the '109 in auto-pitch during cruise and combat and just keep an eye on the ata gauge.


I think the only way to get around it is to reverse control settings as you said but thats a pain so I've got used to it.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

No. 109's and 110's prop pitch works in a similar way, but just a tiny tad bit different... 


Difference being:

109: If you move the lever to the up position (100% in Spit/Hurricane) the pitch will start going upwards, from any position where is was, to its max. Or, until you move the lever back to its middle/neutral position. If you move the lever in the down position, pitch will be going down from wherever it was to its lowest value, or until you move the lever back to its neutral position.


See? Very similar, just a bit different  :shaunhb:



Lever Up/Forward = Pitch Up

Lever Down/Backwards = Pitch Down



UK pitch control has a direct connection (1-on-1) between lever and pitch.

The German pitch has a relation where lever position means either pitching up, pitching down or pitching steady.


Just an FYI.  I was on the Clod server the other night, there were 6 guys on, did not recognize any of the names in game. Not any Dogz that I am aware of.  Is the server password available to people outside the Dogz close circle?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just an FYI.  I was on the Clod server the other night, there were 6 guys on, did not recognize any of the names in game. Not any Dogz that I am aware of.  Is the server password available to people outside the Dogz close circle?


Looks like it is.

Saw something similar last weekend, names I did not recognize, until Sonofhorus also joined. He is a member, although it's been months since I've seen him on TS...

We've had a bit of a discussion on this already, whether it's an issue, or not. Did not reach a conclusion that would lead to action...


Well, it's not like they will be braking anything... or wear it out... :sheepsmile:


Yup, I have seen Sonofhorus there as well and I knew he was a Dogz but the others I had no idea.  Was just mentioning, just in case that was a concern.  With the password I am under the impression that the flow of pilots was selective somewhat.  Mind you I fly there so you guys are not too picky. 


Could a rule be introduced that would only let in pilots with 'DD_' in their callsign? (Can we even do that?)

Or is it really that much of an issue? I don't know, just a suggestion.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Could a rule be introduced that would only let in pilots with 'DD_' in their callsign? (Can we even do that?)

Or is it really that much of an issue? I don't know, just a suggestion.

Should be possible.

Would not know how... yet.


And, I do not think it's an issue at the moment.


Yesterday, Fenrir, Jabo, CapJack, APhill and me flew around, together with others who were on other TS, no issues at all as far as I can tell...


Ok mate, like I say it was just a suggestion and i'm not even sure if it's a problem in the first place!


I am sorry about people who are not dd playing on the server it's just you guys mainly play 1946 and I only play clod and I only play the dd sever I don't like any of the others and when they ask me what server I am on i say the dd one as it's the best so they asked why I told them and now some times they have a bash on it I don't know how long it will last for as they like doing there missions and as I am not that good yet I don't like doing the missions I get lost all the time and I get shot down by jg26 and have to fly like 20 minutes to get back into it and most the time I get lost on the way back to the fight I just don't find that fun but getting in the air in the dd server and finding some targets shooting them down and landing then doing it again is grate fun I just wish you guys played clod all the time but you are more into 1946 witch is cool just not my thing can't get past its graphics I love the graphics on cliffs and when I get good I will be playing battle of starlingrade as well

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