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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Knight

  1. Hey all, Just thought id let you know im still alive and kicking, but as some of you know my head hasnt been in the right place, still isnt, just thought id let my friends know im here and ill be back at some point, although im not sure if ill be any good anymore lol well thats all i can say really, hopefully ill chat to you all again soon.
  2. yea i can see the fuel line, ill see if i can match it on my smaller scale, but it will be tight.
  3. holy cow thats stunning, gives me something to stride for in mine, thanks again delta.
  4. Ive got another addition to this...its a 1/48 German FlakPanzer IV WirbleWind with figurines, to go with the 109 again once i progress ill update with pics of that aswell into this thread.
  5. good grief Delta, thats alot of info to read. Also i guess this future stuff is easy to find in the UK?
  6. Little advice needed here, something ive noticed from alot of models ive seen, including rattlers...the paint is matt...yet the actual finish is a shiny matt (doesnt make sense lol)...is this some sort of protecting wax, and if so where do i find it.. All of my models are painted in matt finish paint, and well some of them are starting to fade and as such ive scraped 7 of them as they are totally chipped and discoloured (sitting in a box in the loft for 2 years) i dont want this one turning out the same.
  7. yeah, ill probably get a better one at a later stage, but he will fill the gap for now..cant complain when its in the kit. when i progress more, i shall take the pictures in a better light and not use the Flash, as those pictures above dont do the paint any justice at all
  8. ok cool, thanks for the info Delta. GreyKnight, my figurine actually came with the kit from Hasagawa, its Oberleutnant Josef Priller He kinda looks like a gay fella dancing.
  9. holy damn thats a sweet award man, top man
  10. i should also point out the colours are supposed to be dark grey, and a lighter grey for the the chipping, but as my flash has made everything cock eye'ed it doesnt look like it.
  11. Ok heres some small progress pics...as I'm trying to make this as detailed as possible, its taking some time. None of these bits are finished and the painted bits are Brushed not AirBrushed (quite obvious looking at them lol) I would love peoples opinions on colours or whatever, as i would like to improve the areas you think I'm doing wrong so far. Excuse the crappy quality, only have my camera phone handy. Also the paint chipping looks terrible this close, but you get the idea.
  12. yea thats a little too complex for this scale, not alot of room to move around in the cockpit or add bits like that, piccies will be added to my thread in a few hours.
  13. again delta, thats very good info, thanks for the links and the pdf's, will help me along very nicely, i will be updating my thread on the model sometime tonight, just got to take some decent photo's of the work done so far.
  14. both those files are perfect, gives me a perfect idea on where everything goes, as im scratch building parts for my 1/48th scale 109 cockpit.
  15. ok, got 1 email with a PDF attached, you say 2 files?
  16. Ok nothing yet, im guessing its a fairly large email?
  17. Cool thanks, ill have a look now
  18. Hey guys, im wondering if any of you guys can help me out slightly. Im trying to find some decent colour and black and white pictures of a 109F cockpit, mainly for the colours and the placement of all the bits and bobs in the cockpit. Also im totally unsure how accurate the Ingame 109F cockpit is, otherwise i could just use that.
  19. To say your a beginner at airbrushing, thats simply good work man, ive been at it for 2 years and i struggle sometimes with the paint lol, lost count how many of gone in the bin because ive messed up. My 109 should of been here yesterday but it hasnt turned up
  20. good choice of kit there, how do you find the paints, never used them myself.
  21. Thats really good, good sign of quality right there. What sort of airbrush and paints are you using by the way?
  22. Yea looking at those pictures alone, you wouldnt say its a Revell, im still quite shocked it is a Revell, and you have done a great job with the Decals and the Camo Paint very smooth looking Also how are the quality of the Decals in the kit? I know from past times they have been sooo thin, if you didnt get it right and tryed to adjust they would just split and ruin a perfectly good aircraft.
  23. and all that from from a Revell kit...im impressed, very impressed.
  24. i have around 15 other ones, most are in the loft and the 2 i have on display are 2 of my first ever ones and are generally crap..ill see if i can find some of my good ones and grab pictures but i cant promise anything on that front.
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