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ack...hard drive crash...lot most of everything.

can someone send me a decent profile for an X45...

and big question:

I lost all of my games, downloads, etc except for 1946 stock and 4.09 stock.

Any idea even where to begin...?

  • 2. Administrators

FT, does chkmods do the whole thing now? I thought it just did the hissy bits?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

FT, does chkmods do the whole thing now? I thought it just did the hissy bits?

It can do all of it... well, you will get an install that will let you join online action, offline stuff like missions, Dgen, Ngen etc. are not included...
  • 2. Administrators

No, no, that's fair enough FT, I don't think anyone would expect all of that from you too.

There's your answer JP. Ditch your 4.09 version, make a copy of your 4.07 and run checkmods on the new copy. It'll take a while, but you'll end up with a full hsfx 6 installation.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Might I suggest getting a 1 or 2 terabyte external drive so future disasters can be averted with simple backups.

  • Like 1

here are my x-45 profile and some documents to explain the way I laid them out . The x-52 one is better so you might wan to try to map this, but note some of the controls in the game arnt at default so you will have to watch that the key press matches what you want to do



thanks gents.

I had the game (well, 46 and 4.09) backed up on the external...

dimwitted as I am, I never got around to backing up the more recent.

I lost all my porn as well. Blast.


I lost all my porn as well. Blast.

Really??? I thought that was the first thing to be backed up...? Hehe. I have the necessary files should you need them; 4.07 all the way through a working stock 4.10.1, 4.11.1, 4.11.1 HSFX, et al on external should that be an easier route for you. PM me if you'd like them. I *think* I can upload such large files. There's gotta be a way.

  • 2. Administrators

Checkmods needs to be run as administrator. Right-click the .exe to find the option in the menu.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • 2. Administrators

Actually FT, the UAC ignores Checkmods as far as I can tell provided your install is not in "c:\program files" etc. Anyway, glad to hear you're back up and running JP.


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Actually FT, the UAC ignores Checkmods as far as I can tell provided your install is not in "c:\program files" etc. Anyway, glad to hear you're back up and running JP.


Well, I've tried running it with UAC slider at its top... It wouldn't even let it create/write/delete any files in its own folder, so, just to be sure ...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

:shaunhb: 24 Hours?

UAC is User Account Control.

Some security-related safety mechanism that MS has built into Vista and 7.

Basically, it shows what a bad OS it is... as it cannot determine whether you as the user started a program or administrative function, or that some other process started it. (A bad guy remotely, or a virus...). It warns you and asks you whether you started it... and, if set very high, it will block all actions of programs that are not fully programmed the way MS wants them to be...

As you got CheckMods running for 24 hours... it should not be bothered by UAC on your system :P


As Mayhem said. Backup. It's not that hard once you set it up.

I do two things with my extra drives. I make a Ghost image after I get my system setup, connected to the net and working for a few days.

And I use a program called GoodSync that syncs specific folders that you pick to one of the drives. I pick my My Documents and just make sure I keep all personal stuff in there.

Good Luck.

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