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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BluBear

  1. Looking good guys, keep them coming! Same here mate , i'll do a custom design for the Dogz though... 'cos we're worth it'
  2. Totally agree Friar, and of course it'll be 'branded' up, proud to be a Dog My original post will now be amended to show requirements and further details.
  3. As some of the clarity was lost over at youtube, i've uploaded a better quality version here: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/459-lest-we-forget/ Thanks chaps.
  4. S! guys, I was thinking of putting together a 2011 desktop background calendar for my own personal benefit, using 12 of my favourite screenshots i've taken from IL2, but I've since had an even better idea!... Here's the plan: - I design a kick-ass DangerDogz calendar for 2011 featuring the best screenshots submitted by all of you. - I'll design it to be available in the most common screen resolutions as voted by you guys. - It'll be available for download here of course. - I could even have them printed (I work in print, and will get good rates ) and you could buy one for your wall! (I could donate any profits to DD server/ts3 costs) Before sending me any screenies we'll see if there's general interest. So there you have it chaps, if you are keen please cast your vote! We could also see this as a bit of a competition to shoot your best screenshot! Remember there are only 12 places. ******************************************************************************************************************************* UPDATE 27.11.10 Ok guys, it looks like there's enough interest in the calendar to make it a go go! So I will outline the provisional requirements: 1. Screenshots must reflect the aeroplanes that DangerDogz fly (see Friar's post) 2. Minor Doctoring/Photoshopping allowed, but we still want it to look like the game we know and love. 3. Please supply JPG files with low compression taken and kept at the highest resolution you can run. (ie. 1600x1200) 4. Deadline for all entries is Christmas Eve (Fri 24th December). Details of a printed version will become available nearer the time. I hope this suits everyone! If you have any further suggestion, please let me know. ******************************************************************************************************************************* UPDATE 11.02.11 First background finally available! February is ready to download in a variety of display resolutions on the vault. Thumbnail and link on my latest post on p3 of this thread.
  5. It's the freakin' weekend dogz! I'mma gonna get me some flyin in!

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    1. Kimosabi


      Not only IL-2 either! Yoohoooo!

  6. How about five pairs! What a beautiful sight, Fenrir I think you've infected me with fork-tail lovin'!
  7. Thanks for the kind words guys, and glad you like it. As soon as I can get it down to a reasonable size at a decent resolution I'll upload it. Going to get to work on the next one soon...
  8. Hi guys, Just thought i'd share a little video I put together today after some flying that Fenrir and I, along with my father (prospective dog) did on Remembereance Sunday last weekend (14/11). Unfortunately youtube has affected some of the clarity of the video so I will try and put it up here in the downloads section when I get a minute! In the meantime, you can view it if you Let me know what you think, Cheers BluBear
  9. DROOL! :rock: The lighting looks fantastic. Did you see the sun glare on the rear glazing as he looked over his shoulder. And that landscape! ARGH, gonna need to rob a bank for my new rig!
  10. Well done chaps, fantastic work. Some lovely screens there Fen, nicely composed helping to depict the 'heat' of the situations you two were in! It's only a shame I couldn't have joined you in another fork-tail, next time maybe!
  11. hmm that's strange, just clicked it again and worked for me. i'll try just pasting the URL rather than use the bbcode: http://www.helmo.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=684 try that fruitbat
  12. Not my work unfortunately, I don't think I could ever make something as beautiful as this! A very talented modeler indeed. Click here!
  13. BluBear


    WOW! That was absolutely awesome. I've seen some of Ken's other videos but this one takes the biscuit! And that cute little Fiesta has been turned into a fire-breathing mad machine. Oh and defo kudos to the Segway man, balls of steel right there lol
  14. "Doggy-style threeway gone wrong?!"
  15. Ah I remember now! That was a great weekend wasn't it? Thanks for joining me up, i've had a look at the thread and everything seems to make sense, so that's good! ... Hi Fruitbat, of course, I couldn't remember your callsign. That was a grim day wasn't it, in more ways than one! I hear that the glider pilot is making a good recovery which is good. ... Hi FoolTrottel, was it you that sliced my Hurricane's wing off yesterday? ;-) hehe
  16. Great fun at Dogsford tonight, thanks guys!

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  17. Hi Guys, Just thought i'd introduce myself. My name is Chris and some of you may have met me online as Bear, Bear_Boradin or twostix, i'm from SE England and a good friend of Fenrir. I've flown IL2 pretty much since the day it was released and have a complete (and some would say worrying) obsession with flying and WW2 aeroplanes! I'm only recently returning to flying online after a period of inactivity due to real life, women etc... But now I'm back, i've patched up to UP2.01 and am ready for action! I'll fly just about anything, upside down and three inches off the ground if I have to, but am usually found 'putting on' a Hurri, Spit, Mustang, P-40 or Mossie and blasting those damned huns to kingdom come. (Well I certainly try!) I had the privilage of meeting a few of you at Duxford this year (Actually the Red Lion Pub!) and I hope to see more of you online soon... If you'll have me! Regards and happy landings BluBear
  18. BluBear

    Cheers Friar

    +1 As a prospective Dog and this being the first time flying with you guys I was very impressed with the organisation and excecution of such a fun event. Thanks for hosting, I had a great time and well done for all the effort you guys put in. Also a round of applause to all the pilots for a great show. It was nice meeting you all, most for the first time. S!
  19. BluBear

    Normandy 2014

    A week with the Dogz in sunny Normandy visiting many places of historical interest. What a fantastic holiday!
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