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Mobius One

3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Mobius One

  1. I am in. I think my persona Mobius is still alive?? let me know I'll role play...lol
  2. Dr Hey guys I made the move to VR with the Q2. I kinda have airplay set up. Should I use Open composite or steam VR??? Thanks!!
  3. Friar, I feel ya. I am hovering for a while now. I have also been back and forth over the g2 and q2. I know the G2 is better but more expensive and tethered. I thought for sure I would be good with the Q2, but i looks like no. I'll never find a GPU What do you guys think about maybe running the G2 at half resolution until I get a better GPU? Min specs on the HP site call for a 1070. I also just read some info about Q2 upgrades enroute. https://www.ign.com/articles/oculus-air-link-lets-you-wirelessly-stream-vr-games-to-the-quest-2
  4. OK all. I am so on the fence about purchasing one of these. Either G2 or Quest 2 . I have been watching videos and readin what I can. I want to purchase but maybe you all can tell me if I should wait , upgrade my system and buy after the summer . If I can find the upgrades needed of course. I will use the VR to race ACC but mostly fly IL2. Will my set up run one or the other very good? or is the G2 that much better that its better to upgrade GPU and purchase later.? AAHHHHHHHHGGGRRR Specs : AMD 3600X 16GB RAM GPU 1070 Should I go for a new GPU or which of the two HMD can I run decently as I sit? I know I am going to get killed for these questions but please proceed. Push me in the right direction!
  5. ~S I would like to invite a good friend and wingman to the Dogz !! HIs name is Frigates, he's a huge fan of sheep. Flys the p-38 like a Dogz and has been my wing man in IL2 for a long time. KNown him for 40 years and the guys a good fit. I have him all dialed in with the MODs and the TS. So I hope its all good to have him tag along. Let me know if we are good with that?
  6. I’m all about the Jug baby!! Happy to fly all and anything terribly. Looking forward to seeing these coops in action tomorrow. I’ve really missed this.
  7. Great guys thanks !!! Working through my settings and Shaking off the rust. Was able to get a deflection shot off inmy second sortie in 11 yrs. and a safe belly landing!! Still need A LOT of tweaks and seat time.
  8. Speaking of blast from the past! What do we use for coms?? Discord? Team speak? I could use that X52 info also. I’m downloading BoBP now. Anything else I need to download and get set up ? I’m not getting involved with mods though. ~S
  9. Hey all . Thanks for the help. Need to get my hardware up and running too. glad to see some familiar faces! Hope I can get up and running in a month or so. Cheers Mobius
  10. What's up people!? I wanted to poke my head in here and say hello. I hope all is well. I've been looking at getting back up in the cockpit in a few months, so this is obviously the first and only spot to be. I think I've missed a lot since my departure. I'm going to read some threads on how to get caught up,but will most likely need a helping hand when the time comes. Quick question though. I see that there a lot of different sims now on our site. Do the Dogz still focus primarily on IL2 1946 with the mods or CoD? Cheers DD Mobius One.
  11. Mobius One

    TS down?

    Help ,
  12. Not like we have any time on our hands with what is taken up by IL2,
  13. Rattle I would same for you mate,,
  14. Thanks guys,,
  15. I have turned 30 and this is total crap Hah ,,
  16. I will get you Rattler, for killing my wing man.
  17. Mobius One

    Track ir 2

    One of our great team mates has sent me a Track ir2.
  18. I would like to Thank Friar for his help on SUNDAY.
  19. No ,,
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