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Everything posted by Redeye

  1. Redeye

    SSS Stats

    Even after the event, the man still delivers...... Awesome job Doubletap! We do appreciate! :thumbright:
  2. Hmmmmm - that makes three now...... :wink:
  3. ......when I press my push-to-talk button while talking on the phone by my PC. I guess that just means I'm on comms too much, not necessarily IL2....
  4. No problem DT. I certainly don't want to move schedules around for one person, even if it is me! But, ya can't blame a guy for trying, right? Just thought I'd get it out there early in case there was a chance. I'll just have to catch the next one.
  5. Redeye


  6. Welcome back m8! I....uhhhh.......is there anyway I can talk you out of the 28th? There is no chance that I could make it that day / evening due to work. (it's our 'shutdown' time..) Could I talk y'all into the 4th of Aug? Please?? <-- Insert huge puppy-dog-eyed smilie here....
  7. My NET= line in the conf.ini was at a whopping 25000! Now changed to 5000. We'll see how it goes. I gotta think 25000 was waaaayyyy too high though..... Sged - I highly doubt that any of the problems were your fault mate. If it sounded that way, I did not intend for it to be so at all.
  8. For what it's worth - it was generally accepted in the community of another online game I played alot of called Mechwarrior 4, that 56k network settings yielded the best results for no-lag online play. I'll change my settings on that pronto - and I already run @ 1280 x 960, excellent.
  9. I gotta admit that the warping was getting to me a little Sunday after the third or so mid air collision occurred and all I saw on my screen was an enemy plane passing high/low and right/left. Freelancer, Acesteel, and whoever #3 was - my apologies m8s, but I really didn't see it coming.......The one time I actually thought I did collide with the enemy (Psycho's 335), in reality, he shot me to pieces in a head on run - but I never even saw him fire. Just an extremely large prop in my windscreen, then nothing but black. And, yeah - I got a little frustrated.... I'm not sure there is a way to 'fix' the problem other than to have a dedicated server running on a machine that is not being played on - and from what I understand, the IL2 dedicated server does not support coops. I really like having that many humans in the air to shoot at and be shot by, but unfortunately, lag is usually the outcome with that many people flying. For the comms problems - I think that would be put to rest by splitting up to red and blue channels. 'Nuff said. As far as going to hyperlobby or whatever, I guess I am not opposed to it, but wouldn't we then be at the mercy of someone else's game settings, mission choices, etc.? That could also suck the fun out of a Sunday afternoon romp pretty quickly for me. I have no experience with hyperlobby at all though, so I would have to see what it's all about before forming an opinion of it... Just a thought...the D-Day missions we played were on a dogfight syle server using DCG or something like that, right? Why coudn't we get a seperate machine and run the dedicated server and DCG on it to get the best of both worlds? It would solve the long wait times, as you can get back in provided there are pilots available, and we could have time limits set - like on D-day - so that the missions don't drag on forever. Lag would be much better on a machine that wasn't being played on I would think......just a thought..... EDIT : Another thought on the ded. server machine. This machine, from what I understand, would only need lots-o-ram, decent processor, and big pipes to the net, correct? I'd bet we could easily come up with enough 'donations' - either money or components, to put something together! A group I was involved with for quite some time called AlphA Strike did this, and then designated a few members to act as administrators that could remotely log in to the machine over VNC to start it, change settings, etc. when the primary administrator wasn't around - a.k.a. - the guy with the fat pipes to his house! This setup worked extremely well for what we needed. Anyway - my $0.02 as well........
  10. Congrats Beebop! :thumbright:
  11. Redeye


    I demand a watch and an autographed photo of the swedish bikini team first! Just razzin' ya of course. Welcome aboard mate!
  12. Well, all the technical writing stuff in IL2 comes up when you hit Shift + Tab, so you musta mistakingly hit that. You can get back out of it by hitting Shift + Tab again. As far as the Teamspeak troubles, I haven't a clue. Hopefully someone that does will be along shortly! :? EDIT : OK, maybe I have one idea.....Have you checked your sound devices that Teamspeak is using from within Teamspeak? Settings -> Options -> Sound Devices ?
  13. Had an absolute blast Friday night! All in all I thought it went off very well for our first event of that magnitude. Big :thumbright: to Glenn and everyone that helped make it a success. Can't wait 'til the next one!
  14. It is. And when you 'steal' someone's cigarette........they say "Who pinched my fag?" Goofy lot.....
  15. Back across the channel, floozy!
  16. Thank you sir - got the details - very well done! Appreciate all your hard work on this! Will try to be there on time, but kinda depends on work......
  17. Redeye


    Have a great time guitarman!
  18. A really bad case of gas followed by lighting a nearby candle, perhaps..... KABOOM!
  19. Is there a way we can get unlimited ammo for just BG as well? :roll: :wink:
  20. I'm in. Would prefer allied, but will fly axis as well. Any idea on planes available? Also, will this be 4.04 or 4.05?
  21. Redeye


    This is exactly what was done at most every forum I've ever been a moderator of. Still allows anyone to register, but requires a human being to authenticate and approve the membership. Do hafta kinda stay on top of your e-mails though......the internet crowd is a fickle bunch, and do not like to wait long at all for anything... Yer call though.. P.S. - This smilie scares me a little.......
  22. Redeye

    I'm Back

  23. That is friggin hilarious!
  24. Without question, the best gaming experience I have had in the last two years has been with IL2 and the expansions, so yes, I will be purchasing it as soon as I can get my hands on it. Prolly have to buy a new computer to though. This old girl is starting to show her age a bit....
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