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    Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

Everything posted by Sulky

  1. ive got an old comp rigged up to my lcd, but i use the old analoge vga plug and then go into the tv setting and set it to auto res and it picks up the comp, thats with an LG but i think sony are the same, what make is yours?
  2. and this is sulky baghdad 2004/5 somewhere else 2009
  3. here is a nice site i found, it has listings of aircraft all over the world, by type, location (lots in the us) and the like. It may be of interest to you guys over the pond as there is a lot of a/c over there enjoy De-mobbed
  4. as others have said, there isnt mich too choose, i only went with the 260 in your set up because you had a 9800 b4, but both cards are good
  5. tbh of you are running anything less than 1900x 1600ish then you will not notice the differance with a sli card, i bought a computer with 2x8800 gt's in it, 1 died and there was no differance in frames rates, so the company said ,we will swap out the 8800;s for a 260 gtx and it was way quicker. you could sell you 9800 on ebay and with what you would have spent on the other 9800 and with what you may get for the 9800 of ebay you could treat yourself to a 275 gtx or a gtx 280, and it will be easier on your psu and system temps heres some food for you to chew 9800 or gtx 275 and look at it another way.. in a couple of yrs time you could stick another 275/280 in it!
  6. that will work mate
  7. yep it would be, i would get a monitor with a dvi input and a vga input (just in caase you have an old comp lying about with vga only), the differance in quality is noticeable to a vga (analogue) input, the picture is sharper. if you want full hd as well for your gaming pleasure then this is good as my mate has one, i though have a 22inch with only 1680*1050 so im well jealous, and its a good make illiyama 22 inch monitor
  8. ive got a raptor and in my second some random h/d and i rarely notice a differane unless im running a h/d intensive program. you could get no h/d on your setup and buy a raptor to put in it?
  9. nice pics there, i was stationed at cosford twice for a total of 2 1/2 yrs and i went to the musuem a lot (cause we get it free) and i never once to my regret took a camera, i am going up soon to visit a mate so the new dig slr will have to come out, hopefully as he is staff at the raf bit next to the musuem i might,.... MIGHT be a be to get some interior shots of some of the a/c, my priority would be the tsr2 ps the tsr avionics bay pics... the RAF a/c of today look much the same except the boxes are black, and most of the systems on the tornado are direct decendents
  10. differance in performace is so small that unless you were a terminator and wanted to see how long the seek time in ms was for the asta la vista speech then you would never notice and on that system its not an option but if i was too get it all and make it myself..........
  11. if you can stretch an extra 220$ this will do for at least 2-3 yrs and even then it will only be a gfx upgrade,now thats with a 500gb hard drive, and vista 64 premium with a very reduced windows 7 upgrade, failing that go with the nvidia 9800 gt and this set up for 100$ less but its not as future proof graphiocs wise from the company you said, and it is the best system for around that money, although thinking that if you could find a us supplier that delivers to you for the same price you could have something similar to the previous post i put up Entra SLI A2500 (Q3054514)
  12. can i have a canadian dollar limit so i can look at the site and custom one into that price range?
  13. the 9800 is an nvidea 9800gt, this was all in the news a couple of years ago about the naming of cards and how nvidea have a new card with the same product name as an ati one from a couple of years before. its an alright card but for the same money you could have something better(see below) ok so you still need a monitor and you'll need to get a copy of windows but its got an i7 processor im not sure if they deliver to canada(if thats where you are but it would be worth a ring to find out) and the system is configarable so you could add an os for 100 or get a free upgrade to win 7 voucher for 29. just remeber if you get xp or vista (non 64 bit versions ) then you need to downgrade to 3gig memory, or stay with 6 gig and get the 64 bit versions.
  14. Sulky

    Welcome Ghost

    hello , hope you enjoy it here
  15. Sulky

    Welcome Ghost

    hello , hope you enjoy it here
  16. yeah mate p5n-e is just an earlier revision of that board, so unlying it would be the same, yours will have been tweaked and maybe some extra bits added
  17. yeah mate p5n-e is just an earlier revision of that board, so unlying it would be the same, yours will have been tweaked and maybe some extra bits added
  18. ive got a p5n-e which i have never had any issues with
  19. ive got a p5n-e which i have never had any issues with
  20. The joys of being in the RAF is that i managed to get some free tickets to the waddington airshow, which incidently would have cost us £70 if we had paid for it. I had planned to use my digital slr camera, but it decided not to work today, think its a battery issue, so i had to make do with my 10 meg point and click. Has planned to stay all day but my five year old daughter dictated otherwise, so we missed a lot of it(glad we didnt pay_ enjoy
  21. The joys of being in the RAF is that i managed to get some free tickets to the waddington airshow, which incidently would have cost us £70 if we had paid for it. I had planned to use my digital slr camera, but it decided not to work today, think its a battery issue, so i had to make do with my 10 meg point and click. Has planned to stay all day but my five year old daughter dictated otherwise, so we missed a lot of it(glad we didnt pay_ enjoy
  22. my friend is on 43 sqn and thursday was the sqns last day of flying before disbandment, they are having a very subdued stand downparade today and dinner tonight....... bad karma
  23. my friend is on 43 sqn and thursday was the sqns last day of flying before disbandment, they are having a very subdued stand downparade today and dinner tonight....... bad karma
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