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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Trout

  1. I ran Spybot S&D this morning and it found the usual couple mild things and was able to take care of them. No problem. But.... It said it also found Zlob.Downloader trojan. I googled this and got some info on how to remove it. I always read several sites on removal instructions before doing anything. They all said pretty much the same thing. Several steps were invovled. I had to kill any running processes that had this trojan in it. The web sites listed what to look for and how to do it. Then it said to unregester some DLL files. Told me how and what to look for. Then it said to delete some regestry entries using REGEDIT. Again told me what to look for and how to do it. Then it gave a freeware removal tool. I had to shut off Restore, reboot in safe mode, run this removal tool, reboot and turn Restore back on. And that would be that. However, even though Spybot says it initially found this trojan and couldn't remove it itself, I could not find any OTHER indication it was on my system. I followed the steps above. There were no processes running that I was told to look for, none of the DLLs I was told to shut off were running, and none of the regestry changes they said I would find were there. I could find absolutely NO EVIDENCE of this trojan on my system except for the initial Spybot "supposed" discovery. I then ran a virus scan using AVG, found nothing. I then ran Malwarebytes (another program like Spybot) and it found a couple minor things but no big badass trojan. Windows defender was some how shut off about a month ago (don't know how) and I discovered this while trying to figure this whole mess out. I updated Defender and turned it back on. This all took a coupel hours with reading and scanning several times etc etc and I ran out of time this morning. I have not been able to run Spybot again to see what it finds. Given the above story what do you guys think? Was this some sort of "false-positive" that Spybot got or what? In short Spybot found this trojan but could not remove it. I read half a dozen different anti-virus etc sites to get info on how to remove it. All the steps they listed were basically the same but upon my initial investigation I could not see or find any other evidence that the trojan was actually there. Thoughts?
  2. With no offense to the maker, it's like a "poor-man's" simpit. I love it. Maybe one day...
  3. Oh thats so cool Perfy!! Way to go kiddo!! Glad she's home safe.
  4. HAXORS!!! HAXOR ALERT!!! Just kidding... but it is a pretty good crutch if you need it. Kinda like using the "Granny Aid" when playing billiards. (Ps - It is a pretty good quote BA...)
  5. Thats not the Concierge Snacks.. thats our very own JP playing when he's supposed to be running the darn hotel! Way to go bro!! great pic!! Canada FTW!!
  6. Very nice JP. You look rather daper and sharp my friend. Mrs. tree-lady is a looker too. Way to go. Who's the stoned dude in the middle?
  7. Thanks fruit! That was really entertaining and great pics!
  8. Outstanding! good find.
  9. Trout

    Help Needed

    That was my understanding as well Perf. I've never actually tested it though. I have a wide screen LCD monitor and I know I dont have IL2 set up as 1680x1050. I can't check it right now but I remember trying to compromise between getting a good sharper eye candy image (higher res) that may make it harder to spot distant planes vs. increasing my visibilty and lessening the res a bit. I'm at work and can't check but I'm sure my IL2 game res that I settled on is somewhere around the 1280x960 mark. Kinda in the middle.
  10. Trout


    Thought this was poignant.
  11. Let Trout hose you? Let??? Hmmm.... not how i recall it bro. I recall it all ending spetacularly is a free-for-all TOAD bar-b-que! Ya, your mistake there...
  12. I have recently set up a second monitor on my desk. It was an older CRT I had laying around, I did not go and buy it for this purpose. When I start up TS I drag it over to the second monitor while i fire up IL2 on my primary. One of the reasons i set up the dual monitors was for this reason exactly. Now I can easily see who is talking while I'm busy shooting the grease outta Rattler. having the rease sot out of me by Rattler.
  13. Yeah my wife has been saying that for years.. Ouch. know the feeling. When my wife begs for a full 8", I gotta do it twice. I found my main LCD monitor has a VGA plug in back. So I plugged my second monitor into there hoping that would work.... lol. No dice. Guess I gotta buy the converter thing Maverick was talking about. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: Well slap my ass and call me Suzie! Went looking through my bag of old and various cables - you know how every time you buy something electronic you get lots of various plugs, adaptors, and cables that you don't use? Ya those ones - and guess what I found? Inside the box from my new video card I bought 2 months ago was a little item of joy that brought a glint to my eye. It simpley took my breath away, this wee gem I held, as I flipped it back and forth in my fingers examining the ends. "No... Friggin'... Way..." I thought. Couple plug-in's later, half-assed follow Mavericks instructions (I'm to pumped now!), jerk my way through the other half and all of a sudden "Ker-Zaaap!" The old lifeless VGA sparks to life. I'm looking at the mirror image of my desktop. And my wife wonders why I always keep these extra cables and parts. Why? Because once in awhile I pull a miracle outta nowhere. That's why!! God Save The Queen and long live Nvidia!
  14. I haven't tried it yet on my own (I'm at work right now). I recently rediscovered a 19" CRT monitor I forgot I had. Damn storage room needs a cleaning! I currently have a good computer, good video card and a 22" wide screen LCD. I have the desk space available to set up the 2nd monitor beside me, how? Is it as easy as plugging it in (to the computer or to a connection on my primary LCD??) and it will be automatically detected or something? Then how do I enable it so I can drag windows from 1 screen to the other? Anything special to be enabled or does it do this automatically? Thanks.
  15. Trout

    Wind mod

    I've had some limited experiance now with the wind mod (in light of upcoming SEOW) and WOW! I think it's fantastic. Adds a new element to flying that's for sure. Landings especially. So far, I like it.
  16. That's a good idea. Make it happen!
  17. If anyone is interested, I know of a certain Korea SEOW campaign about to start.... The boys at Ground Zero (loose collection of a few squads) that I fly SEOWs with has one starting soon. It will be Ground Zero vs. AG-51 squadron. We're just hashing out final planesets etc and campaign start time is TBA. It's not expected that you have to be involved with mission planning 5x a week or anything but checking the forums once in awhile to know what the plan is ahead of time is desirable. Showing up at 21:25 for a 21:30 launch and asking what to do is kind of frowned upon. By me There's also a 1943 Pacific campaign coming up. Campaign timing details TBA If you decide to join the forums to check it out make sure you register with the 'DD' tag in front of your name. http://groundzeroseow.com/Joomla15/
  18. Since I hear this question once in awhile (and I've asked it myself) I found this video. Maybe some have seen it before, this is for those (like me) that have not. Enjoy and learn something. Just don't use it against me!
  19. Has anyone seen this trailor yet? What do you think? http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4103671/t ... e_trailer/
  20. Holy crap JP, you're the best man!! That post had so many FUNNY tag lines I had to re-read it 3 times. Was just as funny each time. Well done bro. That was awesome!!
  21. I saw this video a long time ago on a military site.
  22. That's pretty cool Perf!
  23. HAhaha you remember me telling you eh?
  24. lol TOAD.
  25. LOL What do you mean TOAD?
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