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Hi guys,

As the title would indicate, I'm looking for a couple of people with free time who could test missions from my WIP BF109E-4 battle of Britain campaign. there'll be about 20 missions and some are pretty long. I have thrown in a few quicker action airstart missions just to keep it interesting. Anyway, if anyone has time and lowers themself to play offline, then I'd really appreciate your help.



  • 1. DDz Quorum

Glad to help, free just about any time..Can you give an approx time & when?


ps: whats LW BOB :huh:?


I'll be happy to help, by the time I get my 'puter back up and running I'll be looking for some good offline material. I should have 'er running by the end of next week.


Thanks for the offers, lads. BG- I have no idea of it could be a co-op or not as I haven't ever flown in one. It might be a bit of a stretch as some missions have a lot of objects and aircraft in them. Could be worth trying though.

Just to clarify, the campaign is a Luftwaffe Battle of Britain singleplayer campaign. Sorry for the cryptic abbreviation last time but you never know who might be reading.

Ideally I'd like to release it before Xmas. I leave for NZ on Dec 23rd so want to ge it out before then. At the moment I have 13 missions that are about ready to go although there are a couple of briefings I want to get straight. So if anyone has time, interest or is just a noble soul (goes without saying when posting in these esteemed forums) then le me know and I'll start sending stuff your way in a day or two.

Thanks in advance.



BG, Pooka, Klinger, Rattler, BadAim -anyone else who is keen/not completely unwilling ;) to test the missions and give feedback, can you drop me an email at judeDOTnzATgmailDOTcom and I'll get the missions on their way in a few days. BadAim - good luck with the computer, hope it's online again soon.

Thanks a million, guys.


I have converted all the missions from single player to coops and will run a few of them today Saturday, Dec 2 and tomorrow Sunday, the 3rd. I know Jude would like to have some feedback from you all so I thought this might be a good place to post it.

A few of us flew the first mission in the series yesterday, Air Start Bomb Factory and it was excellent.


You have??? I shall have to check my email!

EDIT:Just checked - thanks a lot. I'm glad it was fun. As I wrote in my email the flight times are looooong for the LW so if you want to get home you'll have to go all the way to the extreme North-west of the map. Alternatively, look at your flight map for the three "patrolled ditch areas" out to sea a ways. The entire mainland" is red-controlled.


We only were able to fly one of the coops last night (Factory Raid) and unfortunately I had to terminate the mission early because of lack of contact after 20 minutes. I don't want to shorten the waypoints and screw up the timing. I'll try running some more of them myself and leave the map icons on to see where contact will be made before I run them again for the full group.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, I'm thinking I might curtail the campaign and get it out before i leave for my Xmas holidays on Dec22. I have had most of the missions sitting on my HD for months now and just want to get it uploaded. If I have time/interest I can always add more missions later but as it is if I throw in a couple of movies it'll

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