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Ouside IL-2, BoS, RoF, CloD, DCS? Skyrim's probably taking up most of my spare gaming time right now which is unusual because it's not normally the sort of thing I enjoy but I did pick it up for a bargain price. I usually prefer civilisation-type strategy games (Tropico 4 most recently - although I've now completed all the scenarios and all the DLC's too - still have the sandbox though). Also racing games such as PGR or Forza on the Xbox (not recently though - the kids are using it more than me.



  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just curious,

I have never understood how some of you guys find the time to do all of the gaming that you do. As you all know I am retired with time very much on my side. House husbanding, time with the family, taxi driving for the family, visiting m8s occasionally, walking the dog, doing a bit of exercise and IL2 stuff fills all of my time.

How do you do it AND work :huh:

Do you have an app which slows time that I don't know about ? Lol

With admiration, P.

PS : I love racing games like GT5 and F1 but only play them if I have a like minded m8 visiting.

  • 2. Administrators

Other than flight sims, played Skyrim through 3 times now and still enjoy it, bit of Red Orchestra/Rising Storm when i want to shoot somebody, occasionally Formula 1 2012, and now Assetto Corsa for my racing fix.


The game i'm most looking forward to this year by a country mile is Elite Dangerous, that will be getting a lot of time for sure.

  • 2. Administrators

I'm with Colin here...


You would be... :rolleyes:


I think the point is Mick that while I might play other games I don't spend much time doing them - Skyrim excepted - got a few hours in there now.


Beside IL2 i play some EVE Online, and just recently started to fly some DCS BlackShark (first edition)


Only flight sims here.  Had a brief play with World of Tanks a couple of years ago when it was in beta but quickly realised that was a swift route to madness.

  • 2. Administrators

Fruitbat Does Assetto Corsa support TrackIR?


Yes. One of my friends came around the other day after telling me how good the latest Grand Turismo game was, left gutted after i showed him Assetto Corsa, lol.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Only flight sims here.  Had a brief play with World of Tanks a couple of years ago when it was in beta but quickly realised that was a swift route to madness.

Still with World of Tanks, over 3 years now......your fault Arthur :)  Got some lovely kit but only by putting the hours in and being prepared to part with a bit of cash for 'Gold'. Don't use 'Premium' ammunition but am happy to buy a 'Premium' tank once in a blue moon. Working towards a T62 Russian medium but love playing tank destroyers...got many types from different countries from 88mm armed JagdTigers down to to 6 pdr on a Bren Carrier (piccie is a JagdPanther)  :)



I got up to the T44 and all its lovely kit and then got the T54 ( I think ) which was useless without another two months grinding to get a decent gun.

I also had the Jagd Panther which was a lovely ambush weapon but then made the mistake of trading it in to get the next one on the ladder which was fairly crap.


To do this involved staying up to one or two in the morning until I thought "Why?" when I packed the 'orrible, highly addictive thing in.


You call that driving? :huh: I'll show you some driving, hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Full realism, manual everything, no assists or traction control. Oh and by the way, I spend a lot of time playing Arma 2 and the new Day Z standalone.



Hard to believe that GTR2 doesn't support more than 3 controllers (the first three that appear in the Game Control Panel). For being a newer game that is surprising and frustrating I am sure for some.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Looks like we have a few driving enthusiasts, excellent. Perhaps we should arrange some kind of competition or maybe even a real goKart race sometime ?

Try another demo lap without going off or hitting other cars (the mind games have begun) LOL



For me at the moment, the other distractions (apart from women and booze) would be Battlefield 4 and GTA V on the PS3.

Not a lot of time for any of it at the moment to be honest!


Thats part of my problem... too many good choices out there right now. My son bought me BF4 for Xmas and I have not played it much yet. Too busy trying to get my pit finished as well as getting better at not crashing.. lol




But I do play Tropico sometimes.  I like some strategy games like that and WarGame.  I also like building games like Cities XL; SimCity 5; Cities in Motion 2.

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