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Everything posted by Pooka

  1. In 1999 my daughter "honeymooned" in the UK. She purchased this bottle with the name "Walker" that being my grand mothers maiden name. Many years later, say 2019 I examined it again and observed where it was manufactured. Does BG still send us messages ?
  2. That was it, your the man. Appreciated
  3. I will check to see, thanks FT. Your still the person that I can count on.
  4. I have the above stick and trying to find a setting in IL-2 Great Battles. The Hat Switch on top had a setting that let you scan left or right to the wing tip. When released it returned to the center/straight ahead. I can't find the setting that sets this up and this is where I need help. My only other thought is this may have been a setting in IL-2 Forgotten Battles and not available in Great Battles. Thanks
  5. Your missed mate.
  6. Miss you BG.
  7. My grandson has a new game, claims runs slow, stutters etc. I used to know how to shut background programs down to let the graphics card deal with fewer chores. He has a Radeon Sapphire Rx 580. CPU is Intel i7-8700K with Corsair 16GB of DDR4 memory. SSD is Samsung 860 EVO 1TB. What can you suggest Dogz ?
  8. I'll be here tomorrow morning. I remember BG warning us not to get into other venues. Hope you can make it Swep.
  9. Our only Austrian, gone. Best of luck Llama.
  10. Pooka

    More help needed

    I'm guessing I lost a settings in the cameras section. An example: I've been shot down, do a rough landing in a field, still alive. I used to be able to us my mouse, push down L button and scroll around the aircraft, look at it from different angles. I'm unable to look at whatever from different views. This all happens after tapping F3. Tracker works fine in a/c. Thanks for any ideas.
  11. Sid told me to update graphic drivers, and that seems to have worked. Will test it tonite.
  12. Like me my computer is starting to move at a snails pace. I've been away from the Dogz for 4 months +, I've kept up with all the updates. It takes the game 5+ minutes to load, then its really slow. Hard to move cursor across page to select. The FPS counter in top corner shows 2 over 45. My settings in game still look the same. I'm guessing something with my machine, which is: MoBo: ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero CPU: Intel i7 8700K Mem: Corsair 32GB 2x16 SSD: Samsung 860 Pro 1 T GPU: AsRock Rx 590 Nitro PSU: Corsair HX-850 Windows 10 I did put the Windows update in a few weeks back 21H1 and its updates.
  13. Pooka


    Pacific Wooducks ?
  14. Poobear you could be an ancestor of mine, my dear departed grandmother, Poogranny, told of family from England.
  15. I'll be on leave the 16th, Sunday. A friend has lined me up with a Swedish gal, Swepina. Can't wait.
  16. Hi Fen, I believe I was captured in the last mission I flew. Could I take the opening that was created with the name : 2Lt. Rick Snocker USAAF (Honest, that was the name of the Lt on our Forward Observation Team in VN) See you later this evening.
  17. I was told to check in here before Sunday. 2nd Lt. H.P. Pookie, reporting as ordered.
  18. With Easter tomorrow and my flight time is afternoon and early evening (Supper time) I most likely won't be available. I'll try but it looks doubtful.
  19. I had planned to be with you all, laid around all afternoon watching tv.. I'm slipping, sorry.
  20. I guess I need another new name: FO John Johnson... Thanks Fen, Sir
  21. This is either a long earned leave to rest and recuperate or Painless is going over the hill.
  22. Still have family here, celebrating a delayed Xmas. Harrison Hailey's train delayed .
  23. Fen, Please replace my deceased pilot with 2nd Lt. Harrison Hailey. Thank you sir.
  24. That would cover Major Fen, I'm wrong for the second time.
  25. I'll be ready today. "Painless" Not being a smart azz, and I don't think I'm wrong. An officer called skipper in the US Navy is a Colonel, in the Marine Corps he/she is a Captain. US Army could be different, I'm not sure. So Major Fen would not be called a skipper I could be wrong, I've only been wrong once before when I thought I was wrong.
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