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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ American Brothers,

I was curious so I completed the test thingy ....................

Democrat 94%

Green 88%

Libertarian 34%

Republican 13%

Do I still have any friends left across the pond ?? ;)

~S~ Shameless.

  • 1. DDz Quorum






Already have my coat ;)


LOL! That is an interesting mix Rog. I suspect that you've broken the program.

Arthur, but you don't seem to understand, the plan all along has been to bankrupt the United States. Hell, it's OK nearly 240 years is a pretty good run. I was angry for a bit, now I'm just sad. The system is so badly broken, there probably wasn't much hope for it anyway.


Ah SOD it I'm going to start working on my accent, and go live with nutcases with some real experience at it.


What the hell, I took the quiz.

87% Libertarian

85% Republican

69% Constitution

44% Democrat


Not to bad I suppose........I am one of the 1%ers who voted Libertarian this time around.


84% Libertarian

75% Republican

65% Democrat

33% Green

The Senate is essentially unchanged and the Republicans still have a solid majority in the House of Representatives. The big story of the election, that is not been well covered by the media, is how well the Republicans did in State elections. So as Arthur has pointed out, the next several years will look a lot like the last two, and for the second straight election, President Obama has proven that he has no "coat tails" to help other Democratic candidates.

I will shortly be back in the Republic of Texas, where I'll resume my life of a being a extremely self-sufficient, heavily armed carnivore. It does look like I will have to give some serious thought to creating my own compound on the plains of North Texas, where all Dogz will be welcome.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

It does look like I will have to give some serious thought to creating my own compound on the plains of North Texas, where all Dogz will be welcome.

Cool, great idea! By looking at Google Earth, something like Hale county looks green enough and flat enough for my taste ... go for it!

Excellent. Should my compound become untenable, you might expect a visit.


My compound on the other hand will be in a mountain full of interconnecting mines. Altitude is life after all. Wait a minute.....rephrase that......height is a good advantage, but BEER is life! Yeah drunken war whoops and shooting! Once you hear that you'll know you've stumbled on my place........Run!


Your sig Streak led me to do some searching and I came up with an immense treasure trove of wisdom from this prophet of doom named H.L. Mencken. My favorite is:

When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or be lost... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

I love it. This is why the founding fathers feared democracy as much as the crown, and did as well a job as they could to keep this country from becoming such. Oh well, such is the nature of the inevitable.......


I've taken the quiz again so I could write my numbers down.

78% Libertarian<--------------Who Me OMG I had no Idea :rolleyes:

69% Republican

16% Green

16% Democrat

I'm not sure what the hell happened, but I see the numbers on this one till after I voted.

But the other link had me before I voted, in slight favor of Obama but since I don't trust the man I voted against him.

After taking this quiz and grabbing the numbers, I feel it represents my thoughts much better than the other link, and I'm glad I didn't trust the guy and voted with my stance.

I really thought I was more split between Rep-Dem I'd forgotten all about the Lib's


Cool, great idea! By looking at Google Earth, something like Hale county looks green enough and flat enough for my taste ... go for it!

Hale county is nice but a little too far west for me. Fortunately Texas is blessed with lots of land.

My girlfriend's son has a ranch out near Zephyr Texas, so I know and like that area.


There is actually still a lot of land around that is relatively close (70 to 80 KM) to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, where I will be living. Well, close by Texas standards.

As far as the type of home that I'm hoping to build, I'm planning on building what is called a Net Zero Home. These are homes which are built from the ground up to be super energy efficient, utilizing lots of insulation and innovate technology like a Geothermal heat pump, passive and active solar and wind power, if you live in a suitable area.


Their Point Source Home has enough electrical generation capacity to power the entire house and charge an electric car. Combine that with a well and rainwater harvesting system for water and a on-site waste water treatment system and you can truly be self-sufficient. Surprisingly the costs are not astronomical. You'll spend a little more initially (15 to 20%) building the house, but you'll be able to recoup those expenses in around seven years.

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