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Tomorrow is the most important day of the year in this country. I believe it will set the course the USA is to take for many, many years to come. I am not making a political statement, I'm making a freedom statement!

Get your ass to the poles tomorrow! Whatever your vote, you will be stating what your vision for this country is, and never before has the distance between two visions for this country been greater, at least not in my lifetime.

I'm Chet Dumont and I approved this message.


It was raining today so I'm avoiding sitting in the woods waiting on a deer. So I thought I'd run to the County Clerk and see about and Absentee vote today, and avoid the lines tomorrow and have an excuse to be out of town Deer Hunting tomorrow :-)

They were more than happy to let me place my votes today.

That's the first time I've one that, but as long as the right isn't taken away, I'm going to consider doing it more often.


Tomorrow is the most important day of the year in this country. I believe it will set the course the USA is to take for many, many years to come. I am not making a political statement, I'm making a freedom statement!

Get your ass to the poles tomorrow! Whatever your vote, you will be stating what your vision for this country is, and never before has the distance between two visions for this country been greater, at least not in my lifetime.

I'm Chet Dumont and I approved this message.

I'm Snacko, and I approve Chet Dumont's message as well.

Git yr dirty, rotten, filthy, stink'in asses off the couch and go vote!

(Oops! Did I just say that?)

  • 2. Administrators

I just did the first link for a laugh, better not say what the results were though!


Going to miss some prime peasant Pheasant hunting time, but I'll be there to write myself in after work. I assume you will all be writing me in too, because I approve of my inevitable reign!


Yep, green for me too apparently and 75% democrat, same as bongo.... spooky... We have the same voice, political views, both amazing pilots (ahem)... :D

Seriously though, good luck America!


LOL! No surprise what my score was. I got 7% Green. I guess that's because the tasty animals I like to eat need a couple of trees here and there for shade and stuff, that is untill I kill them........

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I was a 91% for President, and 44% Green. Bet I voted the same as BA.

My votes have been cast, now we sit and wait......


92% Dem, 90% green. with a dash of republican (The military dash). Speak softly but have a big stick in the trunk.

I have voted and since I live in a swing state my vote will count more this year.

If I lived in a non swing state I would vote for Ron Paul. He never flip flops and I like most of what he says. but obiously I am not the norm.

LOL! No surprise what my score was. I got 7% Green. I guess that's because the tasty animals I like to eat need a couple of trees here and there for shade and stuff, that is untill I kill them........

I like meat as well and I know it is easier, but you can still shoot them with trees around.

You can be green and splattered with animal blood and domestic oil :)

Peace :hippy2::abe::take_one:


You got to have the trees for the wood to cook your kill over ding ding Duh!

I was a Dem by 13% up to the Gun question and the following ones. After those questions it went to a 18% lead Republican.

Looks like I live in the right State it went Republican for the most part.

It would of went Republican for Senate had the Dumb Ass Akin hadn't stayed in the Race.


Eh. We had a good run.....Nearly 240 years. Goodnight USA, I'm priviledged to have known ya'.

The tree of liberty must from time to time be nourished by the blood of patriots and tyrants.- Thomas Jefferson

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  • 2. Administrators

And with that, perhaps we should end this thread. Discussions about religion and politics here seem to accomplish little beyond getting people's hackles up. I don't doubt that feelings are running a little high at present, but maybe here is not the place to bring them up.

On the other hand, what the hell do I know (begging your pardon Chet)



Eh. We had a good run.....Nearly 240 years. Goodnight USA, I'm priviledged to have known ya'.

Don't worry BA. No change in congress so once you've all worked a way around taxmagedon in January it'll be four more years of

Just like the last four years. Luckily, he makes good speeches.


I'm with BA.

You are welcome to my compound Sir! I've ordered the barbwire and lumber for lookout towers. I have a pond for water and a stream too, so our first priority is covered. I had 1 buck and 7 does here all day Saturday, so bring guns... lot's of guns.



Saw a Doe and a 8 point Buck tonight both within Bow range, I might regret later not taking the Doe for Meat, but the Buck has a couple years to go before its a trophy if it can survive that long.

As for politics its to late to get mad, its just time to start planning on getting even.

So the way I see it for the Republican party to get back in the Drivers seat they have to come up with a

Middle to lower class Latino Moderate

pro choice

Spend more money than we have, borrow from China if need be promote growth

Be willing to kill our enemies any where any time with surgical strikes

Then apologies for our actions.

Be sure to clean up Afganistan/war theater and get our troops home

but yet at the same time reduce our military to save the money we borrowed

So we can have a Government Healthcare system.

Then Rob our elderly of their Social Security and health care even though they payed their taxes all their lives.

With the money saved we can.

Open our borders to all immigrants, with open arms, food stamps, health benefits, ect. at the cost of the few working tax payers left.

Restrict our gun rights down to nearly nothing if your a law abiding citizen that is

Oh and let Gay's and lesbians marry each other so they bread them self out of existence LOL

I'm thinking it should be a piece of cake since we have 4 years to look for him/her :rolleyes:


Spend more money than we have,

This. Above ALL else. You've gotta get a grip on the debt now and it's gonna be painful but it must be done.

In four years you're gonna need Condoleeza Rice as you're gonna be up against Hillary. Or will it be Chelsea by then?

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