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3. Danger Dogz
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    United States

Everything posted by Psycho

  1. I second THAT motion.... "The sad thing is that Liberals seem to think that racial profiling is worse than the slaughter of thousands of innocent people...."
  2. Psycho

    The Question

    Too freakin' funny!!! That is some classic SHIT... I love IT!!
  3. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL This is why I'm a DOG!! I love this shit ! Salute JP, always a witty bastard!
  4. sweeeeeet!
  5. Holy crap !!! I have a bottle of that at home!!! Compliments of my future father in law.
  6. Put the fluids in, the wires on and CRANK THAT PUPPY UP!!!
  7. Just makes my job harder...
  8. THIS, Gentlemen is EXACTLY why I am marrying a POLISH girl... even my Madzia sees how BROKEN American females are... somebody needs to shoot the parents..........
  9. Avast! Ye allied scum!!! Methinks he be boarded!!! Either that or the anti-Christ (bill gates) is tring to give you the mark of the beast.
  10. hmmm....
  11. OOOOoooh NO... If I have to suffer in this SHITHOLE known as NY and pay the highest taxes, utility bills and deal with SHITTY people and the hornet's nest of cork sorking leftist bastards.... THEN SO DO YOU!!!! LOL
  12. Mildly!?!?!?
  13. You ARE one sick bastard JP
  14. I'm not much of a football fan anymore, but HOLY SHIT that was a great GAME!!!! :wav2: :wav2:
  15. aaaaah, Darwin was right....
  16. As the hapless victim of horrible legal services during my divorce I applaud any and all jokes directed at these blood-suckers!! Love it love love it...
  17. Classic Stuff...
  18. WHat a great website JP, OMG the videos are hysterical, I like the one about the racist porn star
  19. Ok.... I'm gonna just baaaaaack out of the room sloowly..... What is this? A dirt farming convention?? LOL.
  20. Greetings from Zakopane, Poland!!! (near the Polish/Slovakian border)
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