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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Trout

  1. S~ Gents! We have this huge super awesome surplus store here in Kitchener (yes, as in THE Lord Kitchener BTW). I had not been by in a few years though as its not in my area of town. Today I found myself driving by. What's great about the exterior is they have a full real T34/85 tank in the front parking lot and a full real Spitfire mounted on the roof. I'm not able to ID the version of this Spit, so I'd be greatful if someone can make a positive ID. See pics (tank not included). So I drive by and I'm admiring the Spit and the tank and quizzing my girlfriend on what they are - she's been told this info before so she's expected to remember! LOL - when I notice they've built a small addition onto the front of the huge surplus building. I swear my breath caught in my throat and I fealt slightly faint when I yanked the wheel over and we screeched into the parking lot. There in front of me was a new shop nestled right under the Spitfire on the roof. It was a glory to behold... it's name... The Spitfire Emporium. We parked and as I ran up to the front doors my girl friend informed me with a laugh that I am apparently "a plane nerd". I'm ok with that. I proved her right immediately as I asked her to take my pic in front of the store. (See pic) So in we go. Everything Canadian military aviation you could imagine assailed my senses all at once. WII aviation paintings, images of Buzz Beurling, RCAF (vintage and current) T-shirts, hoodie sweaters, model aircraft, Spit's Hurri's, Mosquitoes and the iconic Lancaster all coming at me at once!!! Aaarrrrrgg!! My vision narrowed and I think I almost passed out because when the ringing in my ears eased a bit my girlfriend said "You'll be ok honey. Just breath, and go play." Man, she's awesome. There was too much to get pics of everything I wanted but I did grab a pic of a model Stuka that had about an 18" wing span and a huge Corsair that was at least 2.5 feet wide. (See pics) After I had my fill (or I had had enough impatient looks) it was time to go. No purchesses today as wisely advised by my partner, as the state I was in I was preapred to blow the budget in one fowl swoop! I do know however, that for the next decade my birthday and x-mas ideas will be coming from The Spitfire Emporium.
  2. Great info and links Arthur!! I knew of this event by name only... I'm now much richer for having watched the videos. Thanks S~
  3. Hahaha that's beautiful in its simplicity and truthfulness. Unreal....
  4. Hey guys, long time no see! Thanks for the birthday wishes, it means a lot. Hopefully you'll be seeing me a lot more (hope thats ok!). I still fly IL2 (SEOW) in which case you'll see me BEHIND you guns blazing, as well as being a recent RoF convert where you'll see me perfectly lined up IN FRONT of you. BOOYA!
  5. S~ BG S~ Gentlemen It is with heavy heart that I return to these boards. I have just heard the terrible news, although it was deemed inevitable, nothing takes the pain away except fond memories and a little bit of Father Time. My condolences to friends and family. "High Flight" Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air.... Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace. Where never lark, or even eagle flew — And, while with silent lifting mind I have trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, - Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. John Gillespie Magee, Jr. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gillespie_Magee_Jr
  6. HOOEH!!! Eh?
  7. A sad sad day indeed.... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703779704576073703340092680.html
  8. Outstanding gentlemen! Awesome thread and pics! S~
  9. What kind of weapon loadout does it have, and does Turners Auctions have ammo up for bid?
  10. Sad news indeed. I always hate to hear the passing of a mighty workhorse of a stick that the X45 is. I'm praying mine has a few more horses in it yet... I shall hoist a beverage (or 3) in salute when next i take to the skies!
  11. Wow this is a great political debate/discussion. Once we run this into the ground maybe we can start on religion and then all borrow money from each other. What could go wrong? Dangerous water my friends, dangerous water. I'll go stick my head back in the sand. Let me know when the bombs are falling and i can embrace the rapture lol.
  12. Just watched this episode of Dogfights. Hadn't seen it before. totally awesome! Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmDYdfb02tc Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOHRdvxEL3Q&feature=related
  13. Definately very very sad. So sorry Bucky...
  14. A collaborator church? possible... :insultmygun:
  15. Yes that was a great night for sure. I'm so hung over... Pappy is a great pilot and a welcome addition to the Dogz. Other than is unexplained hatred for churches..... man he wrecked that joint when clearly there were huge panzers on the road right outside it.!~!!! Great stuff.
  16. Outstanding JP!!! Nice shoes too... I likes dem!
  17. Welcome Pappy. That's quite an ambitious handle you have there... hope you can live up to it! LOL What time zone are you in?
  18. Holy frig! Thats insane. What a guy, what a loss. He's pretty much Lord Badass of all Badassery. Great post JP.
  19. Well this sucks!!! For me that is..... Looking good gents (except a couple of you) lol Who's going to be the first to don the sheep costume? Seething with jealousy in the Canadian Colony, Trout
  20. http://www.break.com/index/plane-nearly-crashes-into-water.html
  21. <-- wonders if he hangs out with MICE or MEN!? :P

  22. El Toro, you big meanie, you better not get blood on my pink tights!
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1274292/Buried-Welsh-beach-60-years-World-War-II-fighter-emerged-seas.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  24. That's a great little plane... but where do the guns go?
  25. Great post JP. makes me proud! Great story trooper. That must have been one hell of a night! Good job on you my friend! Nijmegen.... 'nuff said.
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