It is under news on the pacific fighters site.
Hope this works its my first attempt at posting a link
I am sooo Bummed I wont beable to make it. Last auto race of the season for me. I'll be racing at LimeRock Park in CT Hope you guys have fun . If for any reason I can't get to the race I'll fly a merc for sure.
Mobius One
A B17 and B 24 flying in formation over the harbor next to my house , what a sight and sound. they are giving tours and rides at the airfield nearby for fundraising. I will go get some pics if the light is still there . going to grab my girfriend and go right now soooo great to see these war birds in action
Mobius one
Ya my bad too for missing last night. ,so I will make sure to be ready on thursday .
Hey B.G. could you send me the back up T.S. Iwill set it up some I ca make it iidot proof (i.e. Me ) .
I have a stupid question,, A merc is ? I quess a mercinary who will play on either side to make it even?
Any way I am looking forward to this very much. I have never tried a setup like this and it sounds sick!