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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. BBloke

    New wingman

    LOL.. stone the crows.. nice bird.. dont reckon much to the drumsticks though. I know you live way out in the wilderness but I didn't think it was that far.
  2. BBloke


    LMAO... Cowboys and muslims... OMG!!
  3. Thanks Glenn, I'm pretty sure that if the server skin download is off then its off for all.
  4. I hear ya on the logistics. I was thinking just a plain jane recon mission with limited intel. You could always point the different sides in initially the wrong dimension. Golden rule of no engagements. If people are willing, you could always setup test runways next to carriers to limit initial casualties!!!! Thanks for listening. S! Glenn
  5. BBloke

    What a babe!

    I have all that is needed at my end for a local install. All I need is a replacement vid. Blew another up yesterday! Seems the heat was just too much for it!! I'll probably take me til the end of the month. As soon as I have something in it I'll start testing with Co-ops and get back to you all.
  6. Good idea Rog and yes skin downloads would still need to be on. That goes for both server and client to see the skins (I think). It would be better to share than rely on netcache to do the necessary. Maybe you should think about carrier pigeons Rog!
  7. S! Painless and Glenn. One way to reduce lag if the option is already on is to prevent skin downloads for the missions. Consider that skins in general are 1024k in size and as already noted most servers run at 56k. This would amount for upto 11 mins per client per skin to transfer to one client. Multiply that by 20 and you have a lot of potentially unnecessary network traffic.
  8. BBloke

    What a babe!

    I voted "too right". I'm sure more leg work will be require but I think we have enough savvy to get it off the ground and bench it. If need be I can run most of it at home to see or find any bugs. Sounds like a very good idea and a nice way to fly, time allowed of course.
  9. Thanks Glenn for all your hard work and proposals to amend the missions and deal with different factors accordingly. I noticed you made reference to netspeed of the game. Whilst in game I did a little probing (cus pun) and found that the server was already on 56k, therefore clients would also be limited to the same. I tried to increase my netspeed to ISDN (8000) but to no avail. The server holds the cards on the netspeed limitaton. I would suggest a test of 20 players or so in the same mission with the server running at 28.8k (3000 b/s) this should generally equate to 3Kb/s upload from the server to the client from the server and a small amount of upload to the server per client. Thanks again Glenn for your hard work and dedication. A top notch mission pack and documentation that is well worthy of inclusion into a third party add-on. I've had an idea just before clicking submit. Would there be a possibility to run the first mission as a recon (coop) to find the carriers and then obviously load the 2nd mission as a DF. Just a thought! S! Doubletap
  10. Nice find Jim. How about www.no-ip.com. I've used it and its seemless. I have just got a new router for work and it works with it. If your router supports DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) then you are all set.)
  11. Thanks Glenn. It was a great pair of missions and to the victor the spoils. Red SOB's LOL We need bigger guns!!! S~ Glenn
  12. If its not too late.. Can I play!?! I'll fly anything.. house brick with wings... sheep with a strap ....no better not!!! Pullllleeeeeeseee!!!!
  13. I've taken it offline for the time being just incase I goofed and picked the wrong one. I think you have to delete it through My Admin panel via the Download Manager!
  14. Awwwww bless. I can bring more sheep if you like!?
  15. LMAO @ doubletap. Tips.. Thats nearly novel size... romping in at 15 pages. There's some leg work in their. I will get round to finishing it off soon. I do love the Antons but I prefer the TnB planes. Its not the I lack patience its just that I get bored easily!!
  16. LMAO.. I can take it Von Tonar. They are only jealous of my cat like prowess and stealth like agility. Or is it just the stench of my BS. The only thing not in my favour is the lack of hair! Especially as I'm soooooooooo young! Tis better to have a sheep than be rammed by a goat!!!! Think I've just found my new sig!!
  17. Hehehehe just reminds me of The Simpsons "Release the Hounds Smithers!"!!
  18. Great gunnery skills Shadow and very slippery too.. hardly anything coming at you from the Stuka's. I would have be worm bait for sure
  19. WOW Awesome to watch even after 3 times round. There were some close passes going on there.. hope that dont happen again I dont think my trousers would cope! Excellent flying delta
  20. BBloke

    Mrs Psycho?

    LOL.. Oh ek. A Pyscho with split personalities.. someone call the hostage negotiation team.. we got trouble coming!!! LOL
  21. If its the effective use of the cobra canon then its there and works a treat. I downloaded it and watched the count go up. It does need to be set to online to be viewable as a download in the download section. I'm not sure if it offline whether you can have a direct download link to it or not.. dont worry about that bit. Rog knows best.
  22. Ah ok. I just rushed home and downloaded it and thought.. damn.. it does work after all.. it must be me!!!! I'll sleep better tonight now! Thanks Rog.
  23. I checked on the downloads section and the download counts are not increasing!
  24. Hehehehe.. I was all on for watching it yesterday but I had to do an emergency freezer defrost straight after work. Nothing major. The door hadn't sealed shut due to a draw being a little too far open. Nothing lost.. only a few digits on my left hand!
  25. Grrrrrr!!! havent had chance yet... definitely tonight... I'm promising myself!! LOL
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