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I see from the Participant list, the rather lovely P-51C 'Princess Elizabeth' is scheduled to display as part of the 'Eagle Squadron' along with Snafu and an (as yet) unknown Spit 1A and Hurricane.


Sounds good to me!



So part from Tom, Chris and I, who else is up for this?

  • 2. Administrators

According to the grapevine she's coming over with the horsemen so given that they'll be at legends...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Anyone fancy going...I'm in (I think my daughter Alex wants to come to)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

It's been on my calender since Feb - only a serious accident is going to keep me from attending, and even then I'd bloomin well crawl there if necessary!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps,


Cannot afford this one as well as the NRM trip and Duxford : (

Have a great time though.


Cheers,  Mick.

  • 2. Administrators

~S~ Mick - Sorry to hear that m8.



So that's 3 (possibly 4). Anyone else?

  • 2. Administrators

Some lovely pics of the Sabre working up to the dsplay season on the historic aviation forum. Here's just one to whet your appetite!




Sabre? Cor! Any chance of this appearing at Leg-ends in July?

Unlikely I'm afraid Arthur!Legends operates a 'pistons only' policy which is somewhat of a shame. I'd like to see them extend the invite to classic jets too. Imagine a meteor, sabre, sea vixen and even a replica 262... OoooooThat said, one cannot complain when faced with a dozen spitfires...
  • 2. Administrators

I'm inclined to agree Christophe, after all Korean war veterans are common visitors to the show, so it's a pity that contemporaries of the skyraider aren't included.

I suppose it's viewed as the start of a slippery slope. Include Korea and its a short step to Vietnam and so on.

On a related note I believe the sea vixen is still out of action following the uc collapse at Bournemouth last year?


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Sabre? Cor! Any chance of this appearing at Leg-ends in July?

Unlikely I'm afraid Arthur! Legends operates a 'pistons only' policy which is somewhat of a shame. I'd like to see them extend the invite to classic jets too. Imagine a meteor, sabre, sea vixen and even a replica 262... Oooooo That said, one cannot complain when faced with a dozen spitfires...

No no no! No stinkin' friggin' Jets at Legends!

Not a shame, it's brilliant!

Let them ffin Jets go elsewhere, plenty of shows to spoil all around the British Isles!


Lol, FT. :P   You're probably right. I still wouldn't mind seeing a Sabre or a Sea-Vixen do a low pass at an intimate little place like Duxford one day.  How about Old Warden? :thumbsu:


@Jabo and Blubear;  are there any sixties jets doing the UK airshow circuit these days?  I know very little about these things.  I well remember a privately owned Thud at RIAT donkey's years ago. I always thought Harriers were the loudest jets flying and continued to believe this right up until the Thud pilot gave it the beans on takeoff at Fairford. :dj:   If money were no object, I would'nt have a Spitty or a P51.  I'd get a Hunting Provost.


Plenty of Jet Provosts and Strikemasters about Arthur. A handful of Vampires and Venoms, soon to be two Meteors and a few Gnats also airworthy.

I understand a Canberra will also return to the skies in the next year or so, and the Sea Vixen is currently being repaired after u/c collapse as Jabo alluded to.

Oh, lets not forget a fairly healthy population of Hunters, now that is one beautiful aircraft!

  • 2. Administrators

And the Vulcan - for the time being anyway.


If money were no object Arthur, I wouldn't have a Spitty or Pony either, Too many of them about these days, I'd rather have something a little 'different'. Avenger, Beaufighter...I feel a thread coming on...


 I'd rather have something a little 'different'. Avenger, Beaufighter...I feel a thread coming on...


How about a Swordfish?  Plenty of room to take a few friends if they like standing and a picnic basket too.  Short field operating capability, etc.

  • 2. Administrators

I'd rather have something a little 'different'. Avenger, Beaufighter...I feel a thread coming on...

How about a Swordfish? Plenty of room to take a few friends if they like standing and a picnic basket too. Short field operating capability, etc.

God no.

If money were no object (and it really was no object, cause this is going to cost a bit), i'd build a deHavilland Hornet.

Best looking prop plane ever, and fantastic performance to boot.

  • 2. Administrators

Good call Kev.


For those that don't know



  • 2. Administrators

Back on track, I see that a certain P-51B/C/D arrived at Duxford yesterday. 26 days to go!




And for more information about the 'Eagle Squadron' formation planned for the show see;




with a look af the new paintjob for Spit 1A (AR213) especially for the occasion!




AR213 looks sweeeeeeet!

Also, I think we should all protest at Legends that Princess Liz stays here. I suggest we chain Sweper to her, at least we'll know where he is!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2. Administrators

ooo.ooo.OOOO, I see that one of sidney camm's finest is now on the particpant list - Miss Demeanor anyone?




Hunter & Sabre - oh my.

  • 2. Administrators

And a certain container is opened...



  • 2. Administrators

The Eagles return




Liz getting an engine test earlier today and...




Snafu getting airborne for a test flight.


Credit to OP for the photo's



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2. Administrators

O M G - Just came across this from the IWM


"The Eagle Squadron will form the centrepiece of the IWM Duxford Spring Air Show 2013 on Sunday 26 May, opening the show at 1400 with a four-ship routine before splitting into pairs, followed by a formation with B-17 Preservation Ltd’s Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ‘Sally B’.  The Eagle Squadron will take to the skies for a second time during the Air Show’s three and a half hour flying programme when they fly in formation with the RAFAT The Red Arrows prior to the Reds’ show-closing routine.  This one-off formation looks set to end the IWM Duxford Spring Airshow 2013 on a high."

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