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Yeah, but it doesn't sound quite so psychotic when he spins it like it's just something he heard about.

  • 3 weeks later...

I got to spend part of the weekend hiding underground again. Thought I'd post-up a few select pics.


This stope with its low ceiling is definitely not for the claustrophobic.



But this on carved out in the 1800's is huge with lots of room to move around. The ore-body ran at a steep angle & it was fun exploring to the bottom. Then you turn around & realize you've got to climb that steeply inclined track back up.


Back at the main level, I took a shot looking at the stope as it continues above the tunnel we entered through.



Below are pics of my mug. :o

I found an engine to haul out the ore-cars I filled up. Unfortunately the batteries have been dead for many, many, years dagnabit!


BTW, the group decided to leave me behind to support this collapsing beam & my arms are getting really frig'n tired. Don't suppose anyone wants to step in & take my place?



It is fun & in reality it's far less dangerous than many other recreations. Plus it's fascinating in many ways. Seeing the way different geological forces create different deposits, the vast changes in geological make-up from one area to another within the mountain, what fault lines look like deep within the rock & hydrology. There was one place in this mine we came across a steep incline shaft that was flooded to just a couple feet from where we stood. Yet perhaps 15 feet away was another incline running in the same direction & it was bone dry. Strange indeed.

Stuff like that enormous stope also fascinate me. When you realize that when it was dug out in the 1800's they were still using candles for light and a hand-jacks & sledge hammer (hand held drill. One man holds the drill while another smacks it with the hammer, then he gives it a little twist to dislodge debris. Repeat over & over & over.) to drill each dynamite hole. Then they'd move in with a good-ol #2 shovel to muck the rock into the ore cars after each blast. They also meticulously stacked waste rock into enormous walls & such to create level floors at main work & hoist areas. Just absolutely amazing, the amount of back-breaking work those old timers did & how endlessly inventive they were.


Alright, since everyone else is posting pictures, I'll contribute a few of mine.

The 2005 picture was taken right in the heart of Baghdad, inside the International Zone (IZ) , better known to most people as the "Green Zone".





Short Story: I went to Israel in 1980 and they wanted to hire me as policeman but after watching bomb blow up I declined and went to Egypt. In Egypt taking cab from airport to Cairo City Center I asked about Getting laid and the Taxi driver said Boy or Girl. That's when I went to beach and left the next week..No more Egypt for me but did find two nice German Girls in tenet on beach it was so fun.They could not speak English nor I speak German but the fun was had anyway..Yep even old Ironmike has fun when he was young... LOL :knight:

That's when I worked for the U.S.A. Government as Spy..Believe it or not but True Story anyway...The work was being done in between all of the fun..Smiles

Hoorah for the Marines!! And nice pics in uniform Tribunus


CIA, I can not tell you Buddy ,but that I really did do secret stuff for government......President Carter Years is when I joined up and went straight to the Middle East when they blew up our troops there in Lebanon I think it was..Terrible Thing..

Mike :knight:

PS: I would not trust the Israel people more than the Arabs in fact my best Friend for info was Palestine..


This is the problem with being a dictator:


Everybody's too scared of you to tell you when you're making a complete arse of yourself.

Another example is Kim Jong Il's hairdo. I'm sure everyone in his entourage has excellent facial control from keeping in the constant desire to guffaw.



In a flash of inspiration (or complete idiocy, as is so often the case with me), I think I know WTF is on Saddam's head ! I think those are statues of Saddam getting a perm to look more like his Axis of Evil(hairdos) friend Kim- he's got one of those bowl-things at salons that go over the head- if the rest of the statues had been completed the arms would be holding outdated copies of People and Hello!


  • 2 weeks later...

One of the few descent photo's of me

Don't worry, I am not always this formally dressed. And usually smile a bit more.


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