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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Trout

  1. Haha, you bunch of dolts!
  2. Oh man, that was simpley outstanding.
  3. Simpley awesome.
  4. LOL JP, nice analogy!
  5. That's a relief.
  6. LOL.
  7. This is indeed exciting news!!!
  8. What's so weird about that?
  9. Thanks GreyKnight.
  10. As an ancient history nut Tribunus I thought the pics were fantastic!
  11. Awesome post JP.
  12. Awesme vid Sweper!!
  13. The whole thing is worth watching (if not for the Pink Panther theme), but the main event begins at :55 Yes, that's the 2 bad@sses with a twelve pack in the back. LOL And yes, within 3 seconds that's the clerk, all ramped up on adrenaline, head-diving in with them to wrestle the pilaged 12 pack back. How does this saga end? I'm taking bets...
  14. I'm glad no one was hurt too... what a weird story. Told ya Amerian planes suck!
  15. Hope you guys enjoy that last pic.
  16. That's what I was going to say.
  17. Hey Logos!! Hope to catch ya on TS soon. Great finds dude!!
  18. Indeed I did Perfy.
  19. Trout

    It's 1945...

    Jabo... I can't see anything.
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