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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Gothkrieger

  1. This stuff is ridiculous. You can't legislate away all risks. Guess they should ban automobiles, the most dangerous part of an airshow is the drive to the airshow. Yeah its an airshow, s##t can happen, if you can't handle it, stay home. The real problem is this mindset is everywhere, like a slow creeping paralysis.
  2. Thanks guys. Plan to make time to catch some flights with you gents in 2016. Have a Wonderful Christmas to all!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I have it sorted out now but still have to re-map my HOTAS as Key file has changed. The word on the net is that it is a marked improvement on an already great study sim on the F16
  4. Thing of beauty.
  5. Like those clouds that suddenly appear and block the view of the terrain below it.
  6. Hey you old dog, Happy Birthday bro.
  7. Had quick look at the Varp server, any AI planes on it? The mission running when I joined had the same plane set for red or blue, a simple dogfight mission. Great if you have a bunch of guys show up otherwise I don't know. So what is the story there, what is running?
  8. They can open it from the outside, with the code "unless" it is over-ridden from the inside. Then it can not be opened from the outside. Just in case the bad guys know the code etc. This is all good as long as you only have good guys in the cockpit. The safety features can be a double edged sword in the right circumstances.
  9. No problem, thanks for getting back to me.
  10. I will buy the Warthog off you if B16Enk or other buyer declines to do so. Just let me know please one way or the other. Thanks
  11. Nice but for the price of it you can buy are real plane!!! This still lacks TrackIR, especially for the money they are asking. I do like the small seams between monitors.
  12. What exactly am I looking at, what kind of sim is this, etc.
  13. Nice kit. I see it is made of some sort of metal, do you think that the extra weight added to the handle might be too heavy on the springs, causing it to not center on its own? Is there a link to view prices and purchase? I do not do Facebook. I do not own a Warthog stick (sold separately these days) but plan to. My main hold back to purchase has not been the cost, it is this sticking, having to replace grease issue. Some people report not problems while others do. It is a hit and miss thing, based on your luck, or lack there of. Hate the idea of spending that kind of money just to have to take it apart to fix it.
  14. Waiting for the 109 to be on sale.
  15. Thank you. Have all that sorted out now and applied the settings. Have to admit that the changes are not dramatic. I think I can see aircraft at a distance a little better, I think. If nothing else, the launcher is now in my NVIDIA program list.
  16. Humm, OK. My desktop shortcut is to a URL (Type of file: Internet Shortcut (.url)) it reads; steam://rungameid/63950 The location reads: C:\Users\Admin\Desktop I think this is a result of buying the game on Steam perhaps. Do I really have anything on my computer, is it not really online? Anyways, is there anything I can do to make the changes I need to do to adjust my video?
  17. I don't have a launcher (launcher.exe) in my list of programs as displayed in your post, I show a Valve Steam (steam.exe) Is this the same thing, just called by a different name for some reason on my computer? I have the Show only programs found on this computer checked off and I don't show any launcher.exe or any CloD specific program other than the one I mentioned above. If it is the proper selection I will try the above settings. I am not trying to have better landscape or better ability to spot the "dot" at a distance but I am trying to improve aircraft ID at medium ranges. The way it is they are pretty nondescript until they are fairly close. IL2 displays aircraft shapes and colors better at greater distances for me.
  18. Anybody go for these recently?
  19. great link thanks. Have tried the Coop thing in Clod but had limited success. I will keep this on file in case I want to try again.
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