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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Trout

  1. Perf, while Snacko is correct that IL2 can only utilize one core, there is something you can do to at least get " a little extra" out have having a multi core comp.
  2. I have to do this all the time.
  3. Never heard of this before, don't know what to tell ya....
  4. Looks cold and totally uncomfortable.
  5. That I didn't know.....
  6. Close Rattler... but not close enough for a beer.
  7. Yowzers!! outstanding pics Squwak!! Pop quiz folks! A beer for the first Dog to tell me who Andrew Mynarski was and what he did to receive a V.C.
  8. That's insane!
  9. LOL
  10. Skypup, close call indeed.
  11. Thanks GK.
  12. LOL gec!!
  13. Ok, never tried any of the submarine sims I've seen just in passing over the years.
  14. That was awesome indeed.
  15. Ok, that was really cool and all.
  16. Trout

    El Alamein

    Great photos Trib, thanks for sharing!! 3 million land mines eh?
  17. Thanks SkyPup.... good read!
  18. Oh my JP.
  19. Wow, great videos guys.
  20. Trout

    Il,2 B4 mods

    That was um, interesting.
  21. Trout

    Great Pics

    Oh ya outstanding stuff!
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