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3. Danger Dogz
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Squee7e last won the day on January 23

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About Squee7e

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  1. @Perfesser @DD_Petrol I'll be available this Friday at 2000 UTC again
  2. Good to know! Yeah, we definetly should go for the Allies then 👍
  3. Hey guys,what do you think about participating in TAW? I played it once but had no squadron and SRS wasn't always as active. Now that things have changed i'd like to participate if we get together a few pilots. See the official anouncement below: Edit: Link to their Website: https://tacticalairwar.com/ (registration required to play) Note: Perf and I will meet Friday at 2000 UTC on the TS Server and do the registration together. You can pick your side and planeset only once so it would be best to coordinate.
  4. @DD_Fenrir @Friar I think the mod installation was succesful (no bugs when spawning in the Hercules) but it took me a while because i was looking for a Saved Games folder... since my OS is in German this folder is called Gespeicherte Spiele on my PC Please don't ask how long it took me to realize that haha
  5. @Friar @delta7 That sounds awesome! I should've looked more closely before making any assumptions about the time frames you're flying in I think I'll prepare the mappings for my current peripherals and practice the Tiger a bit since it is one of the easier planes to get used to and I still have to set up the controls for the new throttle I bought a month ago. Haven't played much DCS for a while so I don't want to come completely green 🌱 Tanks for the invite! Update: Everything set up and ready for tonight
  6. Thanks for your kind replies, guys! @Friar I looked up the DCS section of the forum here and got the impression that you guys exclusively fly WW2 planes. Sadly I don't have any of those but I'll let you know if I decide to buy one. I only have Flaming Cliffs 2024, the Saab Viggen and the Syria map (I bought it for the legendary cold war server of Enigma89) Which scenarios do you guys prefer? I think I'd choose a plane accordingly when there's a sale. @delta7 see you on Sunday then I might be there a bit later due to dinner time but I'll join you guys right after Edit: Just visited the IL2 page to update the squadron tag
  7. Hey I'm Squee7e (or Max irl), 29 years old, from Germany and i learned about this squadron when some of you on the WingWalkers PvE server invited me to your voice chat. I first played flight sims when i was a kid and the OG IL2 Sturmovik was on the CD in a computer magazine my father bought for me. Sadly back in the day i didn't have the friends that shared my passion so after some years i stopped playing and switched to other games. Last year i rediscovered my passion for flying and bought myself a new rig with proper peripherals (though only TrackIR and no pedals yet) and got a new module everytime there was a sale. I play mostly PvE because i am not a fighter ace and without a wingman it ends the usual way but if you need someone who watches your six you can rely on me in PvP as well. I also own some DCS modules but didn't want to invest too much money into it without some people to fly with and until the Razbam issue is being resolved. I am looking forward to flying with you guys
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