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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Knight

  1. Knight

    Hey fella's

    Yay someone remembers me lol...its good to be back at a computer, ill try and join you guys tonight, ill be rusty as my 109 probably is, i left it on the runway after the kuban series As for flying for the Luft, we will have to see if i can still walk, before i run edit/ is my good ole friend Sged still around? please say he his
  2. Knight

    Hey fella's

    Hey Fella's im Back!, sorry for the long time away, had some really bad family problems, which in the end has turned out that we have split up and i no longer see my 2 sons, 1 is almost 3, the other bless him is only 6 month old anyways, i hope that im allowed back into the fold so to speak
  3. Hey guys, recently im having real problems with my x52, i dont know if its a driver issue or something, but the stick will not go into mode 1 when i turn the mode switcher to 1....if i leave it in 1 for an hour it will switch...and sometimes the stick doesnt respond to any commands at all....does anyone else have anything similar on their X52?
  4. ok ill try it badaim, is that with all ingame values at default
  5. Hmm this is a request for some settings for the X52...Shadows seem to be an external application and i would like ingame settings just for ease of use and less system resources taken up...if anyone has a x52 with some good settings please post them so i can get rid of this twitchynes on my X52
  6. spot on BBloke, thats helped me understand that perfectly, i think ill try the x52 settings in this thread and see how i get on
  7. im not sure i totally understand...100 all over would be, if i move my stick a tiny eeny bit left, the plane would react the same, but with some of the settings, it tones down the movement, so real small movements take a while to get to the plane? I hope some of that makes sense to someone...i have a x52 stick and only one set of settings for it have been posted.
  8. Knight

    Hello all.

    wow thanks again for the welcomes....you can all say my name on TS whichever way you want, Kanight - Knight, makes no difference to me, ill still answer
  9. Knight

    Hello all.

    yes sir, its all sorted now, was my usb adapter, some how the metal parts had bent, leaving a dodgy connection in the USB port..so thats all sorted and it seems im sparrows nightmare too...couldnt shake me lol
  10. Knight

    Hello all.

    thanks all for the warm welcome, and thanks jim for the access, ill be around everytime you guys fly if im allowed
  11. Knight

    Hello all.

    Hello all, i think this is the right place....anyway some of you will know me from flying with you guys...i was introduced to you guys by Sged and Nightwarrior, ive met quite a few of you guys on TS and flown with some pretty damn good pilots, and i hope i will fit in.. Im from the UK, noticed a few UK guys on TS, mainly scots, or far northeners lol, and most of you are totally insane and scare me alot on TS to the point i have no idea what to say lol I hope that you guys dont mind me tagging along whenever you fly, i know im not exactly a member of anything to do with the DD, but i do like flying with you all Anyway thats my little introduction
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