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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. I didn't ether i noticed it on my quick mission builder and just hade to fly it. I think its a [AAA] mod thing.
  2. Those are some bad a#$ skins Strider. was that a bomb skin?!?!?
  3. Yeah Another one of my freinds made me captaincamo lol.
  4. Hey strider i like The TB-3 one the best lol.
  5. The first one looked like crap but i fixed it.
  6. you Should look at it a little later im working on making it look alot better.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit2?ns=1&video_id=tCsA2RN5Sxg&next=%2Fmy_videos2%3Fpi%3D0%26ps%3D20%26sf%3Dadded%26sa%3D0%26sq%3D%26dm%3D1# This was fun to make.
  8. I know this isn't il,2 but its funny you gotta admit. And yes this is the second time.
  9. Check out Quazi's new Skin.
  10. Smash

    Saying hello

    I dont think iv ever flown with you but hope to see you in the sky's soon.
  11. lol the kid looked like he should have been listening to hevy metal. Thous dudes with the sheep have A LOT of patience .
  12. nice. looked like every one was going to Germany.
  13. LOL thats great i wish i could have been there but my computer lagged out
  14. Thats awesome.
  15. lol some of these i didn't get the first. thats great
  16. Smash


    today i logged on and i was just checking out posts and what not and i looked at up coming birthdays and i notice a guys name in bold blue and i looked, cuz i like shiny things lol. and i looked at the map at the bottom of his thing and it was in the middle of the of the water somewhere in main the dudes name was :FI:TacticalS! idk who he is but i thought it was funny. maybe he lives in a lite house
  17. you know what the funny thing is i don't think any one could make any thing like that any more.
  18. Im not sure how historical the movie U571 is but there was sub vs sub in that.
  19. LOL thats awesome
  20. lol the funny thing is mom found this video
  21. I still cant beat my high score 700000
  22. broke out the good ol Nintendo today best game i have rite here. Smash :fighting:
  23. nice vid Bg. Smash
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