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Hell Hounds
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Everything posted by Dubbo

  1. Enforcer was my most valued beta tester. Let me know what you think of either one guys. Appreciate it.
  2. :shock: I don't know what it means, but "Wow!!" anyway. Look at those internals.......
  3. Wow! Great stuff. Thanks BG.
  4. The long-awaited (by a few) sequel to "Castaways" See here http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/ ... 4901084274
  5. MSFS X get a big thumbs down from some esteemed collegues of yours. L to R Beebop, Dubbo, Bear & Jensenpark.
  6. ?? Time to check the expiry dates on your meds Carl. :wink:
  7. I think it's a good idea. We (HH) looked at it a while ago but never finalised anything. Squad skins that still look WW2ish are particularly good. (Pinks etc are a bit much) Nice looking skins
  8. Ha
  9. So how did the Wimpy make out then?
  10. Did ZC ever answer your question mate?
  11. That's a nice fan
  12. Look at the detail on that balloon :shock: Cables what? And some more trucks.
  13. Ain't Grommit great?
  14. Yeah. Talk about testing to destruction...............kinda
  15. Pink trim though? Right?
  16. SS GB by Len Dieghton Whilst not a war book per say, it is set in England in 1941 and involves an Inspector from Scotland Yard investigating a murder. The thing is, this is an England under Nazi occupation, a defeated England making do under the boot of Nazi conquest. The crime story begins as any other might, but quickly becomes the focus of Resistance activities, plots, and the machinations of those within the German military and government, and foreign powers. Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent Douglas Archer finds what was a simple murder turning into a juggling act between himself and numerous powerful groups. What really sets this book apart is Deighton's sweating the details of a Britain conquered. We are used to England as a special case of World War II in Europe, the country untainted by Nazi occupation, a somehow nobler land of heroic resistance. Deighton sets this on its head, makes England a Vichy regime, and raises the issues of occupation and collaboration in an unexpected place. The world of SS-GB is a mere twist away from what might have been. The transplant of the troops of occupied France to England is a fascinating exercise in playing with our entrenched picture of Britain At War, and allows a (perhaps small) reevaluation of the collaborationist governments of 1940's Europe. A fantastic "What-if" and it would be a great companion piece to Fatherland by Robert Harris. (Another what-if involving a SIPO officer investigating a murder in 1964 in Berlin in a world where Germany won the war)
  17. This from a guy who drives a purple series 1 Golf/Rabbit convertible? .....well at least it's German
  18. Dubbo


    Good Stuff Pooka :thumbright:
  19. Nice Kelly. Good work mate :thumbright: Cool name too
  20. I listed actors. You named a .... a .....celebrity. :roll: Laurence Olivier would be rolling in his grave. Good one though. Actually, most of the cast from "Downfall" could play various crew on the Bismark. A lot of them were very good.
  21. No. I want to build a huge landing field lines with park benches and lamp posts
  22. Dubbo


    "It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they needed us." --Alan Kent My favourite :wink: And "Only thing worse than a Frenchman is a Frenchman who lives in Canada." --Ted Nugent
  23. LOL. Ah Top Gear and the Hamster. That was a good episode. Before the 2-CV, they sent a Ford Mondeo (Contour in Nth America)across. It faired a little better, but not much. That's a lot of thrust. :iroc:
  24. More. Neat. I wonder if the lamp standards and park benches are placeable objects?
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