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    Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Everything posted by Sulky

  1. Salute bg... and my condolences to his family
  2. guys, follow me on this, if you are thinking of buying vanilla arma2 .... dont,......get arma combined ops from steam, it has op Arrowhead and the orginal arma 2, you can join vanilla arma 2 servers with this, it makes way more sense i should know, i bought arma 2 for £24.99 then oa for £24.99, so go for arma op arrowhead
  3. guys dont buy amra 2 vanilla, combined ops is the way forward as it contains arrowhead as well. so you get both original maps and the arrow head afgan stuff, and the engine has been tweaked so it handles things better than arma 2 vanilla ps on route to gib...no internet for at least a month Sent via htc desire
  4. taking a break from packing my house up ......wow...my 14 yr olds son typhoon wasnt painted..had glue everywhere and no decals...hats off
  5. Sulky

    Salute To Bg

    i feel bad, that i have missed so much of the goings on here in the last nine months due to our country (uk) trying a last chance bit of sabre rattling. I have only been back a few weeks but in that time i have been trying to move myself and my family to gibraltar, and with that havent been active at all with the dogz. I do try and look on the forums as much as i can at the moment for one reason only, to hear Jim tell us how he is getting on and how sometimes things are hard but a little dram helps him every now and again......... you are a true fighter my friend I came here a couple of years ago and jim was the first person i met and too be honest a nicer person you could never meet. You are a true legend Sir. Salute
  6. i use steam as well, i have 107 full ( not demos) games and have il2 as a non steam game. Good things about steam is you can create a clan group, handy as when you log on it tells you what your friends and members of your clan group are playing, (you CAN turn this feature off) and you can d/l you games as many times as you like big thumbs up for me now to get that h/d replaced
  7. im up for buying one even though i missed the deadline
  8. Very sad Thought his exploits were brilliant and the way he was portrayed in band of brothers was legendary, and it was very good that the names of the old chaps was keep from us till the end of the last episode... i didnt have a clue which one was him true hero major d winters http://www.suite101.com/content/major-dick-winters-band-of-brothers-commander-dies-a330433
  9. Sorry to hear that BG, its good that you and the misses are keeping optimistic, hopefully things will turn round for you
  10. i think i saw that on MGM hd the other week, wasnt it about a carrier pilot who gets more and more concerned he wont make it back? in the end he and 2 guys in a helo die on the ground?
  11. Sulky

    Cheers Friar

    for running an awesome event, when i can figure out how to salute you, then 1 is coming you way well run mate
  12. i will be able to make it mate though i may be a few moments late , if there a no rules for aircraft ill be bringing a me 323 with me...is that ok? on an airstart for my display
  13. i dont know if ill be there yet as im working till 2000 gmt so hopefully ill get away early, ill just pop in with something on an air start if thats ok
  14. been away for a while and found this on the 8 pages of new content....really sorry to hear about whats been happening BG, hope that you can get back on the trial, take care
  15. total wipeout
  16. Sulky


    wtf is that guy doing???
  17. welcome aboard matey...aaarrhhh
  18. hmm looks nice, maybe it will be in service before i leave the raf in 8 yrs time
  19. im hotter than that
  20. Sulky

    Away Again

    but only from tomorrow till 20th may...on QRA (quick reaction alert) i WILL be more active after that as work/real life has been pooh since the falkands see you all next week
  21. so after letting me go to the lan the wife decided we were going to paint the living room...so far so good near the end we had to move 2 bookcases, so we emptied all my models off which just left a few books on each moved the 1st one no hassles moved the 2nd one.......we had forgot about a small cast iron lamp which we hadnt used in months sitting on the top..6ft 6ins up gently sliding the unit 2 ft out of the way the fecker fell...all 2 kgs of it...5 ft down onto my low lying head attached to someone carefully sliding out a unit well the wife fell about laughing till i removed my hand and their was more blood than the opening of saving private ryan...or shaving ryans privates and this was the result if you dont like blood dont look further down the page and of course we get trained in self aid in the military....this was my attempt
  22. i decided to clean all my models on the shelves....not pretty 1 years worth of grime and dust....... closest is Uss Saratoga, the moving away HMS Vanguard, HMS Price of Wales, then the rear row right to left HMS Warsprite (survived the war) Unknown Japanese carrier possibly the Sōryū sunk at the battle of midway USS Indianapolis sunk mid 1945 after delivering one of the 2 atom bombs that was used on Japan HMS Prince of Wales sunk on the 3 days after pearl harbour HMS Hood sunk may 1941 after a brief encounter with the Bismark HMS Repulse sunk with the Prince of Wales... front left barrel lost by wife while i was in falklnds , she decided to dust the shelf HMS Iron Duke bombed scarpa flow 1939, then ran aground, acted as depot ship for the rest of the war The Graf Spee sunk at the batlle of the river plate a random tanker various British bits of kit, both the jag and the tonka are the same scale 1/48, the rest are all 1/72 scale the carrier and the 2 big battleships are 1:400, the carrier 1:572 it just shows you how much bigger the carrier is...scary...the bulk of the carrier is so impressive. Closest is the USS Saratoga then HMS Vanguard and finaly HMS Prince Of Wales graf spee all my 1/600 scale ships
  23. so after fighting off the argies and then the in-laws at home in ireland im now fully fighting fit. i raided sim hq for 408& 409 and then the vault for 2.0n and the update and hotfix. all are installed as is ts3 so im good to go...... err come back
  24. Sulky

    Help Needed

    cheers sid thats the baby
  25. Sulky

    Help Needed

    also i had a little program that i used to run and it would let me choose differant gfx level and resoultions, keys etc, its not the original il2 one, but one with a plane noise at the start, can remember that either thx
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