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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Okie

  1. That's great Jim. Glad you figured something out. I was just scouring the internet myself looking and had found a couple of possibilities. That Quazi.....
  2. That's great Jim. Glad you figured something out. I was just scouring the internet myself looking and had found a couple of possibilities. That Quazi.....
  3. Sorry Jim, Already got the wife all upgraded with that board. She is Outlooking and Quickening at Topfuel speeds.
  4. Sorry Jim, Already got the wife all upgraded with that board. She is Outlooking and Quickening at Topfuel speeds.
  5. Maybe it's this one? http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-Powermate ... 577&sr=1-4
  6. My most beloved detail has always been and I'm sure will always be the pencil roll in the TB3. Some will say that the motion is overmodeled. I find the roll to bank ratio quite perfect. Of course I normally have the line ( Pencil Roll= 0 ) added in my config
  7. I use rudder trim then elevator and rarely use any aileron at all. I think you will find once you trim the rudder so that the slip gauge is centered you will need little or no aileron trim applied. Of course all settings need adjustment as airspeed and prop torque change. My routine is to get up too a decent airspeed and make my trim adjustments then leave them alone except for elevator for the most part. After flying a particular aircraft for little while you pretty much know where you want things set initially from memory.
  8. This is a great video. My Dad sent me the link today. I remembered seeing it a while back. Thought some of you might enjoy it as much as I did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtprTL66-FY
  9. Highlander, Are you using the Track clip pro or the regular reflective clip? I'm still using the tir2 with an active led that I made. In the software there is an option to turn the led off on the camera. Mabye that has gotten turned off. This would only affect the reflective clip tracking. If your using the Pro clip then it should'nt matter. Try using a TV remote pointed at the camera in the tracking screen and see how far you can get a dot on the screen with it. Just point the remote at the camera and start moving it away while holding a button down on the remote. Mine will pick it up pretty well from 10' away. That would confirm the camera is picking up a signal well. If your using the Track clip pro and your getting a good dot with the remote test then I would suspect the clip. If your using the regular reflective clip then there may be a bad led on the camera. I have'nt used the Tir4 so I'm not familiar with the software but the mechanics of the thing should still be pretty much the same. That's my two cents Hope you get it sorted out.
  10. Heya Guys, I'm not sure how many are aware of this little calibration program. I just stumbled on it a few days ago and tried it out last night. It allows you to make adjustments to all of the axises in the game with a similar interface as pitch,roll and yaw like in the game. I have prop pitch and elevator trim on rotaries on my throttle and then toe brakes on my rudder pedals. The Cougar software gives me some adjustments for these but I've never really been pleased with the results as far as desensitizing and smoothing out those axises. This program makes the adjustments in the config.ini with an easy to use interface like the one in the game. I found it to work very well. Thought you guys might as well. Here is were I found it.
  11. Heya Beebop, If you decide to go in and clean the pot yourself DO NOT use WD-40. It is petroleum based and will damage plastic. You need to use a contact cleaner specificaly formulated for cleaning electrical components. There are several products out there. I have used some stuff called "Deoxit Gold"
  12. Here is a pic of my active LED set up. Uses the same parts as Angus's except I boxed it up and used some carbon fiber tubing to put the LED in. It works very well. I've been using it for a couple of years now. I made one for BG and Bun-Bun also. With the LED 5ft. away from the Tir it tracks very well. And yes it does make you look like an Uber-Geek with it on!
  13. Here is a handy program that I have used from time to time. It will list all of the components in your system and has some other tools that can be usefull. And it's free! http://www.download.com/AIDA32/3000-209 ... 29233.html
  14. These are a great series. Defiantly check them out if you can.
  15. Sent map. Hope he gets a handle on it. Let me know if I can help anymore.
  16. I can help with some profiles if he would like. I would be happy to send him mine. Then he could modify it to suit his needs. If he would like a little one on one with TS we could do that too. I'm no super expert but I've been using one for a few years and know enough to write my own profiles and stuff. Here is the place to go for all things Cougar. http://cougar.frugalsworld.com/ He may find everything he needs there. I'm on my way to work now but I'll check in this evening to see if I can help.
  17. Looks great Bad Aim! I have had the plans for this pit for a few years now myself. Just been waiting to have a dedicated room to set it up in. It never occured to me to just use the back half like you have done. I am now inspired to copy what you have done.......if I may have your permission. I promise to forward all bragging rights to you!
  18. Good price on the Sapphire version here. I'm very pleased with it myself. I did have to RMA the first one I got but #2 is working very well. NewEgg was very good with the exchange. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6814102071 You need a decent power supply to make it go according to most reviews. It could put you over your budget if you have to upgrade it as well.
  19. I would be happy to oblige. Just need to know specifics. If some one will send me an email with an address I'll make it happen.
  20. I have a few agp cards in my spare parts stuff. If you just want to save your money for something else let me know and i'll send you one for free plus the stamps. I don't think any of them are earth shattering gaming cards just stock stuff from a Gateway and Dell or two. Certainly good enough to make it go again.
  21. Heya Leon, Glad to see you are around! Hope all is well on your end. Have you heard from Duff? I'm thinkin I will need to try out the some helicopter stuff myself. We need to get together and knock the dust off the old dogfight map. I still make a pretty good moving target if you want some practice!!
  22. Thanx Rog, I think I'll give it a go. You are a brave man indeed to have opened yourself up to certain scrutiny here. LOL
  23. Yep.... Crazy huh?
  24. Heya guys, Just wondering if any of yous guys have any experience with the latest version of Microsofts Flight Simulator X. I loaded up my 2004 copy the other day and flew some ILS landings in the old 737 and thought to myself, I wonder if the new one is any better? It's kind of expensive for the deluxe version so if it's not really that much of an improvement I'll wait for awhile. I'm a bit gun shy of Microsofts offerings every since that episode with there last combat series...whata pile of crap that was. I hate to admit I even bought it
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