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Everything posted by Redeye

  1. Downloaded it - tried to run it, and it crashed my comp. Decided I would do my dogfighting with IL2......
  2. Nice one Rog!
  3. BG!
  4. I'm just lucky to get the thing in the air. Even on airstarts.
  5. I'm certain I have Op Flashpoint disks around here somewhere as well.... Would have to download a slew of patches though I'm sure.....
  6. Welcome back Dave. Hop in 190 soon, k?
  7. The x52 is almost a blessing and an albatross at the same time. SO many buttons, so much confusion, yet so many ways to do stuff!
  8. Ahh, OK. Is that FRAPS?
  9. Well done guitarman! What gave you the damage? AA? I don't think blue and red aircraft even engaged each other! Could always try going treetop, open the canopy, and dump the copious amounts of vodka that you must have with you out on the windscreen..... Then, of course, use the sheep wool undergarments to wipe it off. EDIT : What's the 12 in the upper right corner?
  10. THAT'S what I've been doing wrong!
  11. Cannon indeed moved to Iowa late last year. He got a place of his own and internet and such in March, but has been busy with new job training. He is currently in California until May 19th (I think) for more training. He's working maintenance/repair on the wind powered electric generators in the area. They used to be owned by Enron, but were purchased by GE after the Enron debacle. Quite interesting work, but the climbing would not be for me..... I know he misses flying though, and says he'll be back when time allows....
  12. LOL @ Kelly!
  13. I think they're alot like the wired NICs you can install in your desktop. You can get them incredibly cheap, and they may work just fine, or you can spend considerably more money - for not a whole lot more functionality, just maybe some more bundled software or better configuration interface, etc. As with anything else, you can pay a premium simply for a name stamped on the thing as well....... The biggest thing with wireless would be speed and compatibility. If you buy a wireless g only card, and your router or ap is b only, then there will obviously be a problem. Most g cards I've seen are backwards compatible to b networks though.... Best to find out what the router is and get something compatible, and then maybe do a little research on what works well speed-wise. I've seen g networks that run as slow as b simply because the card is not all that great. But then, wireless depends on signal strength too, so if the router or ap is in a bad location, or isn't all that great of a router, then the best card in the world won't increase your speeds. Security (encryption) can effect speeds as well. Won't be an issue for internet access and such, but if you want to transfer huge files, it may be an annoyance.. With all that being said, I have had great experience with netgear equipment, and they're stuff usually gets good user reviews.... EDIT : I looked at your link after posting, and that looks to be a decent card. Couldn't find any user reviews on it however...
  14. You are very welcome, BG!
  15. Yes. http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name ... ge&pid=1#7 Scroll down to section #7....
  16. Looks like a great time VT! Glad to have you back (even though you don't want to be)
  17. Aye - I am very, very good at remaining a newb!
  18. Redeye


    OK. I didn't think anyone else went down during the mission.... That's not bad then I guess, considering..
  19. Redeye


    SO.....my little wing tear was counted as a loss, or am I missing something?
  20. Don't think I can make it until about 6pm EST. I'll check to see if you guys are still about. Are we using Shadow's TS exclusively now??
  21. I might be down for some of that! Lemme check with the "Entertainment Director" when I get home tonight..
  22. Dunno if it helps at all, but there's THIS over at Airwarfare..... I also remember seeing an add-on music player for IL2 one time. It was a separate program that ran with IL2, but allowed you to switch music etc. from within the game. Darned if I can find it now though......
  23. Redeye


    Hey Kelly, no problem mate - things happen, we've all been there and may very well be again. And after all, you did warn me, I just didn't react quickly enough.
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