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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Okie

  1. I bought the Sapphire version of this card about a month ago and am very pleased with it indeed. I upgraded from an X800pro to the X1950pro 512mb. It has made a great improvement for me and I'm sure others would see gains as well. For $229.00 US it is the least amount of money I've spent on a vid card to date. Well worth the money if you are waiting for BOB to release and mature a few months before dropping the cash on a full upgrade to pci express etc. My set up is as follows: K8N Neo2 FX57 2gig pc3200 Audigy2 2 WD120gb drives Raid0 I'm not sure wear you would draw the line on processor speed as far as good enough or not. I intend to stick with the agp for awhile yet so it was a good deal for me.
  2. Thank you for sharing this Kelly. It is a great reinforcement to read letters and hear statements from soldiers like this. I beleive their presence is just and is making a difference. The slanted media would
  3. I saw that thread last night when it was only one page long and thought ..geez get a grip man.. I can't believe the guy would'nt just get over it and hit re-fly. I'm sure lots of guys will want to join up with that sqaud after reading that.
  4. Do I have more than 1 now? I sighn in under Gurypuddle User name and it calls me Okie on the welcome now. I only need 1. I did't realize I created 2. Sorry about that.
  5. Thanx BBloke. Presto changeo!
  6. I have decided to change my nickname to "Okie". The old nick Gurypuddle has proof en to be just to complicated at times. Now when somebody ask "What's Okie mean"? I can just say "I live in Oklahoma" and it is very clear and easy. Much more so than the previous explanation of Gurypuddle being the name some old hunting buddies gave me as a CB radio handle. It is what they called the puddle of goo created when cleaning a deer or any other critter. Still not sure why they came up with that for me......hmmm....oh well. Anyway, thats my story and I'm stickin to it. I will now be called "Okie". Except for BG who must call me "Mr. Okie"!
  7. Okie

    New System

    With Vsync not enabled using track ir there would be a tearing effect when moving the view around. Kind of creating large broken lines horizontally across the screen is the best way I can describe it. I'm using the Track ir 2 model and find this to be true. Newer versions (3,4) are faster and may not produce this effect thow. Not sure on that. Hope that helps. GP
  8. I'm with you Frior. Everything is running so well as it is I'm kinda scared to mess it up. Should be ok thow......................hmmmmmmm.......well maybe
  9. Jim, Thanx for the heads-up on all this stuff. Just got the "No-DVD" installed and working. Nice to be back to the speedy game load time! Also,thanx delta7 for the instruction on which one to download etc. That was helpful as I was a little confused on that. GP
  10. Okie

    New System

    Very nice machine Klinger. The march of technology has finally caught up with this game. Kelly, 1280x960 here
  11. Hello all, I got the 1946 dvd a couple of days ago and just have a few comments. So far I have nothing but warm fuzzy feelings about it. Installation was a breeze for me. Popped in the dvd and clicked install and away it went. I just let it do what it wanted to and all is well. My previous installation of pf+fb+aep remains untouched and fully operational with the switch-o-matic from 404 and 405. Since 1946 installed in its own folder and is completely independent of pf+fb+aep install I am not sure why there is a need for the triple switcher route. Is that only needed for a downloaded version of 1946? Then I went in to the 1946 folder and deleted the "Users" folder and replaced it by copying and pasting that same folder from my PF+FB+AEP installation. Now all my controller key settings are good to go and my pilot name and all that are set. After this I moved all my needed mission folders via some copy and pasting from PF+FB+AEP. Then I made the usual adjustments in the confg file. I have not copied all my skin folders over yet but expect that to be no problem. I am very pleased at how effortless this install has gone. I have to admit I had concerns that it might be a bit of a pain when I ordered it. From the little bit of game play I have done I have found the playability to be improved in that I have lost some stutters that existed at certain points in the game. Anyway, just wanted to share my experience with yous guys. Hope it will give some relief to those who may have concerns. GP
  12. Jim, Happy birthday you old dog! Belated or otherwise.
  13. Yep, been cookin up the turkey on the trusty weber every year now for awhile. I use the rotisserie set-up as seen in the pic. Usually I use apple wood for smoke flavoring however last Christmas I used up the last of my supply that I brought from Seattle when I moved here to Oklahoma. Even without the wood chips it still gives a good flavour. A simple herb rub and a melted butter injection turned out superb! Defiantly give it a try. But beware, you will be expected to do it every year there after. he he GP
  14. [attachimg=#] Turkey..........................it's whats for dinner!
  15. B16Enk, Thanx for the welcome and I'm glad to here there is hope for me yet with the missions :wink: Blair, Yeah....Anybody heard from Leon?
  16. Heya fellas, I've been away off and on now for about the last year now. Blairgowrie has been kind enough to keep me in the loop of e-mails on the flying guys list and I have been keeping myself aprised of the happenings via them. Since alot of you don't know me I will give a brief introduction of myself here. I've been flying sims since the original IL2 for about 4 or 5 years now. I have turned 41 years of age today actualy :shock: I live near Tulsa OK with my wife Yolanda and 3 dogs. We moved here from Seattle a little over a year ago and like it very much. My association with the DangerDogz is that I flew with Blairgowrie, Duffbear and Bun Bun for some time on a regular basis before the move to Tulsa. The last year I have been preoccupied with a new wife,home and job. I hope to get in on some flying soon and get back into a routine with it. I must admit that I have concerns about my abilities to keep up with the rest of you guys with the much more structured mission scenarios than I am used to in the past :? Anyway, just wanted to say Heya to everyone. GP
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