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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by CaptJackG

  1. I'm currently using AVG but I don't care for the fact that when you subscribe they set up an auto renewell. People seem to have trouble cancelling and even removing AVG. I've been looking at others and they all seem to have their pros and cons. Because of the new comp I have an opportunity to change my av program. So any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. How do you like the warthog and what changes would you recommend? Thinking about replacing my CH setup with a warthog.
  3. CaptJackG

    Dcs Sale

    They must be crazzzzzzzzyyyyyy because the prices are insannnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee.
  4. We're also doing a Rise of Flight every Monday night US time.
  5. CaptJackG


    I've got a serial number on my backers' page for the Bf. They say November for the beta release.
  6. AP and myself have been doing some flying together in the Sabre on an AP hosted game in the evenings. We're on the DD public TS when we are flying. If anyone is interested and has a particular evening they would like to fly on just let us know.
  7. Here is a copy of the game keyboard commands. This is my map file for the CH controls so where a command shows "HOLD" it is only there for any command that uses right alt, shift, control, or win. Any command shown as a Capital letter is a left shift plus that letter. If you are using CH than you can drop this file into your Command File CMC and use it for your button commands NOTE you'll have to fix the Document Title with the //. DCS FW-190 Dora Command File.doc
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxXf3BFuMH4#t=14
  9. FW-190 is out and if you are a backer there is a new backer page out that you use to select your plane options. If the Dora is one of them you get a key code for the plane. When you run DCS World and select the 190 it will ask for the key the 1st time. Wham Bam Thank you Mam you're in. And thusly you have another plane to learn. You can find the backer information here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=128080 Scroll down to the bottom message for a link to the backer page.
  10. You can at the bottom of the 1st page with the "Mark community Read" tab. you have several options to choose from.
  11. This guy has a host of DCS Videos and lots of stuff on the 86 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCChA7JzaWoakPbvpmUzMH5g
  12. CaptJackG


  13. I backed the kickstarter for $100.00. I already have the 51 so I should get $100-$119 Silver Backer credit in manuals Five aircraft of choice, beta access, and print-ready PDF manuals Normandy Map - Fw 190 D-9 - Bf-109K-4 - Spitfire - P-47D - Me.262A1
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