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NEW DISCORD SERVER DETAILS - SIGN UP NOW - Dogz Members Only Private Thread ×


3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Beagle

  1. Sorry Friar I can’t make that night. I’m away on the Friday and Saturday nights.
  2. Pilot Michael Jones reported for duty. 25/01/1945 AIR 1 x FW190 1 x ME109 Ground Nil
  3. 24/1/45 Ronald Stone - KIA by Bf109 1 x JU52 1 x JU52 parked 2 x Railway Cars 5 x AAA 2 x Cannon Replacement pilot - Michael Jones shipping out.
  4. 23/01/1945 Pilot Ronald Stone Air - 1 x ME109 Ground - 3 x transport, 6 x Buildings
  5. 19/1/45 James Mitchell 1 x truck, 2 x AAA, 1x Cannon KIA Replacement - Ronald Stone, shipping out.
  6. Pilot - James Mitchell 18/01/45 AIR: 1 x Me109 Ground: 1 Cannon
  7. 16/1/45 Pilot - Peter Piper - pooped it with a pilot error. 0 targets or kills James Mitchell is shipping out and will be reporting for duty on next mission.
  8. Peter Piper 13/1/45 1 x Machine Gun, 2 x Barges, 2 x Facilities
  9. 9/1/45 0 air targets, 0 ground targets. Fuel tanks and engine hit by 109. Second engine failure, flat spin, forced to bail out. Landed behind our own lines.
  10. 8/1/1945 Peter Piper 3 Railroad cars
  11. 5/1/45 Dave Gilmore KIA, 0 targets or aircraft
  12. 2nd Lt Dave Gilmore 4 Jan 1945 7 x Railway cars, 3 x cannons
  13. 3/Jan/1945 Dave Gilmore 1 x tank, 2 x cannon, 1 x AAA
  14. Mission 1/1/45 - NIL targets Mission today - 1 JU88 confirmed
  15. Beagle

    Enjoyed that session this morning Sid. Thanks for hosting.

    If you ever want to revisit flying the old timer aircraft on Flying Circus Flugpark 1 some evening, one that's not a Dogz night, give me a message and I'll be your wingman. 👍

    1. Sid


      Cheers Beagle. I enjoyed the flying too. I always enjoy getting into a turning/up and down fight....doesn't happen that often. You did a great shot....

      I'll look at that server, I haven't flown WW1 aircraft online. Thanks for wingman too, I'd be very happy about that :)

  16. I wouldn't jump into it just yet Crash. After the dust settles and initial problems sorted, drivers being re-written for hardware etc, that's the time to look at it all and decide if you want (or have to) upgrade. If you do the workarounds suggested by B16ENK that's OK to get 11 on your system but it does say in it, that security updates would not happen. Windows 10 is still being supported till 2025 so there really isn't a rush. Like that link B16ENK sent. 👍 I'll be giving it a try on an old experimental laptop I have, which doesn't match Windows 11 criteria. I was lucky with my own desktop machine as it's just 2 years old. I only had to switch on the TPM on the motherboard to get all the green ticks for the PC health check. But I'm still not going to install Windows 11 for a while yet.
  17. Hi, Again. Yes I hope to meet more of you in the future. Sorry I haven't been on for any of the sorties this past week, or the tanks. It's been a busy week for me. Ready for tonight's one though.
  18. Truly a warm welcome from you all, thankyou. Mistakes I make in plenty Painless - so hopefully some good laughs and times ahead 👍
  19. Hi Crash, Friar gave me the password, I've set up Teamspeak and MODS are activated. When I looked yesterday though, I could only see 1 active server. Had a look just now and I can see the Tank Crew server now as well. Thanks
  20. Hi guys, Thanks for the welcome. All of the senarios sound good. As I said to Friar, I have not set up my HOTAS for tanks or tried it, but when I do, I must give tanks a go. DCS is pretty new to me as well and I'm still learning about all the weapons, radars, countermeasures etc on the F18 I bought. I've just read the briefing for the campaign and I'd also like to give that a go, but don't know how disciplined my flight skills are, to be included in it just yet. If the next general co-op session in IL2:GBS is Tuesday I'd like to join in for that one, talk to you all and see how I get on. Does your server(s) run 24/7 or just the nights you all fly? I can introduce myself to any other members who are online for a practice session etc, before Tuesday. Roy
  21. Hi Everyone, Title of my New Topic sounds a bit misleading 😆 but I'm sure you all get the gist. I signed up with the Dangerdogz just last week and have already had some conversations with Friar, who said I should make a post to introduce myself. So here it is. I only started doing online multiplayer flying about 18 months ago and joined a group of young guys who have been very friendly and helpful in improving my skills. The group numbers have diminished however and there's only 4 of us who fly regularly now on the public servers like Finnish / Combat Box etc, and also dabble a bit in DCS. I had a look around some of the other online groups and thought the Dangerdogz easy going attitude (and average age - for me anyway 😃) of attending flying sessions "when you can" was pretty much inline with how it's been for the the past 18 months. I've spoken to the other 3 guys and I'm hoping they'll sign up with the Dangerdogz soon as well. Hope to talk to you all soon. Roy
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