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Everything posted by Redeye

  1. Alright, so I took the cannon blast like you said, now can I have my brains!? *insert creepy zombie walk*
  2. You must mean '39.... I think I saw mention of this coming on the local PBS station. Will have to keep an eye out for it. If it does show on PBS, I can Tivo it and make copies!
  3. Looks like they have quite the uphill battle going with that Spitfire, but how cool will it be when it's done, huh? I'd love to get my hands on those books and browse through them...... What a good way to spend the day with the boys Kelly!
  5. Redeye


    The one tonight is called Mig Alley - obviously Korean War - F86s and Migs. Cool Stuff!
  6. Aye me too....... Your next subject may wonder why you need twenty three assistants however..... ......hey - I know! We could be a bigger sheild for when they need to change clothes! I don't know that this lot would all turn their backs though!
  7. Been playing and collecting guitars over the past 20 years or so. I currently have 12 guitars and basses, and a mandolin. I also greatly enjoy buying up 'junk' and 'project' guitars, fixing them up, giving them the love they deserve, and then selling them or adding them to the collection. I also enjoy recording stuff. Mostly the guitars, but the occasional singer or two as well I don't have any pictures right now, because - 1. I'm at work, 2. My studio was in my basement, and my basement has been gutted pending a remodel. Once I get things redone, I'll bore you to death with pictures!
  8. Redeye

    What a babe!

    I'm with him ^
  9. LOL @ Kelly! :mrgreen: :cheers:
  10. Redeye

    New wingman

    That is awesome the pic with he/she/it on your shoulder! Who needs a wingy when you have a Macaw! Do macaws speak??
  11. Redeye


    A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, still heavily sedated from a difficult, four hour surgical procedure. A young student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse," he mumbles, from behind the mask. "Are my testicles black?" (....or tentacles, if you're BG.....) Embarrassed the young nurse replies, "I don't know Sir, I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, are my testicles black?" Concerned that he may elevate his vital signs from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and sheepishly pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his testicles in the other, lifting and moving them around. Then, she takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, Sir." The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but, now listen very, very closely ..................... "A r e - my - t e s t - r e s u l t s - b a c k?"
  12. It figures - we risk our arses pulling yours out of the fire - then you go joyriding and get yourself killed anyway! Jeesh! :wink: Good times last night. Too bad I had to bail early and missed the Joint Ops crowd...
  13. I'll echo what everyone else has said - it was an absolute blast and many, many thanks to you Glenn for setting this up. The missions were fantastic, and the manual and briefs put polish on the package. Well done mate!
  14. I may be able to join at same time as VT
  15. I'm at 250 for both the MGs and cannons. I've tried playing around with the distances some, but my gunnery is poor enough that I never saw an advantage either way. I suppose what I need to do is set up a QMB with some friendly bombers or something and do a proper test, but 250 seems to work pretty well for me, so I've not really moved it around much. I usually give a MG burst at around 350-300 to check deflection and then open up with cannons (if equipped) as I close to 250-200. Well, in theory... that's what I strive for anyway. More often than I'd like, it's more like - I slam both triggers at 450 hoping for a lucky hit and smoke - then close so fast that I collide with my opponent... :oops: I almost exclusively fly in wide view and then switch to normal in combat. I also use the zoom to find ground targets, and occasionally on large aerial targets if I'm trying to disable a certain engine or get my shots at the wing root, etc.
  16. Home : (actually not as bad as I thought.........)
  17. Those are great looking BG! And I agree with doubletap - you should try your hand at a simpit
  18. Yikes! I guess!
  19. Yeah, I doubt that even corporate soybean processing conglomo-mega-biz doesn't have the deep pockets that BG does I'm interested to see what my home speeds are. I'd bet they will be miserable compared to this.......
  20. Man, I wish I had my work's connection at my house...... Will do another test from home so you all can laugh at me! :wink: Results from work :
  21. As fickle as ebay is, it's not a bad place to check the value of some things. I use it to see what certain guitars go for all the time. Dunno about coins though....
  22. Sign me up for Red, but as always, I'll fly whatever is needed to keep teams even. Dunno if I'm going to be available to join you all just yet, but will do me best to be there...
  23. go start->run then type "cmd" (without the quotes). Click OK. that'll get you a DOS command promt window. Then do an ipconfig close it like a normal window or type 'exit' at the prompt.
  24. @ Painless!
  25. Redeye


    Same here. TIR3 pro Could possibly be a bios setting or something on your mainboard that allows the pc to 'wake' on a command from a usb device? therefore always powered? I dunno - just thinking (typing) out loud..... :wink:
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