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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Knight

  1. ooo this opens a massive can of worms to my dirty little mind, i shall restrain myself though and go with the Angel choice
  2. Knight

    X52 profile help

    nope i dont use voice activation, i use a key on the keyboard lol, my desk setup is pretty much
  3. Knight

    X52 profile help

    in the 2 years ive owned an x52 and now the pro version, ive never used the profiler software, i just assign all the important ones in-the game, and then map the rest to the keyboard, keyboard is in the middle of my throttle and stick so its always easy to slap a few button on the keyboard
  4. Welcome to the dogz, just remember one thing for the future, Blue 20*, it will always be on your tail lol *Ask the guys what i mean by that lol
  5. meh, im not fussed about the mobile number thing, if its a number i dont know, i dont answer it lol
  6. oh ya Nick i still need a shirt, let me know if you need owt. mobile/cell - 07853 843115
  7. hey Nick, are we still on the plans, just checking in to make sure were still a go
  8. Yea im always checking the boards buddy, the one thing i can do latley without too much hassle, plan for the friday sounds good.
  9. just to confirm to nick im still going..not been around again (as usual) sorting stuff out, always takes longer than you expect it to..still need to get my t-shirt lol
  10. Whats more odd that the 9.1's still didnt work for me, but with my fix (the dll from a previous drivers) i too get some moving artifacts as you described, really upto date ATI cards dont work that well with IL2, but hopefully we can work something out.
  11. thats the most hideous thing ive ever seen
  12. i have one of those fabric cases, holds 50 cd's and the sleaves are made of a really soft lint free cloth not had a problem with scratched disks, infact i usually spin the cd inside them to clean it lol.
  13. Also this will be a pain in the ass, but take everything out of the mobo apart from the CPU and 1 Stick of ram and try and get the post to work...if it does, add a hard drive, and repeat, and keep going till it fails, when it fails, theres the problem. Also reset the CMOS...pull the battery for 5 mins (this forces a hard reset of the settings) put it back in and fire it up, everything that may have changed in the bios will now have reset to default.
  14. Its OpenGL...it doesnt work with the later ATi Graphic cards, it only works on ati cards that are supported by the 8.6 drivers..there is a workaround depending on what version of your OS you have, let me know and ill get the workaround for you and see if it works.
  15. Hehe thats pretty good BG
  16. Knight

    Can't install game

    i know you have said you fixed it...but heres the way to do it for other people, explore your cd, and run the setup named "a", simple as that
  17. hmm, thats strange indeed, ill have another think aswell and let you know if i come up with something. actually after really putting it through its paces, it doesnt like me going anywhere near the ground as it gets all stuttery and horrible, think ill have to run it in DX mode as its the only mode that works and ill take the frame rate hit
  18. B16, you are my saving grace...Ok earlier in this thread you said about using a different opengl driver, well at the time i had no idea what version of the opengl would work correctly...but with my recent findings the 8.6's work, i set about grabbing the opengl from that package, doing what you said, and dropping into il2....and im now using 8.12's with the 8.6 opengl.dll in the il2 folder, and its working 100% not a single hiccup...You sir are a legend. And to make it easier for you if you want to try and see if this solves your problem, heres the dll
  19. give it a try and let me know, as it does appear the opengl is totally messed up with the latest drivers Hmm hang about here, if these 8.6's work perfectly, could it be the opengl.dll, so would grabbing the opengl from these and using it with the 8.12's work? this is way over my head and im thinking out real loud here I dont know any other games that i play that use opengl hence why i thought the above may work while keeping the uptodate 8.12 directx drivers in place. Infact im trying the above right now, ill reply rather than edit the results, so it brings it to attention.
  20. Well do you know what, my card isnt supported by them either, but guess what, it works perfectly in everything ive tried so far.
  21. also are you sure you want me to do this?
  22. Alright ill have to ring them in the morning and sort that out
  23. ok, so im to book a double and we swap when we get there? is that gonna be allowed? Also the guy on the phone this morning said, sorry but all your friends took all the singles lol, i found that quite funny.
  24. Heres an update for ya just incase anyone else gets this..i noticed someone on ubizoo said the ati 8.12's opengl is porked, and that we should go back to the June release...so i downloaded the 8.6's and ive installed those, IL2 now runs perfectly as it used to, full everything, and no glitches or purple colours and its actually alot smoother. So B16 if ya reading this, your gauge problem might be solved by using these, its worth a shot, ive also not noticed any slow downs in any other sim (FSX-Lockon-BlackShark)
  25. Ok rang the Red Lion this morning, and they have No Single rooms left at all for the 10th and 11th, so im pretty much out of the question, they have doubles and family rooms left..so im stuck now, not sure what i can do.
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