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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. Very beautiful country. nowe pic's of the women. :o
  2. No f****ng way would I ever take that hike. Roped in or not. Did anyone notice the complete lack of rebar in the concrete?
  3. Ditto Gk
  4. He must have whispered that to GB to solidify the idea to invade Iraq
  5. Looking greaqt M8!
  6. GK you have way to much time on your hands
  7. Congrats to the both of you. :)
  8. I'll sweep the floors or even clean the bathrooms..... Heres my resume
  9. Great work Tonar what made you deside to build a Hellcat?
  10. Congratulations Jim may the two of you have a very happy and prosperous life together. Great slide show. I have to know ... how did you hook up with such a beauty as her?
  11. Best of luck to you both. My the pencil pushers be kind to you.
  12. Thier family trees are really sticks!
  13. I just built a computer with parts I bough off new egg. I spent just over $900 with shipping. Asus P5N E SLI Mobo, Intel E6550 Core2duo@ 2.33 ghz 2 gigs P6400 DDR2 ram , DVDRW, 180gig HD, XFXGT8600 video card, Xion case , 700 watt PS, Windows XP and Acer 20" widescreen monitor. I am still waiting on about $80 in rebates but oh well. Its not hard to put one together and if you need help I am willing to help.
  14. Reminds me of ........ when is it OK to punch a midget, when he walks up and says gee your hair smells terrific
  15. You can also use a USB Flash Drive to store your files on. A 2 GIG flash drive is only $15 to 20 dollars and for a little more you can get a bigger one (4-8 Gig) and backup your whole IL2 game files
  16. Happy Birthday M8. If 40 is the new 30 then your only 20.
  17. ~S~ and welcome M8 Remember straight and level......works all the time.
  18. It works in Il2 you need to pratice it but it can be done
  19. Alas no Being as close as I am we become
  20. I have a front row seat for all the take offs, and the landing last night woke me up! When it goes over this area you get two sonic booms in rapid secession.
  21. :k9lmao: Thanks I really needed that
  22. I saw them wandering around the neighborhood. I wasn't worried untill I heard the shot!
  23. He was a Naval avator in the tail end of WWII.
  24. That thing is in great shape! What a cool story.
  25. Hey Jim it was one of my fathers sayings. Another was "YOU BETTER FLY RIGHT" and my favorite " If you want sympathy look it up in the dictionary, its right between s**t and syphilis.
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