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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. Very funny I too had to print it for show and tell at work
  2. Not a problem Delta ... Mobius I had to leave in a hurry, forget to get the wife at work
  3. Highlander


    Hi all sorry about my absents in coops etc, I took on two big side jobs and I thought I had plenty of time to finish them before I started Joint Ops training. I might have if I didn't get a staph infection that landed my in the hospital for a few days. Now that I am all caught up and better I will be back as time much as I can with Training and practicing that I am doing
  4. ~S~ all I got back earler today and had so running around to do. Can wait to get into the air again. Yes Tonar thats one of the three that I caught 32 ,28 and 18 lbs.
  5. ~S~ m8s The wife and I
  6. ~S~ Very interesting, it would have been great in the Pacific. No need for air conditioning
  7. we all know that there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow............ ever wonder whats at the other end?????????/
  8. Very cool Greyknight. It gives you some in site into the training that the RAF pilots had during the war
  9. When BG said sheep shagging I thought of something different.............
  10. Good catch Colin
  11. > THATS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. ~S~ and welcome to the pound. You cant find a better group to fly with. I hope to see you in the skies soon
  13. LMAO.. Now I can find my shaved sheep so much easer. Follow thru with a search and see what happens.
  14. OMG it is him
  15. And to think I use to say look how good these graphics are............ The only thing that made them better was the firepower add on from Shockwave, but even then it wasn't that good
  16. ~S~ well I think its time to put a picture of my ugly mug on here. NOT responsible for damage incurred
  17. Welcome to the pound. I know that all thr chaps here are more than willing to help ( as long as you provide them with sheep!) look forward toflying with you
  18. I am James' wife...about your new door....absolutely wonderful...great art....kudos to u for such hard work.
  19. That happens alot more than you could imagine here. At least once a week someone runs into a store or something like that. Normally they say I was trying to hit the break and I don't know what happened...
  20. Yes thats the name it is out in theaters now. Suppost to be very good also.
  21. I also grew up a startrek fan. I caught the last half hour of the show, lots of neat stuff they had. LOVED the vids...very funny
  22. Good one bg.. LOL
  23. Well thanks guys I just ordered a 4 pro from gogamers with next day delivery and now my order IS ON HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In a dog fight I cant really follow an aircraft as it passes me and thus I make alot for smokin holes in the ground. On the plus side it did eliminate one of the two most dangerous parts of flying..... the landing. Hopfully it will be here by Saturday so I can use it Sunday.
  24. Good point, but can we leave a few people behind?
  25. Highlander


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