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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Text between photos can be done by adding in the pictures you wish and then placing them in the message by using [b]attach=#[/b] . Where # is the number of the attachment you want to show in replacement of the text. So, This is screeny1 [attach=1] This is screeny 2 [attach=2] etc. I've taken some vid footage from the track and will be knitting it together over the next couple of days.
  2. Looks nice and hair raising... Is in the normal hours of us Brits or do we have to wake up extra early to join in ? 22:00 Central.. bah humbug!
  3. Tonar has emailed me his track.
  4. The basic requirements for Perfect are using 32bit in your resolution (ie 1024 x 768 x 32bit) running OpenGL.
  5. Your welcome Friar and all.
  6. BBloke

    New Monitor

    Bugger to hear you have a dodgy monitor Pooka but thankful they are doing what they can.
  7. Nothing but cultured content on the forum.
  8. That is awesome.
  9. I doubt it she is 12, nearly 13 going on 33. Knows it all with an attitude to match sometimes. Wont do much around the house, even complains about a "Voluntary Chores Chart" being put on the wall. Very nice and handy work Colin.
  10. As a quick reply to this post.
  11. Nice Colin.
  12. BG, if you had trouble with uploading then Logout and then Log in again.
  13. Best wishes and safe return to your brother. I have just returned from my cousins wedding and her husband will also be touring in Afghanistan.
  14. BBloke

    lost v-sync ???

    V-Sync Always on Triple Buffering seems to be the better mix. From Delta's post most games use Double Buffer (IL2 is no exception) by default.
  15. One of the problems may be the closing the canopy.
  16. Rattler has it.
  17. BBloke

    lost v-sync ???

  18. I is only messenger boss.. DT's yer man you wanna name call! Blues must have a hard task master if three of them want to kill themselves before getting wheels rolling. LOL
  19. But not in SEOW.
  20. Colin the same Joystick button can be used to do the opposite as you are basically just repeating the same key presses to reverse.
  21. But what a choice OT. I'm waiting for Lara to come home
  22. BBloke


    You girlfriend.. She's supposed to be mine unless I or you have the clone?!
  23. Just did a small amount of testing to see what happens where (mainly with refresh rate and VSync). Here are some figures: 1400 x 1050 x 32 bit - Water 2, Effects 1, 2xAA, 16xAF - V-Sync Off - CrossFire 2008-02-09 21:54:14 - il2fb Frames: 5269 - Time: 120000ms - Avg: 43.908 - Min: 23 - Max: 121 1400 x 1050 x 32 bit - Water 2, Effects 1, 2xAA, 16xAF - V-Sync On - Refresh Rate 60Hz - CrossFire (x8 x8) 2008-02-09 22:16:07 - il2fb Frames: 4128 - Time: 120000ms - Avg: 34.400 - Min: 18 - Max: 62 1400 x 1050 x 32 bit - Water 2, Effects 1, 2xAA, 16xAF - V-Sync On - Refresh Rate 60Hz - Single Card 2008-02-09 22:20:46 - il2fb Frames: 3498 - Time: 120000ms - Avg: 29.150 - Min: 8 - Max: 62 Notice the minimum FPS and total Frames rendered drops significantly.
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