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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Two new Spawn points created:

- Ramsgate-HOT : A new base, NE of Manston.

- Hawkinge-HOT : Zoom in on the map - alot - and to the west of the original spawnpoint 'Hawkinge' you will find one named 'Hawkinge-HOT'.

Now you guess what the -HOT refers to? ☀️:angryfire:

Removed airspawn NW of Hawkinge.

Note: Will be active after next mission-cycle

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum
3 minutes ago, NagiPashka said:

Hello. Does the server have statistics? It would be interesting to watch the fights. Thank


No it does not have any statistics ...   

(The focus of this server is on having as much fun 'live' in the game. It seems scoring and statistics are not that important to us ... We do not like statistics, this could be due to the average age in our group: We are too afraid of becoming them ourselves...)

  • Haha 1

I understood. just statistics is different. By the way, another question, why on the server included the ability to review from a third party? Okay, the marker on the map, but this moment hinders even more, IMHO.


Hello Pavel and welcome to the DangerDogz forum:salute:.

36 minutes ago, NagiPashka said:

I understood. just statistics is different. By the way, another question, why on the server included the ability to review from a third party? Okay, the marker on the map, but this moment hinders even more, IMHO.

I think I can answer this on behalf of all our squad members.  

The DangerDogz server was set up for our own amusement - for fun.   Having fun is what the DangerDogz are about.  Our idea of fun is to jump on team speak, shoot a few planes down and herd a few Cats.

Statistics?  I can't ever remember any of us ever having a discussion about statistics so......we don't have them:).

External views?  Well Cliffs is many things and one of them is certainly graphical beauty so why just restrict yourself to the inside of the cockpit only?   On a more serious level; yes I understand where you are coming from but luckily Cliffs still has some diversity of servers and I believe the no externals, no icons, statistically proven experten are catered for by other servers.

Of course, if we talk of experten then we must also talk of the newbies to the game.    Being about the most famous air battle of all time and being available on Steam means  Cliffs of Dover Blitz edition still maintains a healthy number of genuine newcomers to combat flight sims. 

We hope that we can provide a toe in the water of multiplayer for these welcome newcomers - before they all go onto become Erich Hartmann!

  • Thanks 2
2 minutes ago, DD_Arthur said:

Привет Павел и добро пожаловать на форум DangerDogz :салют:.

Я думаю, что могу ответить на этот вопрос от имени всех членов нашей команды.  

Сервер DangerDogz был создан для нашего собственного удовольствия - для развлечения. Веселье - вот что такое DangerDogz. Наша идея веселья - прыгать по команде, разговаривать, сбивать несколько самолетов и пасать несколько кошек.

Статистика? Я не могу вспомнить, чтобы кто-нибудь из нас когда-либо обсуждал статистику, поэтому ...... у нас их нет :).

Внешние взгляды? Ну, Cliffs - это много вещей, и одна из них, безусловно, графическая красота, так почему бы ограничиться только внутренней частью кабины? На более серьезном уровне; да, я понимаю, откуда вы, но, к счастью, у Cliffs все еще есть некоторое разнообразие серверов, и я считаю, что другие серверы не обслуживают никаких внешних, никаких значков, статистически проверенного эксперимента.

Конечно, если мы говорим о Experten, то мы также должны говорить о новичках в игре. Быть одним из самых известных воздушных сражений всех времен и быть доступным в Steam означает, что издание Cliffs of Dover Blitz по-прежнему поддерживает большое количество настоящих новичков в боевых симуляциях. 

Мы надеемся, что сможем дать толчок многопользовательской игре для этих желанных новичков, прежде чем они станут Эрихом Хартманном!

Thank! I basically understand and accept the conditions. Newbies are very good. Yes, and I like to just relax in the evening in my favorite game. Stability server !!!

  • Like 3
  • 1. DDz Quorum

So, I climbed up to like 30k in my Hurricane, cruised around peacefully, until I met some 9 AI 109's... they were at 25K.

They quickly broke up and started the chase. Now the Hurri does not fly that nicely up there, so ... here's a picture of the outcome of the meet-and-greet :)


  • Haha 4
  • 1. DDz Quorum

It's running now... 

(Weird stuff, looks like it was an 'operator error' ... for sure not by me, I am the admin there...  :sheepsmile: )

  • 1 month later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

As of now, today, like in immediate effect: Now running this Dserver on a different server. Should be running good enough, you won't feel a thing Just enjoy! (Well, it still is in a kinda like test situation, if it does not work, we might move back)

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

So, now I've added the Refuel and Re-arm stuff into our server.

One downside, if you leave your a/c on the runway, AI will take it over, and have its ways with it... Previous versions removed it within a second, that part has stopped working for unknown reasons...  Oh well..

Refuel Rearm thread at Atag Forums


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well now, as CloD got Tobruk on top of it... we now have a choice.

Either host a server with CloD-map or with Tobruk-map.

Will look into the option of running both on the same box - but I doubt that'll work! :shaunv2:



@FT; I have no horse in this race and the CLoD server is your toy but I would have thought that the active CLoD multiplayer base is so small that;

a) If you're still flying CLoD then good luck for your dedication.

b) These people will have undoubtedly bought Tobruk already and be raring to go.

c) Any increase in player numbers will be down to people buying the Tobruk expansion therefore they are deffo going to want to play Tobruk.

d) Tonight there may only be the ATAG Tobruk server running and thats full-switch.  We know there is a demand for an icons on server.

Good luck from me and my tent!:salute:

  • 2. Administrators

Hi FT,

How about running BoB missions one day and Tobruk the next and so on?

  • 2. Administrators

Now just to build a Tobruk mission from the ground up.....🤪

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Lol, running a rather simple Tobruk map as a test, where lots of Channel based sub-mission are spawned in ... 24 Peeps are enjoying that at the moment... 😎

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