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Everything posted by Highlander

  1. :k9lmao: Had me going to the end.
  2. Thanks all. I think that I was in a better position to attack the P40 than the guy trailing him was, in hind sight I should have taken the shot as he was not gaining on him and just wasting ammo with his spray and pray. At the time tho I did not want to infringe on his attack I should have just zoomed in and killed(LOL) the P 40
  3. I had an opportunity in Z vs W tonight to take a kill from another player. He was following a P40 @ about 500 to 600 meters behind and not making up much ground, and I was about 1000 meters above and behind. I could have zoomed in and taken the shot, but I didn't because I didn't want to steal a kill that he might have gotten. Proper etiquette or dumb move?
  4. ~S~ Persecutor What a great movie, and to have been able to fly with Dee Johnson on a recreated mission that he flew....OH Man. That is an outstanding way to honor our Greatest Generation. Salute to you and your Squad. The missing man formation was a great tribute.
  5. Its not a Danger Dog or it would have chewed on him a little then given him a bath
  6. ~S~ Delta Thanks for the post I haven't been able to hit anythingexcept friendly ground targets LOL. I am going to practice this and hopefully my gunnery will improve .
  7. I agree we need to organize and not fly alone. A wing man = life alone = death
  8. ~S~ BF's Thank you for the challenge. You guys fly well as a team. It shows that teamwork is what wins the battle. DD_Highlander
  9. Happy Bday Streaks I hope your is a happy one.
  10. I found this on the bf forums. I found it to be highly informative and should be seen by all men!! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IzO1mCAVyMw We have all broken some male bathroom etiquette sometime or another.
  11. Sheep ... did someone mention sheep?
  12. Happy Birthday M8s
  13. It is intresting to see them side by side. Avaition came along way in what about 20 years?
  14. ~S~ Okie I have the IR4 pro clip. I tried the tv remote and got to 10 feet or so .I cleaned the reflective strips and set the pixel size down and now it works to about 2 feet. I am going to order new reflector strips and see if that helps some more. Thanks M8 for the help. Jamie
  15. I have updated it uninstalled it reinstalled it. the problem seems to be that it has lost its ability to read the clip from farther than about 2 feet
  16. Thanks Delta. I downloaded the latest driver and havent moved anything in the house in a month or so. It just seemed to come on all the sudden. I messed around with it last night and have it working but I have to be very close to it for it to work . I'll post a note on the natural Point forum and see If they can help too.
  17. ~S~ I have had my Track IR4 for about 7 months and in the last week I have lost the distance at what it works well. It went from about 3 to 4 feet to about 18 inches now. If I get any farther away than that it only turns well to the right and not left or up and down.
  18. LOL he's probably Grumpy
  19. Sheepshank...............................................
  20. Get well Foto, and get rid of that thing. It is the rule of gross tonage, if they are that mush bigger than you ,your going to lose every time. I have lost 1 brother and had my other brother in critical condition from motorcycle accidents, so I am very anti bikes. I truly hope you are OK Foto and pray for your speedy recovery.
  21. Holy S..T. Very impressive But I think you would have a hard time lining up a shot Greyknight! I got him I got him o shit (as the Raptor goes vertical, flops over and comes up behind you!!)
  22. HAHAHAHA Not as young as we like to think? I can do that anymore and still function at work. Hope you feel better
  23. Ahh the wisdom of Foamy http://www.illwillpress.com/hott2.html All hail Foamy
  24. Highlander


    ~S~ and hello Ammo glad to have you aboard.....looking foward to flying with you PS Red sheep boots work well
  25. ~S~ to both
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