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I used to fly CFS with the UHU NG7

Then ran the North Afrika Campaign also CFS1 at Joint Ops

Then flew for a bit with the HH here.

Then married...

Then kids

Then divorce

New PC

I have the IL2 1946 and that is it....


I recall doing SEOW and I had to mod the game...


I do not know where the DDz and HHz stand...

What rev/mod is used ... what is new??? 

Last I remember was Oleg saying the light is just up ahead with an IL2 BoB in the offering..


Well if someone remembers me or if another is willing to get me up to speed please help


Not sure if I get reply noticies,

so please, if you are willing, send a mail to fritzL65 at yahoo dot com






  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Fritzl,


To get your IL2 1946 up to the latest version, the way OverDhill suggested will work.


As in: It will result in an IL2 1946 installation with which you can play online with the DD's. So, 4.12.2m, including the latest HSFX7.01


(It may lack in some skins, speech files or mission files. If you also want to do offline campaigns and do not want to miss any content, then you'll have to take a different route... I have tried it, starting with 1946 4.07m, then ran ChkMods, it works)


First, backup either the entire 1946 folder, or at least Conf.ini and the Users folder.


Then, follow the instructions in the thread OverDHill mentioned.

It will need to download a lot of files, in total some 7 to 8GB of data, how that will work out will depend on the speed and quality of your internet connection...

(As the amount of data is large, as well as the amount of files, it will probably not make it in one  go. Simply restart ChkMods, and let it Verify and fix repeatedly... until it states no errors found)


Good Luck!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hello Fritzl sir,

If you get stuck with the installation you could get onto our Team Speak for one of us to help you .

Returning members are always ALWAYS welcome !



S! Alle,

Thank you for the info...

I am ignorant of this CHKMODS (check mods) thing, please point me in the right direction.

Could someone also provide the information ( version, IP pw etc..) for Teamspeak.

Jumping right in is going to be rough not only technically, (getting everything set up and functioning) but also where is DD going..I have seen allusions to a North Africa event or at least some beta thing.

What about usefull utilities... when last i flew/played i think i had a mod switcher, so that i did not need numerous installs of IL2.

I know its a lot of questions...but if someone who is in the know can get me up to speed, please email me...

i even dont know how to navigate this site. ha!

thanks again


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Fritz, click on the link in Jabo's post, that will show you what to do.

Will send info on TS in a PM to you, that should end up in your email as well...


S! Alle

I have DLed the ChkMods...

I started as Admin

Attempting to DL blueprints yields:

Cannot determine MOD version (F85690F2), assuming default:HSFX701


If I understand this process... The ChkMods is supposed to DL the mod files and install onto my virgin IL2 1946...

is that correct?


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Correct Fritz, go with its assumption: HSFX701.

(I have not put in all the effort to have it being capable of recognizing each and every version that was out...)


Press the Verify Mods button, let it check... once ready, hit the 'Fix Issues' button...

Rinse and repeat until no more issues found...

  • 2. Administrators

Hi Fritzl - please check the following;




In the 'Settings' section, does 'IL2 Modded is in' point to your installation you want to work with? And does 'Check Against' say HSFX 7.0.1?

(in the green boxes)


Try again after checking.


If it's not that, let us know and we'll probably need to get FT on the case.





Hah, you beat me to the punch Arjen!

  • 2. Administrators

No worries Fritzl, it's all cool.


@FT - I must be part German - it's the over-engineering...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

The succesfull running of ChkMods does depend a lot on what your Internet connection to the dd's server is like.


Its progress of 0.2% may not say much, as initially it will probably download some large files, which will take a long time (staying at 0.2%), it may even time out...

But, it will add the missed file to the download list, at the end of it.... it will get it in the end...


Just keep it running like that, in the end....


(You could also download each and every patch needed, and the HSFX stuff separately...that might be faster in the end, but it takes so many different steps, so many ways where it can go wrong... indeed, just let it do its thing...)


~S~ Sweper
well after several runs i have a functioning IL2 mod running.
In the quick mission builder menu how does one fly?

I do not see a fly button.. also I see a no_maps...

are these related?
I can see that quite some effort went into this method of downloading

in the old'days i remember a czech scenery mod... is that still around? it was very close to my home town in Bavaria and done quite welll...

thank you again

  • 1. DDz Quorum

(...)In the quick mission builder menu how does one fly?(...)


Yeah, well... the QuickMission builder stuff kinda fits in this part that I wrote earlier: "(It may lack in some skins, speech files or mission files. If you also want to do offline campaigns and do not want to miss any content, then you'll have to take a different route... I have tried it, starting with 1946 4.07m, then ran ChkMods, it works)"  as in... I decided not to put it in ChkMods, just to limit the load a bit.


However, I have created a zip file, attached it here, with a number of files that you must place in the Missions\Quick folder of the game.

Once the contents are in there, you can select a map in the QMB screen, somewhere in the lower right part...




(I will try and have them added to ChkMods...)


Hallo FT,

Thank you!  Just loaded this into quick\missions and now I can load maps and see the Fly button.

Many thanks again.

I better shower and get to work... would rather explore this... its well below freezing in Okkupied Tschikago today... had to dig out the cars... and I was feeliong in a good mood so I threw snow for 3 houses from mine to corner of block... street as well.



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