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My Latest Acquisition (This Topic Includes Talk Of Guns, If You Don't Like Guns Please Don't Open This Topic)

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As the name implies they're all based on the M14 action. Semi-auto. Most are .223 cal though they do make a 7.62 x 39 version. Mini-30, I wouldn't consider anything less.

We're pretty lucky up here in Canada as we can get the Chinese copy of the M14 in NATO 7.62 x 51 (.308) with forged receivers(they bought all the original tooling).  Even springfield is using cast ones these days and they want 2 to 3 thousand for one..


The rest of the rifles aren't very well made, crap rear sights, barrels often out of index. But you can tune them up as good as any if you spend a few hundred and aren't afraid to get dirty. Can't beat the $450 price tag.

Sometimes they have a promo. $650 for a case (1040 rounds) of ammo and another $200 gets you a rifle.

They aren't tack drivers, it's a main battle rifle, but they'll usually do 2 -3 MOA out of the box.  I have 2.


As for confiscation.......I think (or I seriously hope) that if they do something so blatantly against your constitution that you would feel morally obligated to disobey. Up here they pulled a registration of long guns. The compliance was about 50%. Half the owners said F** off. A few years later they scrapped the registry. YAY us.

If they pull something like a confiscation, pack em in a sealed 6" PVC tube and bury them. Then I suggest a "boating accident". So sorry, all guns at bottom of lake.




Some good news.

These guys who have real balls have said "if our civilians can't buy this stuff we won't sell it to law enforcement either".  I love Americans ....real ones. Not those pussies in office or the corporate dweebs but the real men the country was formed on.

If large manufacturers step up as well this will be a landslide.  What they don't get is that most of their market is to civilians anyway. 5 years after confiscation most big companies would be finished without the civilian market.

Firearms Equality Movement - http://patriotpost.us/editions/17147

On February 22, "Right Views" reported that a growing number of firearm
companies have suspended the sale of guns to states, counties, cities
and municipalities that restrict their citizens' rights to own them.

In just two weeks, the number of companies participating in what has
been named the "Firearms Equality Movement," has more than tripled from
companies to 118.



You boys pretty much invented "Rugged individualism", all we can do is at best pull off a second rate imitation. It's funny that while you guys are shaking off a government that does not represent what your country stands for, we are being subjected to one. I guess that ballances out the universe or something.


Exactly Perf!


Been preaching along the same line for a long while.


On the Manufacture thing.


I had no Idea about the Chinese getting the original tooling though.


Wow Perf, awesome gun and great price? That ammo/gun combo deal sounds great but I'd settle for just the rifle. Looking around the net it seems we are being cock blocked here in the US from getting these new and I'm sure any used ones aren't selling cheap. 


Anyways, I thought you all might enjoy the story of my gun adventure I posted over at thefiringline forum, so here it is.


There is so much to talk about these days. I've shot a few firearms in my day and thought about owning one many, many times however it wasn't until all this insanity as of late that I finally decided, better late then never, to exercise my 2nd amendment right and purchase a couple of guns.

The first purchase I made was about a month ago, a Winchester SXP pump 12 gauge. I had been wanting something for home defense/range/hunting so I stopped into my local Gander Mountain to see what they had to offer and I fell in love with this 12 gauge as soon as I put my grubby little hands on it. The weight was perfect, the balance was phenomenal, the size was spot on, the look was sleek and elegant, the fit and finish was nice and tight. Then I held in the ejection button and racked the pump. What can I say, it was like the sound of a Rolls Royce Merlin engine when a Spitfire flies overhead at the airshow. "How much?" I asked the clerk. On sale $350 he said. "I'll take it!" The words couldn't leave my mouth quick enough. As I was walking away I heard another chap ask "Hey, you have any more of those pump shotties that guy just bought?" to the clerk.

Ok, shot piece, check. What next, semi-auto or bolt action? Well, bolt action don't seem to be on the endangered species list so semi-auto it is. Now, where to get one? Quick internet search. Gunsamerica.com, eh, looks kinda sketchy, FFL transfer, ah hassle, Gunbroker.com, eh, not as sketchy but still a hassle. Ok, Armslist, ah, not so bad, kinda like Craiglist for guns. Prices kind of high but what did I expect. Now, what can I get at a reasonable price? Used AK 47 of questionable quality, perhaps. 800 BUCKS? Ouch! Here's one for a grand, ugh. Ok, ok, SKS yeah, usually kind of old and well used but I remember they used to be like $250. $600 DOLLARS? OMG.

Online, Bass Pro Shops, Dick's Sporting goods, Gander Mountain. Hey Gander mountain has DPMS AR 15 MOE for $1100 bucks, not too sure about the brand, I'll wait a couple of hours to ask that gunsmith guy at work. "Yeah, DPMS is ok." He says. Ok, back online, GanderMountain.com. SOLD OUT? Shucks.

Right, ok, we'll figure this out. Local gun shop, SKS $475, looks worn as heck and he's not budging on the price. AR-15 hanging up there, used, $1200 bucks, eh, think I'll pass. Hey, nice Sig 9mm in the case. How much? $500 bucks? "I'll take it." "OK" says the shop keep "I just need to see your CCL or pistol purchase permit first." WTF I think to myself, then scoff "Don't you guys do the NICS thing and a 3 day waiting period?" "Not here in North Carolina, you have to go register with the police department then come back with a purchase permit." Arcane racial discrimination law still on the books me thinks.

Back to Armslist. Searching, searching, ah Zastava AK 47 pap. Good condition, cool paratrooper style stock, 400 rds of Bear 7.62 ammo, $800 bucks. Only takes single stack 10 round mags though. Email: "Dear Sir, will you take $650?" Reply: "No but I'll take $675." Well, the ammo alone is worth a few bucks. Now, where was this, Ashville? Damn, that's like 2 1/2 hours away. Oh well, "yeah I'll come get it tomorrow." 

Next day after work.....Driving, driving, driving. Look around, beautiful country out here, nice day too. Ok, I'm an hour out, 1 1/2 hours to go. Thinking to self, this is nuts, maybe I should just check out the Walmart out here. Punched into GPS, 5.41 miles, alright, no wait, on second though Gander Mountain. GPS, 6.75 miles, ok. Text message from AK guy "Are you still coming?" me "On second thought, no." AK guy "OK, well screw you then. " Anyways, focus, Gander Mountain. Driving, Driving... GPS "Arriving at destination, Gander Mountain, Mooresville." Where, Mooresville? Oh yeah, this is where all the Nascar teams are.

So anyways, never been to Mooresville but the shopping plaza out here is pretty nice, movie theater and everything. Hey, there's a Walmart right there! Ah, don't let yourself get distracted, we're here for Gander Mountain. Go in, look around and....HOLY SH*T they have a lot of guns here, the clerk says "Yea, we're like a GM Gunworld." Gunworld? You've got to be kidding me. Oh well, "What do you have in a 223?" "Not much." he says. Ok, well lets see what else they have, Remington 700 adl, no scope, $500 bucks, I though these came with a scope? Used Remington 7400, semi-auto 5 rd mag, $325. Looks ok but kinda well broken in. What else, new M14, WOW, nice. How much, $1800 to $2000? My wife would kill me. "I'll be back!" On to Walmart.

Remington 700 adl this time with cheapo scope. $425 in black synth stock, $525 in camo synth stock. Very, very temping, won't break the bank either, but I could probably get one of those any time and I really wanted a semi-auto before Barack C-blocks me. "I'll be back, Imma get some launch."

Applebee's. Chicken wrap, couple of Bud Fights, do some research on my phone, still undecided and hate to waste a whole day.

Back to GM. Walking up to counter a bit disheartened. Talking with the clerk, I notice another clerk walk behind him and set 2 rifles down on the back wall stand. "Hey, what are those?" Mini 14 Tactical with ATI stock chambered in 223/5.56. "How much?" $800 bucks. "Sold! I'll take both!" "Sorry" he says "I can only sell you 1 semi-auto per day." Oh well.

And thus, I became the proud owner of a new and improved Mini 14 Tactical with ATI stock, later to find out of course that this is the only version of the Mini 14 on the proposed ban list. Lovely.

Great gun actually, been reading good things about the accuracy with the new barrel design and the reliability seem on par with a good AK. Have not shot it yet as ammo is a bit pricey and hard to come by.

Driving home from work early morning (3rd shift sucks) stop by Dick's Sporting goods for the heck of it so see if they have anything in stock and of course they don't. I'm 1 of the 3 customers in the store so I'm walking out the door and this guy is walking out beside me. He asks, "What kind of ammo you looking for?" "223" I say. "You know where I can get some 9mm?" He asks. "No sorry." I reply. "Oh, well he says, I know where you can get some 5.56 though, drive down the street 3 blocks, take a left on Edwardia, drive to the end and you'll see Southern Firearms. They have like 5 cases." "Thanks, man!" I drive over there ask about the 5.56. "Winchester white box 5.56 FMJ 55 grain $9.65 per box of 20. I can sell you 10 boxes." "I'll take 200 rounds please."


Next day, 200 more.biggrin.gif


I think some of you are mistaking the rest of Canada for where I live. Ontario is the center of "you will pay for me to sit on my a** because I have no desire to work" scum sucking socialism.


I'm sure you don't want to hear about our $150 SKS rifles either so ........... I'll show you the ones on sale ....$75  :lolu:



Here is my latest purchase.



I hate you. No, seriously so is there no way, or is it way expensive to get one of these imported to the US?


Edit: Just looked and no it's pretty much a cluster F!


LOL! That was a good read Mayhem. It's a bitch to get 5.56 around here as well, 10bucks a box would be a steal here. I got some @ c13 at Wallmart, but was unable to get back as I needed to buy food instead. :)


I feel your pain Perf! Here in the PRC (Peoples Repunlic of Connecticut) us conservative types seem to be woefully outnumbered, yet I'm hopeful for the future as our Governor is a total ASSCLOWN and people are starting to wake up a little bit just like they seem to be nationally.


It's funny that you mention the racial thing Mayhem, as that's where gun control started. It seems that they want to continue that trend here in Connecticut too by heavily taxing guns and ammo so that poor people will no longer be able to afford guns. Funny isn't it? Funny as 1,000 nuns and orphans being eaten by rats.........


The ammo shortage is a real problem for us too. Surplus can still be had in military calibers but guys are complaining they can't even find primers for reloading.

I'm doing more rimfire shooting now and holding on to my center fire.


No way anything from the CommBlock is getting down there. They're fine exporting your manufacturing over there so they get a better bottom line but they don't want you having any of the advantages.

New ITAR regs make it much harder for us to get anything good up here either. I'm finished with Brownells - just too much of a pain to order anything. Couldn't get stocks (over $100), scope mounts(scope rings OK?), sights, optics or blades before, now anything attached to a rifle is verbotten. 

They cancelled my muzzle brake and broken shell extractor order. Shell extractor.. really?

I had to pay $180 for a Smith Enterprises brake up here, same one at Brownells for $80.


Seems the states with the dumbest policies are also the ones in the deepest financial trouble.

You might want to look at freestateproject.org

New Hampshire is friendly towards and actively seeking liberty minded folks.


I would love to get a reasonably price SKS right now.


I started to go off for a minute but I erased it. I really need to vent to someone. 


I remember the $75 SKS used to have them stacked in piles at the gun shows.


Not no more though, may find a pile, but not for that kind of money.

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