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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. lol thats great
  2. i see vary fascinating.
  3. lol i thought it was funny. Smash
  4. this guys good. how does he make all the little people its crazy
  5. Smash

    Sid's Day Out

    awesome vary good pics.
  6. Wow thats awesome.
  7. lol i wish the game was juss a lil more accurate but still by all means best flight sim i play.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ob3lvqowHo&feature=related
  9. Thats what i thought but 2 other people logged in rite before me. Lucky guess lol.
  10. Smash

    Drop Zone

    I got 66.54 lol nice one strider.
  11. lol that was great
  12. lol i have no clue how she knew
  13. Put on the goggles and take out the chocks last back is a homo
  14. lol im home schooled and in a online school well i still have to get to online classes on time rite.well earlier i signed in to my class and i put Smash.lol my teacher and i didnt hear her so i was just sitting waiting for class to start then she said it again and i looked and i loged in as Smash
  15. oh what the heck i said it hates me
  16. awesome good job T O A D.
  17. Sweet. thanks guys
  18. i was hoping some one could help me get smash.servegame.org that would be cool.
  19. Saturday with the hellhounds
  20. Kool snacko he wanted flash ok all found what we were looking for thanks all
  21. hey thanks there snacko
  22. my brother has been getting into il,2 lately and he doesn't have a callsign we have been calling him crash'n burn but we have a crash so if any one has any ideas post anything
  23. haha thats good
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