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So there I am in Long Island, NY hanging around a hotel lobby (odd for me, eh?)


Why am I in a different country, 3000 miles from home you ask?


I am there after chatting up someone on the web.  It has been part of my dasterdly plan for years to lure some unsuspecting person to a strange town and well...you know...pull a Painless.


I set up the meet for 10am.  I'm in the lobby...wondering if all my years of subterfuge will pay off.


My cell phone rings...it is the victim.


"hello?" I answer.  "Where are you?"


"I'm in the lobby, waving...do you see me?"


I do see him.  Damn, he is older than I expected.


And sounds strangely like Badaim.  Only Badaimier.


He approaches me.  There is an awkward silence as we both recognize eachother and realize we were kinda there for a different reason.


Seven years of luring wasted.  Damn.


We decide to pretend the whole thing never happened and exchange manly hugs in a crowded lobby. 


Badaim hugs just a bit too long.  And grabs my ass and asks if I want to go find a bath house.


I assume he means a bar, so I say yes.


As soon as DoubleTap shows up that is.


Yes, we are in the land of DT.


We hang in the lobby waiting.  Each person walks in and we wonder if it is DT (sure, we'd seen a photo, but that couldn't be a real person in the photo he put up...)


Old lady...we ask "DT?", but nope.


Black dude...we ask "DT?", but nope.


Fat Black dude in a wheel chair...we ask "DT?", but nope.


Ugly chick...we ask "DT?", but nope.


We start to wonder if he went to the wrong hotel.


Phone rings and it is DT. 


"Where the fuck are you?" we ask. 


Turns out he's in the lobby. 


We were so busy laughing at the strange people coming in and asking if they were Glenn, we missed the real Glenn as he walked right by. 


He'd spend his time approaching stranger in the hotel bar asking "are you the guys I met on the web and arranged to meet in a hotel?"


All together, we head off to a bar...surprise!




After a bit of drink, I think Glenn has woken up to what he has gotten into.




We pound back a few.  I flirt with the waitress and Glenn rolls his eyes.  BA discusses the merits of open gun carries with the waitress and Glenn rolls his eyes.


I comment to BA that I had no idea DT was so judgemental of us.  BA comments that he is thinking of changing the trigger pull weight on his .45's.


I ask if he has more than one.  BA responds "don't you?"


After this we head to a liquor store.  Glenn buys a 40 ouncer of rum, and a 26'er of Bourbon.  BA buys a 26'er of Bourbon and I, being the more dignified, by some red wine and promptly get into a discussion with the cashier of why they allow gay marriage in their state, but can't buy food in a liquor store.


BA interjects the need to looser gun control and the right to bear arms.  We decide it is time to leave and head to Glenn's.


Turns out Glenn's wife is not ready for us (but then, who really ever is?) so we go to another bar (surprise) for another drink.


Glenn picks out the ugliest place you can find and we sit at the bar (the bar seats are bolted to the ground).


Glenn and BA order bourbons all around and the bartender gives us all 3 ounce shots.


We drink bourbon and watch Scarface on TV.  I have never feel so manly...except for that time Painless and I did some Greco-Roman wrestling that one time.


As Scarface continues we hear BA say "got that...got that...got two of those..." to each gun that shows up in the movie.


We head over eventually to DT's and meet his charming wife and super cute daughter.  We all see how beautiful and funny DT's daughter is and question whether she is actually related to Glenn.  So as not to be offensive, we ask this right to DT's face.


Glenn servies us, no kidding, a buffet of beer on a tray.  Probably 10 different types...some with 9% alcohol.  I am not drunk yet and am in love with this man.


There is a knock at the door and a  loud squeal.  Hard to explain, but imagine the sound of a pig in heat squealing combined with long nails scratching on a chalk board.


Turns out it is just Psycho at the door having a laugh.


We let him in and the fun begins.


Politics, booze, Obama, booze, flying, booze.  Oh, and lots and lots of gun talk (cough...BA...cough).


Glenn loads up the "downfall" video he did from the SEOW against the 69th on the big screen.  I am laughing so hard I can't see the TV through the tears.


Literally my side was hurting the next day from laughing so hard during our time.


Magda, Psycho's wife, is with us as well.  A wonderful lady.


Psycho tries to impress us with the Polish he has learned from Magda.


He is proud, but I think Magda has taught him to say "I like to wear women's underwear and often wet myself".


We enjoy a fabulous dinner.  We pound through the wine and a bottle and a half of bourbon and untold beer.


Glenn starts to explain how he is king of his house and can prove it.  We remain sceptical. 




Dinner is over and we hug it out like long lost brothers.


BA is so gooned I think he is falling in one of these pics.






DT then drives us back to the hotel.  BA and I both refuse to take aspirin because neither of us had that much to drink.


Next day we wake with migraines...due to lack of sleep I think.


BA and I went to a local museum...where they have a working P47D, Corsair and P40.  Sweet way to finish a visit.


After a quick lunch, we say our goodbyes and head home (after both of us getting lost)


Sad that we have to say adios, but all of us richer for the friendship.


Another successful DD meet up in the bag.





  • 1. DDz Quorum

Brilliant....not JPs ramble, just the fact that you gents met up! Love it :thumbsu:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Nice one!


Lucky sods, and well written in true JP style. 


So who played the Crazy Lib?  You guys certainly didn't agree on everything did you?  There's always a crazy lib!


Nope, no crazy lib. I did play the backwards drunken hillbilly though, so that offered some comic relief. :beerhat:


Ba your just backwards, you have no idea the true meaning of Hill billy. Jill Billy maybe sort of depends on what JP did you ya ya in ya sleep. ;-)


Hey JP,thanks for sharing your "meet up"....great pics!!


....just a warning,...I will be in town in early April......



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well how about that...........


Fantastic pictures of 4 very dodgey guys ! Looks a little like a "Village People" reunion LOL

Great to see you having fun and I can imagine the conversations..............wish I could have been there !


So tell me did you wrestle at all ?


I think that which ever DD makes a million first should arrange (and pay for) us all to get together for a week of wrestling  drinking.


So much grey hair......


Cheers,  Shameless.

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