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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DZ9

  1. Ha! i heard that joke but with old firm teams surprised given your geographical proximity that you didnae hear that version too! who do you support by the way? im up for sunday- just slot me in wherever
  2. I would like to, although going to spain for week so may not get the chance did i mention i was going to spain
  3. DZ9


    If you want an answer without hyperbole i can honestly say TIR has increased my enjoyment 1 million times really mate its the best upgrade you can get, improves immersion so much and you really start to pull off some sweet shots beg borrow or steal in fact maybe borrow one just to see if you like it i know you will
  4. Probably doesnt apply to most of you rich gits but recently i drastically reduced my graphics, i hadnt really thought of this but im finding the added smoothness to improve my enjoyment and SA immensely really unlike other games IL2 needs to be run comfortably and at high frame rates, so just a word up maybe try it out if your pushing your rig too far i mean my framerates were previously fine, but on big servers with lots going on i find a great benefit
  5. listen mate all we like is folk that remember to lift their gear, although if your fav planes a ju87 you might forget! i might be on after 9
  6. come fly cover with me then!
  7. just had a thought convert a few times- i.e. to low quality mp3, 44kbps is quite low, music will suffer, then back to wav to create a smaller file thing is though the more you reduce the crapper it sounds, 44kbps would offend my ears id just use the stereo or player in the background
  8. think im up for it
  9. DZ9


    we played conservative but well the 352 seemed to take a hammering from our flak, 6 shot down rattler was on fire and maimed about 3 fighters, whilst VT and DT were putting in some excellent ground work
  10. DZ9


    Never worry mate, the mission went well and take off is always a risk sorry for you that you missed it
  11. You know i was wondering about how long i had been a member seems ive missed the anniversery cheers to everyone- best bunch of internet groomers ive ever met!
  13. actually on reflection it might be due to the audio file size wav files are notoriously big try converting it to an mp3 this will be much smaller, try a bitrate of 192kbs, decent sound but small file im not sure what prog ur using to convert cd to audio, but check if it has a quality setting for the conversion, reduce this BG: since your here, i meant to ask you ages ago for some Glenn Millar, big band music, so far ive went back as far as Chuck berry, but next stop is big band if you could send me some or give me some pointers
  14. ditto still pissed Inverey whiskey!
  15. Aha! my speciality is audio, besides il2 i like to arse around with audio software and other boring stuff. i suspect though with this you are on to a loser, i reckon the fact its looping is due to an inbuilt audio stream limit in il2 if the cd/ orchestrachion is over certain length, but will play normally, then no doubt il2 is limiting it alternatively try any nmber of low footprint audio players, they wont take up much performance overheads and should run in the background for a minute i thougth u were asking for musical preferences! sorry im pissed!
  16. DZ9

    Betty rox

    out of interest, what happens in game if you drop a torp from way high? bet it continues as if dropped from 50 m! sneaky way to attack ships if you just aimed in front from 3000m!!
  17. HI mate im sure someone on the zoo did some pretty ace research on that exact issue, the forum crash may have wiped it though
  18. New maps yes? anyone tried them? norway sounds cool
  19. Thats one big bugger i like the slightly forced smile and tilt of the head that says your not quite happy with its domestication! (edit actually your smile looks genuine, you must be braver than I!)
  20. Yep 100 across the board for me too at least you are starting with max input so even if its not optimum, its unlikely to be a deficency
  21. ahahahhahha fcuk me!
  22. Thats pretty cool!
  23. I too am blessed, with a pub across the road doing all kinds of interesting trappist beers Chimay- its pretty good and leffe- which is an interesting white beer i agree about porter, my favourite is orkney dark really really burnt tasting and very nice then again though my favourite remains a nice pint of guiness
  24. Some really excellent movies, i also really like the entertainer- brilliant concept and very well done
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