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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Knight

  1. aye pictures will come when i get the kit on thursday..this is just a place holder and to get interest in my little project.. and as for doing it in my numbers and my favourite paint scheme, means the actual finished plane will be more meaningful to me personally, and will be different to every other 109 ever built by modellers.
  2. Ok i must say i havent recieved this kit yet...but this is a placeholder for when it arrives on thursday...also got a few extra bits for it which are : Aires 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109F/G Wheels and Paint Mask Aires 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109F-2/F-4 Cockpit Set Hasegawa 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109F-4
  3. ah you mean B** *o**i**
  4. you got an awsome shot of my 109 in half and on fire, thats just painful to look at
  5. id say thats a good finish on the body, got all the lines of the F6F, i mean there isnt many lines on a F6F, you could of had a brick there and i would say "yup its a F6F" But you have it spot on in my eyes.
  6. Im interested for sure, been speaking to Jabo about this and im in.
  7. yup using rudder pedals, saitek x52, and now the wonderful TrackIR...its complete, and so am i. and GK, thats a handy tip, ill look into it
  8. Hmm no chance GK, no chance at all..im disapointed that webcam one didnt work for me, but it showed me the light lol My 109 F4 has become more dangerous all of sudden, its awsome, the feeling of freedom i have is just Wow..its hard to explain, but performing tight turns and keeping your eye on the target is something i cant believe ive been missing, deflection shots come a bit too natural now considering i Now know where the target is compared to my plane...Watch out tonight guys, im coming for you all lol
  9. Holy ****, this is awsome, my god, how on earth have i been flying for 2 and half years without this awsome bit of kit, im flabbergasted, its soo smooth and natural, im seeing parts of the cockpit ive never seen before, im seeing enemys that i previously couldnt see, i can track them so easy when dogfighting, Oh My God....its just flawless, just awsome. Wow.
  10. rgr guys, ill do some more digging into the file sctructure of the sound mod, see if i can find out what could cause a problem, as i said earlier, i 100% think its the flyable aircraft it adds, which would affect my game on a network, as these files are shared, so ill do some digging around the files and see what i can do. all of this will done on a seperate install of IL-2 on an External HDD. my only reason for wanting the sound mod, im sick and tired of the same old buuuuuuur of every plane.
  11. hmm, i wouldnt of thought sound files would effect anybody else on a network, as sound files are not shared, and as such just the sound files should be fine, but ill make a seperate copy thinking about it...and looking at the mod itself, its the new flyable aircraft that will mess up other people, and as such im trying to work out how not to install the aircraft and just the sound files.
  12. Hey guys, im not sure if anyone here will know about a sound mod....but FunFlak is using one, and he says its more life like, im very interested in finding the mod hes using, so im wondering if any of you guys know of one?
  13. i stand corrected then, i was going by the words slope glider it was going to....glide..lol
  14. Very nice Tonar, shaping up nice
  15. ive actually started from scratch again, i picked the most easiest option of being a son of a noble and what not, and got that silly flag, was way tooooooo easy to get decent armour and weapons and slaughter just about everything in sight. So ive gone for the 3rd option, and my oh my its more fun than it was before.
  16. yea, i quite like it, these things arent usually my sort, but this one is cool
  17. Thanks for that GreyKnight, im now wasting more time than i usually do with this game, currently level 23 in a day lol, damn its addictive.
  18. Yea, and i wonder if a misfire would do any damage at all, or overheating, jeez the problems i can imagine with it being there is just staggering.
  19. wow and i like the 109, but damn i would hate to be in a real one, good grief.
  20. Knight

    Hey fella's

    sweet, ill get my TS working now, its an endless struggle getting everything back lol
  21. Knight

    Hey fella's

    could someone please kindly state the time you guys normally fly in GMT, also got my game up and running, stick working
  22. Knight

    Hey fella's

    Thank you Rattler, and i also hope something can be sorted out soon, but if not, then ill have to take her to court i guess.
  23. Knight

    Hey fella's

    You know where im more comfortable
  24. Knight

    Hey fella's

    Ive got to say thank you for the kind and warm welcome, makes me appreciate what ive been missing, im just having a real pig of a time getting IL2 to work on my new system that ive got, then ill get some flying time in and be ready for yall later lol
  25. Knight

    Hey fella's

    Oh thats really annoying, i loved shooting him down all the time, now i need to find someone else to pick on ...i need a little help getting my IL2 back up and running, ive got the 46 edition, what patches do i need again to be able to fly with you guys...being out of the loop for so long is not good at all
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