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Everything posted by Redeye

  1. 3-500 a year doesn't sound too bad at all. I'm quite certain I spend more than that on guitars and computer stuff..... Not to mention the crack!
  2. Man, that looks like a blast! A bit spendy though I would guess......
  3. Have a good time Kelly! I know how easy that is with the wife and kids on vacation..... :roll:
  4. BAH! We don't need no stinking grounding! Besides, being 'grounded' is bad when referring to flying, right? :wink: Have fun on yer trip, CG!
  5. Having a long weekend from 4th to 8th of May. Nothing but campfires, sun, moonlight and drink. Lots and lots of drink. Cellphone will be off, and just may possibly wind up in the campfire as well...:twisted: Will see you all next week!
  6. The Buggles were a one hit wonder with the first video played on MTV called "Video Killed the Radio Star" :wink: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buggles
  7. I missed this one too.... Heck yeah - keep 'em coming! And I'll strive to pay a little more attention
  8. Some things I have mapped that you didn't mention are supercharger stage sttings, airbrakes (major important on the P-38.) and separate engine select for starting and pitch settings (for the multi-engine models). One more good one would be for mixture settings. Another thing I found that helps alot in trim settings is to have rudder trim mapped, but it would necessitate another slider I think. Not sure if you can map that to a button. Although, you may be able to do it in increments. I can't remember if there are keybindings in the game for it or not. (at work atm). All I can think of right now....
  9. A very good artist friend of mine drew a cartoon-type drawing one time that had me in stitches for weeks. It was Thanksgiving, and the company we worked for gave each employee a turkey as a gift for the holiday. A note was hung in the breakroom that read - "Turkeys will be passed out from 2pm to 5pm Wed. Nov. 24th. Please make arrangements to pick up your turkey during this time." My buddy hung a hand drawn picture underneath this note that consisted of an obviously drunk turkey, leaning against a fence, clutching a bottle of Wild Human. I think I was still giggling about it at Christmas.
  10. Man, that's tough Psycho. I wish you the best, and hope you find happiness no matter the outcome.
  11. That was one of the best fights I've ever had. Thanks Roger, for putting on a good show. And now back to your regularly scheduled program..............
  12. P4 2.8 GHz 533 FSB - beginning to show it's age.... 1 GB Corsair XMS PC 3200 Soyo P4x400 Dragon mainboard ATI 9800XT Turtle Beach Santa Cruz sound Very ancient Altec Lansing 2.1 speakers (I mainly use headphones) Plantronics stereo headset w/ telescoping boom mic. (Why in the world did they quit making the telescoping booms??) 1 x 80 GB Maxtor HDD 1 x 160 GB Hitachi HDD LiteOn DVD+RW Optical drive 1.44 MB FDD :wink: 21" Sony Trinitron - AWESOME! Saitex X52 - one of the old ones that is supposed to be crap, but I love mine... TIR3 Pro An old Aluminum Overcast hat with a cut up pen lid and a TIR reflective sticker on the brim.
  13. Redeye


    I usually get around mid 30s to low 40s with an ATI 9800XT on a 2.8 gig P4 (533 bus) and 1 gig of RAM. Depending on the action, it will dip down into the 20s and even teens when the take off smoke starts rolling. I thnk the Black Death track averaged like 38 or something, with the low being 17. resolution 1024 x 768
  14. RocketDog is 100% correct, sir. Although I like the kinky oriental thing......
  15. Hey RocketDog! From Team Banzai! How the heck are ya? I'd be Redeye from the same asylum....errr I mean Banzai... Good to see you over here mate. Look forward to flying with you!
  16. Looks fantastic guys! One small critique though - At higher screen resolutions, the fixed size of the page will make text harder to read. Dunno how it looks with anything other than IE (at work now), but @ 1280 x 1024, the about us page is a little tough to read the text. Coming along nicely though. Love the pics!
  17. Nice writeup there Waldo! Thanks for taking the time!
  18. That is an awesome IL-2 movie! Too bad about the music though.....P Diddy murdering Zeppelin....ugh! The really sad part about it is that somehow, Puffy actually got Jimmy Page to play guitar on that track!
  19. Bass Dogz. Watch 'em all talk about fish. :wink:
  20. Wow, that's quite a resume! Hang on to that Strat and those Danelectros. Might be worth serious $ someday. Closest I ever got to an actual 'band' was doing parties and such in my area. Never played a decent paying gig in my life. Mostly I just record stuff and noodle around. I do alot of "Hey, this'd make an awesome soundbed for a commercial" type stuff :wink: If you get that music computer built - check out NTrack recording software. I use the heck out of it. Probably not the best out there, but it has a decent amount of plugins - gets the job done - and it's only 50$ for the 16 bit version, and 75$ for the 24 bit. Not bad at all..... Well, I've derailed this thread horribly, so I'll stop rambling now.... :roll:
  21. Redeye

    Welcome :)

    Thanks a bunch for all your hard work Roger - and everyone else involved. This definately falls under the "Cool Beans" category!
  22. Well, my playing is certainly nothing flashy, but I like to noodle around with them a bit - and collect a little as well. Nothing real fancy here either. I currently own... 2005 Epiphone Les Paul Standard (in the pic) 1991 Jackson USA SL-1 Soloist (by far the best of the lot. Safely tucked away in her case!) 199? Alvarez Dana Scoop (in the pic) 2002 Takamine EG530-C Electric/Acoutic Dreadnought 197? Kingston Strat Copy (the oldest daughter's guitar now - sho says she) 198? Bently Acoustic thin body 196? Teisco - some kind of cheap Japanese hollow body electric that just looks cool! 199? Ibanez/Soundgear SR-400 bass. 2005 Incredibly cheap Rogue mandolin that I picked up just for fun. I used to have a Westone electric SG copy. Was a great guitar. Wish I never sold it, but the girlfriend of the guy who owned it 20 some years ago found out that I had it, and wanted to buy it back from me. Said he was sick and really wanted his first guitar back before he died or some line like that. Dunno if it was true or not, but I figure if it was - I probably would've felt real bad if I declined. Either that, or karma would have it's way with me! I recently purchased a Line 6 PODxt Live effects unit - upgraded from a Digitech GSP-21 Legend. This Line 6 has a slew of amp and effects models in it and sounds AMAZING. Best music purchase I've made in ten years!........ So - what kind of music do you like to play? In a band or just a noodler too?
  23. Nice idea there Sloan. Here's a shot of the Wife and kids and I out on the arm of Crazy Horse last June...... and one of me and a couple of my other "kids" :wink: EDIT: Wanted to add a couple of pics here just for the heck of it. No pics of me here (I know you're all breathing a sigh of relief to that! :wink:) but here's a couple of shots I took of a very nice P-51D at the airshow at Offutt AFB in August 2004. This plane crashed and the pilot was killed in July 2005 at a warbirds airshow in Wisconsin. Here's a salute to Richard James, the pilot - for his service and a wonderful restoration of a beautiful plane..... I love the detail of this (I assume to be original) gun convergence chart and loading placard!
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